Why do democrats want open borders?
Why do democrats want open borders?
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because orange man doesn't
So more spics can get in.
because we hate you. Not republicans, not trump...just you
>So more spics can get in.
But why?
Why does your bait always take the form of Loaded Question fallacies?
How is this a loaded question?
It presumes democrats want open borders. Democrats have presented or cosigned the vast majority of bills for INCREASED border security, an action which precludes them waiting open borders.
There are literally TWO examples where they have not put of hundreds, and they have stated legitimate reasons for both. In the case of the wall it is a wasteful expense which will be ineffectual. Fences (which the wall is) can be climbed, tunneled, cut through, and will be because Trump's plan did not include increasing patrols, which is the only thing that, dollar for dollar, markedly improves security. The other is the ICE funding bill which some democrats argued would not be spent on what it was proposed for (improving living conditions in detention centers, which are demonstrably violating human rights currently) and instead ICE would use it to open MORE detention centers. Pelosi caved and, would you look at that, they were vindicated because ICE did exactly what house Democrats said they would.
The question is loaded with an incorrect premise.
umm this is Yea Forums, maybe u wanted to go to a similar site that starts with r???
>precludes them wanting
>TWO examples where they have not out of hundreds
Fixing Chrome auto corrects because my browser is a retard.
So much misinformation, I don’t even know where to start
>It presumes democrats want open borders.
They do you ignorant fucking asshole
Nope. I want to keep pointing out bait right here, thank you.
Unfortunately it looks like someone bit
Dude just call them bait and post pictures of Loaded Question fallacy definitions.
everyone one of them will vote democratic forever. get enough of them they win!
Not a shred of falsehood in my post. Try harder faggot.
No they don't. They cosponsor or propose easily as many increased border security bills as the Republicans. This is a fact that can be easily verified by looking at who proposed or cosponsored the last ten or so border security bills which would increase security.
The loaded question in the OP is based on a penis that can be proven false, therefore this thread is bait.
Can't help myself bro.
Because they're stinky poopy pants.
There is no evidence of significant cost fraud from illegals. Illegal votes have never influenced an election.
The fake news here is unbearable
It's a great way to show your humanitarian tendencies to your base. Especially if you and your base, for most part, don't have live anywhere near and don't have to deal with the new arrivals (regardless of their country of origin).
Less than 50yrs ago the US had what would be considered today "open borders". Immigration restrictionists (see: racist and/or greedy fucks) have chipped away at freedom of movement and commerce little by little until we now have this manufactured crisis. Now the right uses the conveniently ill defined term "open borders" to scare whitey that the bad brown people are coming to get them.
Here is a hint: open borders does not mean no border or no control and if you think it does then you are chugging that kool aid. If you want proof ask all the people Obama deported.
lol correct illegal votes are illegal
illegal aliens will be given the right to vote and who do u think they are going to vote for?
How many times a day do you post this exact thread?
I would like to add than 50 years ago the immigration was also skewed towards European, educated, career driven, and entrepreneurial (basically folks running away from Eastern Bloc). These people assimilated within their first generation and most were eager to have the freedom of being left alone to their own devices.
>There is no evidence of significant cost fraud from illegals
The Democrats love open borders. The Democrats love Obama. Obama had the separation and detention facilities built. Trump is just continuing what Obama did, but Republicans love Trump, partially because he's the toughest about the border and immigration while simultaneously just doing what Obama did. Obama deported more illegals than Trump or any other president. The Democrats love Obama. The Democrats love open borders. Welcome my son, Welcome to the machine.
Outraged few were labeled as "agents of Republic party" and "Tea-Bagger sympathizers"
Provide the evidence, then.
>there is no evidence
>therefore I proved voter fraud doesn't exist, see?
>fact that can be easily verified
To anyone why wants to call him on his bullshit:
All current bills on immigration. Here are headlines from the first 5 proposed by dems:
1. Condemning the Trump Administration's systematic cruel and inhumane treatment of migrants....
2. Strategic and Humane Southern Border Migrant Response Act
3. Accountability for Migrant Deaths Act of 2019
4. Stop Shackling and Detaining Pregnant Women Act
5. Combating Deceptive Immigration Enforcement Practices Act of 2019
Boy yea, they sure are active on the anti immigration front....
