Trap/sissy/cd thread
Trap/sissy/cd thread
What a pic
I hate my face
>I'm tranny and vegan
holly shit b+ cup
Just HRT?
hoy many months?
Shame... I'd love to give you my meat
Ass pics of her please
Who is she
Based squiddykins
Would 100% fuck
More heels!!!
Would clap
Gorgeous rack and a cute cock, plz continue
>i just want a huge cock to put me out of my misery
Classic rhi
me too user.
shilling lewdposting twitter if anyones interested
I'm going out to buy some girls clothes tomorrow. I've dressed before and love doing it
Any suggestions on looking cute?
It's meee ^,^
go with what you think would look cute on your body. buy clothes that give you shape, and flatter your features.
Holy shit
Now that's a peener I'd love to suck
Would eat a salad for another pic
I have a few miniskirts. My big butt really shows them off. I'll probably find one I like.
I've always had problems with blouses. I can never find one I like on me
Shoes is the #1 think I need but it sucks being a male size 9.5
I've tried a few out and not a single one I can stand for more than a minute
and yet I still lurk this depressing shit hole of a site because I have no life
This picture arouses me
Fuck that's sexy
You look great
sadly same...
any IG/TW/FB/whatever i can add you?
usually i wouldn't but op said its okey
Those heels
So, what's the difference between trap and sissy?
Where you from?
Would love to see that cage leak
I fucking despise chastity
Trap actually looks like a girl.
Sissy doesn't
mistake of youth, your from ontario. no?
Love your legs
>sucks being a male size 9.5
depends on the way you look at it.
I for one would LOVE to worship huge trap feet.
>even much bigger than 9.5
Pretty sure traps are classified as being able pass as a real girl hence "trap"
I think sissies are just cock hungry sluts, who get off on it :)
my kik is frank3679
>your from ontario. no?
sadly not, I'm from Scotland.
well, you're totally wrong...
>I think sissies are just cock hungry sluts, who get off on it :)
And we're eternally grateful.
I mean trying to find heels.
I've been told I have good feet
oi, vey
So, trap is someone who looks like a girl?
But then a trap can be a sissy?
Where did you get those panties?
Holy shit! I remember talking to you like a year ago or something. I remember it was just solo stuff but now it looks like you've got a cameraman and a fucking sex shelf. good for you
>I've been told I have good feet
care to share?
ya but that's unicorn tier: trap is passing, sissy is a submissive fetish
Oh yess :)
Ya :)
Those one were from wish i think
Holy shit who this?
So, is a sissy a CD that likes dick too?
black girls get you upset?
What did you use to search for them?
I've been wanting male panties. I think they do a good job showing off the bottom half
ney, just the scotish
They rule me up. But not In the way you're talking about ;)
who fucking caaaaares?
just post sexually attractive people.
I think i just searched panties, it came in a set with some other cheap underwear.
why dislike the Scottish? what have we done? :(
or at least ad me on IG :C
'cause ye prettier than me, obv
>just post sexually attractive people.
Woah! Def gonna need moar
No wonder.. these fucking threads always devolve into debate and philosophy, "What does it mean to be a trap?" and pondering "the straight/gay dichotomy in trans attractiveness"
well just go into a shop you like with more or less no checks at the changing room, grab some shit, and go in. keep trying stuff on til you find stuff you like. H&M is good for this.
thanks :3
got you
g2g sleep
send you some vegan recipes l8r
you all dummies
Hung european DD looking for cute trap to spoil like ly slutty princess. Drop your kiks. Eurotraps preferred
>Hung european
yet no picture, funny that.
sssshhhh... wait till the thread gets more gay
also big larp was just buying time to confirm
I'd make you eat my meat you gorgeous slut.
You have a hot body, i'd love to fill your tight ass with cum daily
post ass qt?
should have just asked and I would have told you.
>/user/nategam on reddit too.
Uhm ok
scottland = sjw
Yeah, I consider myself a straight guy.
But a month ago, here, a trap sending me a chart about my sexuality and According to that, I am bisexual because I admire femininity both in the woman's body and man.
I am straight, but bisexual about the feminine image.
What do you think?
>scottland = sjw
I think the word you're looking for is "progressive"
nice, moar
When is Queen Allana coming back?
don't really know what to make of this really.
