Me on the right

me on the right

Your fortune: Outlook good

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oof F sorry OP

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aww, that sucks, i'm sorry to hear that

this thread give me bad vibes...

is he from star wars

You are a dumb nigger. You are the blackest retard gorilla nigger I have ever seen.

nah dude im the gorilla from gorilla glue

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This is your life, fool.
Not an original thought, ever.
Toothless opinion neatly packaged
Manufactured in a think tank
Delivered for free
By Rachel Maddow
Rush Limbaugh
Jon Stewart
Chapo Trap House
And other confusion mongers
Think. Learn to think for real.
Analyze. Scrutinize. Question. Critique.
Ruthless criticism of all that exists.
Act. Organize. Plan. Study. Learn.
Why does killing happen?
Where does your food come from?
Why is Maduro bad but Bernie good?
Why doesn’t your TV carry scenes
From San Juan 24/7?
Why don’t you read Rashid in school?
How come MLK on a postage stamp?
Why do you vote every 4 years yet get foreclosed?
Why are you powerless, how you get that way?
What is fascism?
Fascism is you not being able to give a shit
About kids in camps
Cuz you gotta work to feed your own kids.
It’s designed that way.
Don’t dare to dream when you live a nightmare.
Fascism is a grocery store full of food
Which sees the dumpster able to be eaten.
Fascism is driving to a protest against Yankee imperialism with gas wrenched from the Middle East at gunpoint.
What is foolishness?
Foolishness is living in jail yet being afraid to go to jail to get out of jail.
Foolishness is apathy and nihilism being taught to children in classrooms and cartoons.
Foolishness is knowing where political power comes from yet being fearful of wielding it.
Foolishness is knowing Marx without doing Marx.
Foolishness is naming your magazine Jacobin while being guillotine fodder.
Foolishness is colonizers having black kids to accessorize and match their Gucci bag.
What is fraud?
Fraud is a geriatric senator from Alaska being portrayed as an anti-imperialist meme candidate to help his Twitter crew get internships and resume fluff.
Fraud is Yankee more for me socialism
Fraud is AOC
Fraud is zombie Roosevelt knocking on your door
Fraud is a Mao puppet with a colonizer’s hand up his ass saying “love thy colonizer”

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Fraud is the indolent minority of the world that eats the produce of the majority referring to themselves as “the masses”
Fraud is an opinion on Cuba, Venezuela and the Philippines yet the only armed struggle in your own country being waged by fascists at Walmart against colonized people
Meditate. Observe. Be humble. Be red.

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it is harder than ever to jerk off

Your fortune: Average Luck

are they all girls?

yes, they are


when your gf cheats on you with your other gf

but girls can't cheat on girls? aren't they all girlfriends?

no this only applies to gay males


basically this

It's too sad
it makes me sad

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bumping this gem

Lesbians really make no sense. There is a stimulation the vagina can only receive from an object the length of a dick. Women literally cannot reproduce this stimulation without using dildos. However at that point it’s questionable whether you can even consider the person a lesbian or not, I mean they’re clearly being attracted to stimulation from a male body part. It’s like a “straight” guy being into futa

>It’s like a “straight” guy being into futa
that's just gay

The power of penis

dicks are disgusting

Yeah, exactly but they pretend they’re straight because it’s a girl with a dick. Same concept would apply to lesbians. Just because it’s a girl with a dick does not mean you’re attracted to women

that have nothing to do with it, a dildo is not a penis.

The stimulation is the same though. If you are turned on by penetration with a dildo, you are turned on by penetration with a penis.

but pleasure is completely different from love,
it's like if you have pleasure during rape, that make it okay?


I don't think you understand what homosexuality is. It's not about how you get off but with which sex you want get off with.
Like a dude getting rammed by his strap on gf is still straight and a lesbian using a dildo is still a homo.


Are you retarded dude? Homosexuality is literally just what sex you are attracted to and not what kind of sex you have with them.
You are talking some bullshit right now.

yes it is straight

truly the worst timeline

a man-woman relationship is weird in this time?

who is ripa

He's pansexual trans homo-friendly by-curious and we just triggered him.

Sorry bro this is a nice board and I didn't mean to be so judgemental. Have a nice day no matter your sexuality.

ripa is the brunette

okay seriously is this a troll or something? are there really people who think it's okay for a "straight" man to get fucked by a cock so long as it's on a girl?

>on a girl
Dude you keep on with this weird shit and try to make it sound like we are the outliers.


what if it's the girl idea? thats better?