holy shit that's old
So is your mom jokes
Nice one
u lost I know haha
Only because i read it in eminems voice
you could say that young lass is STRAPPING
Why did I laugh at that.
What's a PEENOY meme doing here?
join discord UUWG8RV
Is Duterte confirmed weeb now, or is this just a meme? Cause that would be almost as comedic as Bin Laden being a weeb
I dunno, I just found these on the internet
That's not thicc
That’s cringe, betcha his mom was thinking about abortion at 20 yrs old
Betcha she's wishing right now.....
t. drumptard
both bottom left and top left say its free, but top left is trying to kill everybody else, including bottom left
They can take all those skinny bitches.
This one is actually pretty cool.
Good point. You win.
How kind of you to allow this.
That's what I thought, PUNK!
Whatever makes you feel better about yourself
This was complete trash might as well be two autistics sharing garbage
Why are you mad? Is it because you belong with the tribe?
Frederik din luder.
Kek saved thanks user.
I actually lol'd while pooping. Helped it plop out
Wow. Not seen that in a few years.
Can you all please stop being such racist fucking bigots?
Does anyone got that greentext of a neckbeard taking home a drunk girl to sober her up and in the morning he feeds her eggs?
We have equality for a reason. We are all human racism has no place.
Why would I commit suicide? What is wrong with accepting all people?
Cool story bruh
Humans are not even close to equal.
equality is not the goal for minorities
they want subvertion of whites
>what's wrong with accepting all people
Some of these beasts that you call people are not human at all . The only things i have in common with a nigger are that we both walk upright and speak . Aside from other superficial details . They are not worth observing in any intellectual capacity aside from seeing how best to avoid them or to convince their meager minds that its a better idea to go back home where hopefully they languish and die like dumb niggers they are .
TLDR only white is right
>niggers in the pool
Fake as fuck.
Those minor differences don't make a new species. A great white shark and a hammerhead shark both have differences but they are still sharks.
No one is oppressing you?
That is racist.
Imagine being so scared of other races that you want them separated. Humans are humans
im poor as shit
i am the most oppressed demo in the world
Why don't you try working or living off welfare? You are only oppressing yourself?
The BBC in the title must stand for British Broadcasting Company.
welfare doesnt make you not poor you retard
I have a job, and i am middle aged and single with no kids, i dont qualify for welfare
You make the decision to be poor retard get of your ass and do something.
Get a better job.
P33N15 N166ER5
once you grow up and dont rely on mommy and daddy for everything youll realize its not so simple
being poor isnt a choice in a country where the wealthy do everything they possibly can to keep you from bettering your situation
oh ok, why didnt i think of that
Once you get out of your mom' basement and make something out of your life you'll realize that you are making the choice to not improve. I am nobody important but I can support myself financially just fine.
you sure showed him
Maybe because you are not thinking.
I see a lot of poor people. They waste their money on tobacco and weed, completely unable to control their impulses. It isn't the fault of the rich that the poor won't stop throwing money away and pumping out children they can't afford.
here's your (You) retard.
I thought that fool was levitating!
you sure showed him
i saw south americans do that many times, also africans
I think you forgot to take your ADD medication retard.
you sure showed him
whoever made this image has the IQ of the people hes showing on the right to not notice that the bottom left image is showing an interracial family with a perfectly healthy normal looking kid, cant even cherry pick right lol
fuck bro!!! u pranked me u fucked me bro ill suck ur dick bro
Adolf Fitler
You will die in suffering if you reply to this.
You forgot the fucking image you massive faggit.
First idiot; nice.
Fuck you faggit it was a friendly fucking reminder
Why does Europe speak about accepting all people while importing lowlife aggressive hobos prone to crime? Don't they have enough their own shit to deal with?
That child is fucking hideous. Only someone like that would think it's normal.
what fucking garbage degenerate normie peenoise meme is this? fuck off to facebook faggot
He should actually do that for a day.
You just posted cringe. You are going to lose followers
Where can I get a shirt like that?
Based and redpilled
Fuck this thread
shovel dog won again
is the shovel dog guys, close the thread, we re out
>airplane WiFi in 2001
why not stand up to take the picture?
Are you describing the white shark as great? Are you saying whites are great? That's racist as hell.
this ancient gif made a triumphant return. i see ole shoveldog daily now
Was still shitting. I went to bed and woke up a few hours later and I'm STILL shitting
Time to bust out the enema, pretty plugged up
>An opinion
I sometimes miss that one lonely dude who made the shitted memes.
Trump should run as first female president in 2020.
>Fallout 4
Newfag gtfo
>Mexican cartel
Muslims are still garbage though.
Do they now? Or do you just feel like they do
she started it
It's not about tragedy, people just don't mourn annually for a month
Gay pride month is a celebration
Hah! Because it says nigger niggs!
Real patriots vote for Tulsi Gabbard
>t. Reeeeee
I'm not sure why you're trying to reason with that guy's joke, it'll be the same joke even after you tell it that it's wrong
fuck off nigger
Yeah, and it's still a bad joke, not because it's offensive, because it's inaccurate
only gaymers play ow
Its not okay
Its duty
I saw your mum holding my dick head in her mouth.
wow very funny!!!!! Please do kill yourself , and go back to 9gag :)
You think it will have any effect on israels power on america, how fucking sad and delusional. Pathetic.
>Foreskin water
So it's true. The left can't meme
Is that Abraham Lincoln
That's not a trap, it's very clearly a guy
Seems about as legit as a liberal pac
Fuckin eh
Nice gay porn
Kek lost
hmm it seems like youre actually the nigger
bro u posted cringe
What a fuckin fag
I remember my 1st post on Yea Forums too
Fucker had it coming. Gives dogs a bad name with that shit.
I want so badly to find out Tulsi left her cloud open and is a total fuckin pic whore...
Thats what you named that file?
What a fuckin homo
lost. Classic.
better single than cuck
>and its gone
AIDS day?
Move your hand.
Smell your fingers after touching your ball sack. Describe for us.
All breeds of dogs are dogs, and yet they may vary so dramatically in size, shape, temperament, intellectual capacities... Different breeds carry different signature characteristics.
I love my mom, so here (You) go! :)
french during the french revolution. They've put heads on a pike as well.
>she's still wondering
no way blondes are stupid
in this loss?
Hahah I lost
Indeed, and let's not forget about cartels.
That's hot, sauce please
Hahaha lost
You don't like diversity?
Comfy af
I dont get why newfags confuse twinks with traps.
Fucking retard
w8.. is that a piercing in his balls?