Same with the trap from Brasil
when are the guys who bought the nudes gonna post em is the real question
sry not 'woke' like you, just a dumb plant lady who likes watching still game on acid and copious amounts of whiskey, maybe fucking a couple sheep, more than, like, you know, doing things...
>isa is my hero
thanks for the fix but do you fancy posting something?
tell me where to buy them and I'll get them right now.
Nah, I'm universally hated here
>the trap from Brasil
Name? Brasil normally has pretty top tier traps.
I'm glad you enjoy our comedy, alcohol and farm life.
>Be from Brazil
>Be into Twinks/CDs/Femboys but not futas
>All Traps here are shemales with horse cocks
I don't know if it's samefagging or this is a lot more common that I thought.I've seen a lot of posts saying "I'm not welcome/disliked/hated here"
do you really feel that way?
Not going to lie, I'm not above and do enjoy the look of a giant penis but I'm still interested in this "trap from Brazil"
She was taking requests through kik when broke, i dont have the kik
sinchan or the aussie?
>Covered in hair, visible chest hair
Not even trying at all
fuck sake, oh well, there goes my probable qt penis and ass.
like because you're gay, or a tranny, or a negro? b/c im irish/punjabi (obviously) and i felt the same way when i first came to scotland...
Cuteness overload
Well I mean this is my first time doing this
Certainly feels that way, doesn't go for just here keep in mind I said universally for a reason
I'm just a "normal" white guy that likes femboys/traps/twinks/whatever else you can think of.
I don't see myself as gay or straight, I just like what I like.
People on here will shit on you for having hair or not putting effort in, just so you know
I can't stop fapping to these threads. What's wrong with me?
Got discord tho?
I'm never posting the newds. The kid is an annoying, autistic, fucking idiot but I kinda like him and he said not to.
Nothing, have you seen these asses? They're all 10/10
Probably the Aussie cunt
I'm sorry to hear that you feel this way. Move to Scotland! we're known for being sjws apparently
imagine having to cuck yourself this hard
>come on Yea Forums
>LARP about buying cd nudes
we've gone too far this time.
This One.
It is what it is, a desire to be liked or loved can be a cancerous feeling
I'm past wanting to be liked
Thanks fam
Mhmmm, if you ever talk to him ask about the friendly internet sadist from Yea Forums. Tell him his dad is a deadbeat faggot.
Allana was here a couple of weeks ago at least.
I couldn't have been around for these I've never seen them before. pretty qt though.
I actually liked rhi when she was just posting vids filling her ass up in the early days
So, is him the final trap?
I think it was sunday, I was here to grab the OC
Yeah but then she talked
This is fucking hot
Post more
Are you that fucking faggot that tells people he wants to cigs out on their chest and cut off their nips?
why do whores always have to jump on the soap box now?
and for that you are welcome. I was working on making he be all edgy but he is literally unbearable
Damn those are nice looking feet.
Would still bang her ass.
oh fuck it's not a meme...
can you heavily censor and nude? just for final proof?
>I'm insanely jealous if this isn't a joke.
More if pre-famous tumblr whore Ella Hollywood
Sure just get some duct tape so she doesn't bitch and complain
Her videos were pretty good tbh.
had a nice feminine moan.
I've gone some but ray isn't really liked around here.
How much did you pay for them?lol
Bruh you ever get her discord
Bitch would have phone sex with me every single time I called her without fail
kek I know the trap on the left
Oh this is rayray or whatever
Looks like OC
the third one is pretty lewd... notice how you've never seen it before.
Just wanted my credit for the last few pics she dropped
I didn't pay for any of them the selfie style ones are posted here by him. it's I'm tilted at... I would have 100% bought them
>I'm unironically pissed I missed the chance.
No, I'd want to hear her girly boy voice scream.
post dat shit
Also I caked that stupid kid up. Way more than he deserved. Like way more than the standard Yea Forumstard can afford
>notice how you've never seen it before.
I've gathered all I could find and you're right, I've never seen the 3rd one before.
this level of trolling is just wow
From the videos I don't think they have a guys voice but you do you man
Mah nigga
I bet all the lewds you got I instructed him to take hahaha
He has zero creativity and has no clue how to be sexy. Literally can't even talk to him anymore
>bragging about paying a chubby boy obscene amounts for lewd pictures
lmao I will never understand this dude's orbiters. What a fucking strange choice
Like how much?lol
Post what you got Idc about others
Who was first? I bought her the maid outfit early June.