I was talking specifically about immigration from the southern border.
Also your idealized perception of European immigrants is fantasy. look at any of the European ghettos that always formed. Irish, Polish, German etc.
>but why
because this
>have never influenced an election
must not have seen the last few elections TOPKEK
In comparison, 5 republican ones:
1. Defending Elections against Trolls from Enemy Regimes Act
2. Asylum Reform and Border Protection Act of 2019
3. A resolution commending the officers and personnel of U.S. Customs and Border Protection for their work during the crisis at the Southern border
4. To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to reform asylum procedures
5. Criminal Alien Removal Clarification Act of 2019
Spot the difference in stance? Get educated
Not idealized. They really were ghettos, you are correct. However, can you point out one that did not dissolve over time? That should mean something.
We are a nation of immigrants. We are not a nation of mediocre immigrants.
Wouldn't removing the fear of deportation lead to quicker assimilation?
I don't think fear of deportation was a driving force. Arriving people were eager to gain wealth because they either were well-off in their home country until it all went to shit, or saw America as an opportunity to live as well as they possibly could. Also, consider their Protestant, Lutheran, and Eastern Orthodox religions - very heavy on self-actualization.
Meanwhile the Catholics were content to live in same squalor as they did in their home country. Catholicism does not encourage individual advancement (Irish being an interesting outlier, and even then, they began coming into provenance much later).
Immigrants vote Democrat. Duh. If you're that fucking stupid I can't see how you managed to string a series of English words together into a coherent sentence.
Illegals cannot vote, retard.
If course viewer fraud exists. Evidence of it existing can be found readily. But it is not significant. No more than a hundred confirmed cases here and there. It has never influenced an election. There has never been a race anywhere close enough for the fraudulent votes to have made a difference, she there is no evidence whatsoever that all fraudulent votes are by illegal immigrants. In fact there is ample evidence that fraudulent votes are representative of the population of the areas where they are found.
Nope. Fraudulent votes have never been significant. You faggots cried and cried about it so it was investigated in e.g. Texas, and what did they find? Not even enough votes to shift a hundredth of a percent of the result. You'd have to go to three decimal places to even notice them.
Not one lie in it faggot. If you think there is then prove me wrong. Go look at the last ten bills, last hundred, last thousands to do with border security. Democrats cosponsored almost all of them.
I said check all the ones that improve border security, not just 'everything to do with immigration'. Of the ten you posted, only two are to do with border security. Look through and find the last ten that deal with border security, for example:
>H.R.3360: Asylum Reform and Border Protection Act of 2019 (R)
>H.R.2203: Homeland Security Improvement Act (D)
>H.R.3722: Joint Task Force to Combat Opioid Trafficking Act of 2019 (D)
>H.R.3273: Combating Transnational Criminal Organizations Act of 2019 (R)
All bills which have actual border ramifications. Around 50:50. I find it hilarious you including resolutions on your list. It's like you found a listing site and just trust it to do all the work of figuring out which things done by Congress actually mean anything for you.
Illegal immigrants don't vote.
>Lol of course they do
Show me the evidence. Oh wait there is none in spite of studies.
Nice try
She wants shoes. She'll say anything to get them.
>I hate your facts so I will pretend I can invalidate them with two words
Sorry, user, you don't get to ignore reality while I'm around. If you want to address my point on border security, do so. If you want to address my point on illegal immigrants voting, do so. If you want to pretend you've won the argument by ignoring me you're a retard and have de facto ceded the argument by not addressing it.
To vote Democrats
Open borders=no illegal immigrants, therefore anyone can vote if the dems get their way. He asked why Dems want open borders and I told him. We don't demand voter ID in most places anyway, even if they were illegal
But Democrats don't want open borders. A fact I have corroborated in this thread multiple times. The question was loaded with a false premise and should not have been answered.
these threads help enhance the Russian algorithms to improve the conversational English of their bots. Keep up the good work, guys.
Ten y knot tipe lek thes too fukitup?
They don't want open borders, they want just want to import the ugly creaturas. Pic very related