Ehhh, I liked him at first.
I got him to beg for his life in a sound byte!
well he's pretty cute but ugly enough that you figure you might actually have a chance... this is prolly the future of porn
Wow bragging about wasting money on some fat guy LOOOOOOOOOOL
Also it's a pity they don't do sexy very well. The potential is huge.
Nah you win bro your OG
I came in late
Not him, the other guy who bought stuff. Who cares what we waste our disposable income on?
Damn dude that's pretty lit tbh, i'd love to hear her fuck her ass with a vibrator
Cute but that house is messy AF
Stop talking about retarded chubbies CD and more Amateur Ella Hollywood
We only "care" in that it's funny that you're bragging about practically being a paypig for someone that low tier
You're actually right. Fuck that kid. I'm out!
Like I said, just wanted my credit for that edgy allana pics
doing gods work
Bruh, you can't afford high tier, or low tier, or any tier.
credit where credit is due:
That's what she did with some phone app I got to control it
Why do men with average dicks consider themselves “hung”?
Tbh that dick is small
Right?! So weird
I also don't get the big deal with bbc
Hot af, kind of jealous
I'm jealous of past me too
She got rid of me so the good times are no more
Ugh was gonna take pics tonight but my mom is sleeping in my room for the night
Yeah a fucking shame but hoes come and go ya know
Got old pics?
Mega discord qnpNDn
Eating dicks doesnt breaks vegan???
snap a pic of that boipussi in the bathroom
ignore this faggot
Why what is it?
Tell meh eeeem preeettttteh anooooon
Plz show ass
referral scam
Cunt knows his best angles now no more fucked up pics
Too early, comeback later
>Oh and blow me a kiss.
so that's where the webm came from... fucking hell
Too early?
Yep, for me at least, I need a coffee
What's coffee got to do with anything
Who is this?
I didn't sleep, is 7 am, thread's dead, not even worth it to post some shit at this point
Ah poop man welcome
Poop man?
Not poop man then shit sipper better
Duke poopem
I really don't know what are you talking about
I like it
Picture of me (:
Someone always goes on about poop every time someone posts rhi
That's fucking retarded
It's not the worst I've seen lol
someone of reddit I found.
tad blurry but promising
This is from yesterday but I'd have to get dressed up
I imagine that having a bunch of literal shitposters waiting for a pic of someone to be posted could be fun sometimes
It's entertaining to say the least
Here you go user
Thanks! Though I feel weird about chat logs being posted too tbh.
Oh hey! what's up?
Post ass pls
are you a bodybuilder?
Want tospoil a trap I'd buy womens clothes and make up get them all dolled up then fuck them hard and spank their ass while i bury my dick inside them
Oh hey that's me lol.
thank you very much I didn't have that one!
wait oh shit it's acutally you? would you sell your stuff again? I would really like them.
Sounds like most traps dreams tbh user
So smooth
More booty!
I can't I have to get to work unfortunately
I love your thigh highs! You look so sexy in those!
make a patreon so you trap for us all day :3
This! make a patreon please!
Wish traps were easier to find maybe i should try anime cons and shit forget grindr, fetlife, and tinder i don't wanna get cat fished
Lol that would be cool
I posted alot yesterday I might be on after work
I actually almost tried it, but then I started doing other things that really required me to do a lot more cardio and the two were incompatible
Yeah I tried to post one that wasn't in your folder
I'm not really in a financial bind anymore, and tbh I didn't really like whoring myself out for money. You meet a lot of people that make you very uncomfortable, and it's very hard to maintain a balanced relationship when people view you as an object, but you need them to pay for you to eat
See above.
That's the risk you run when you've got a unique fetish my guy
Damn it
Yeah go outside traps in the wold are more easy to find ni now than years ago
How do they make you feel uncomfortable?
Also do you think it’s weird how many guy wanna bang you?
Sorry buddy
I'm >this is why we can't have nice things.
I know what you mean, the guy that was posting earlier didn't seem that nice of a person.
"Just wanted my credit for the last few pics she dropped".
but hey.. fingers crossed you change your mind down the line :)
Their kinda ez to find just don’t be ugly
And they're just easy in general, fucking sex crazed
How come you are so dirt fucking poor? What's your story?
Where at?
Lots of people like to talk about raping me, or owning me, or sometimes about just physically harming me for fun.
And yeah. Like, I'm a solid 6/10. Maybe I just seem actually attainable
Yeah. He started off kinda nice "trying to help me out" but then it morphed into sending me messages about killing me and/or kidnapping me. And I honestly don't understand what people get out of that
Basically I took an unpaid internship. My parents were going to support me mostly but then had to leave the country, which made that very difficult to do. Plus I feel bad relying on other people. I'd rather "work" at least a little to keep myself up.
Maybe it's cause I live in a small city but i never see them
Oh this one doesn't have a filter
You eyelashes disappeared
that’s probably why I live in LA I meet one randomly on discord. At the same time you can just look like shit tho try to look attractive I think ppl have this idea that they’ll get trans/traps just bc their straight guys it don’t wrk like that
>people give me attention when i'm attention whoring on the internet
>why are they giving me attention
>i'm trading messages with autistic psychos
>why are the autistic pyschos acting like autistic psychos
Yeah theirs definitely weirdos out here. Nah your like 8/10 you got a nice lil body and you dress pretty good you also got a pp so that’s a +
easier to find in a large city, but tbh you'll mostly be disappointed - it's the illusion that's attractive, without that it's just a 'woman' with man hands, an adam's apple, big ol honkin dick and AIDS that they want to give you
You are gorgeous!
Kik me at: kystrw
here you are.
> I'm a solid 6/10
I don't think you give yourself enough credit, you've made me question my own sexuality and I'm not kidding. the fact that you see yourself as a guy and this is all CD fun for you hasn't changed my opinion of you at all. boy or girl I still find you highly attractive.
the image is of a puerto rican porn star - enjoy getting catfished, limpdick
nice - dunno if you got more OC, but keep posting - great stuff
these are old, I don't think they've posted for a while.
shame, good posts regardless
How far from the border?
Cute af! Who?
You're the girl?
surrounding glasgow area
No no no, just a fan is all.
Jesus christ, those eyes.
This isnt meant to be a put-down but they seem to say you've been through some shit. Feelsbadman.
If you were around I'd help take care of you.
Hopefully you can find some people that help look out wherever you're at.
whats so special about allana?
I dunno she kinda cute though. Also seems depressed. So kind of a one of us type feel maybe?
so? i am too
cool, post face with timestamp and you might become the new allana
i do all the time though
i dont know, theres something about him that makes me wanna be with him forever eventho thatll never happen is good to just wonder how it would work out
He gets more attention because he looks like a little boy
Clearly you must not be the same level of cute. Or maybe you just don't interact with the posters as well.
I think not posting nudes probably has something to do with it too. The unknown can be much more enticing.
Most traps other than A. are freaks so I am guessing you are one of the many creepy manmales that frequent these threads.
if thats why, that makes me feel a bit better
from what i get when i post im fairly cute and i always interact with people
not posting nudes aint got nothing to do with it i think, allana hasnt posted any either
far from, i get a lot of "would wife" and "would date" and stuff like that
I was thinking you did post nudes. Maybe you just need to post more often then. Like, right now
care to post again?
>can't beat Allana though, I'm sure of it.
i post suggestive stuff at most
the thing is, i dont really feel like, even though people give good feedback when posting, because theres no reposts i dont feel like its as well liked, you know?
if people really care enough i guess?
Post now
>if people really care enough i guess?
I'm always down for finding a new "wife" or "date".
try me.
>404 inc
have a bit of a smirk from last night then
hey! I'm sure you promised feet last time
and you're going to get away with not posting again!
thread died last time
You have been visited by the Laura of dead and dying threads.
This thread doesn't have much longer left to live. No need to mourn though; having reached the bump limit, the thread has lived a full life. Its popularity is a good indicator that the thread and its anons will live on in future iterations.
please please please post more of them, that are amazing
>that could be your niché
this one looks like mark zuckerberg
do you even know what he looks like? wtf
This is actually one of the less mark Zuckerberg-y ones.
This is probably actually the best picture I've seen of you. Keep it up!