I Took off my work boots today and my feet hurt in a different way than normal so I looked at the bottom of my feet and...

i Took off my work boots today and my feet hurt in a different way than normal so I looked at the bottom of my feet and they’re absolutely fucked fucked what is going on my man fuck

Attached: 869E3E93-5A8A-472C-A26F-DBBE165D7B3E.png (750x1334, 1.48M)

You work with cement?

Trench foot, ma dude. Good luck. See a doctor.

Boot rot

Really, see a doctor

Early stages
Let them air see a doctor for treatment....keep your feet dry or loose them

you’re going to lose your foot, sorry man

that would be a fungal infection, with it that spread go to doc, in the mean time, KEEP YOUR FEET DRY. if its fungus it needs to be moist to say alive, remove dead skin layers by scrubbing with wet rag, dry, get diffrent shoes that breath, if you come home from work and your feet are sweaty then you need to use diffrent shoes. i got a fungal infection on my the tip of my dick once, its fine with treatment but if you put it off you can perminitly disfigure or loose a foot, if you absolutly cant afford a doctor, clean, scrub, anti fungal cream, keep dry. if it does noy show sines of improvemnt in a week or gets worse then go see a doctor

i’m freaking out

Where your socks clean and completely dry?
Otherwise your boots were damp.
Or was it a really hot day?
Either way it looks clean you could soak it for a while with some disinfectant and dont wear and let them dry out.

Do you wear cotton socks?
I used to have an issue with my feet, and as soon as I ditched the white cotton gyn style socks I had been wearing, and switched to wool, the problems disappeared, at least mostly.

It looks pretty clean to me.
Let them dry out naturally. No hair dryer.
Do not put any socks on for a few hours.

Yep that's trench foot alright. See a doc ASAP user. In the meantime, watch where you step.

And this is the part where I laugh at boomers who think construction and otherwise dirty jobs are the way to go after high school

I want to scrape that off with an exacto-knife

Foot powder every day, after you see a doctor.

i want to lick your toes.
Post more

don't freak out op
i put up with that shit every day at my old job; only thing it did was look kinda scary and itch like a motherfucker
in my case, my feet would just sweat like crazy all day and that's what caused it. only weird thing is when my foot started getting a couple tiny holes that would re-appear in the same spot any time i would sweat
shit's weird
also do what said

Relax, change your socks three times a day from now on and wash your feet. You do need to see your Doctor though.

Its not trench foot. There is no infection.
I would say the boots or sock he was wearing were damp.
If they don't dry out back to normal (except some flaky dead skin) you will be fine.
You might want to hit your boots with a hair dryer.

OP don't listen to these guys, those little holes are grip pads! Congrats, you can wall crawl like Spiderman!

Attached: spider-man-ps4-header.jpg (1400x700, 71K)

same user as
i am not a medfag but from lack of bleading or puss its probubly just in the outer dead skin layer, but it could spread into live tissues if not treated right, remove the dead skin so the fungi does not have food to use to grow and keep it dry. apply anti fungal creams, if begins to bleed or make puss go to a doctor cause it could be worse, also if it turns black blue or purple it could be becomeing necrotic (unlikely to happen) go see a doctor imediatly as this can easly make you lose your foot or put you into sepsis (often leathal without treatment)

Get some waterproof socks (sealskins, google em) - I got a pair for wearing in my steelies and feet r gud to go

i’ve been working every day for the last 6 weeks 10 hours at least on my feet outside and it’s been god awful hot and dry, i’ve been sweating like crazy. my boots definitely don’t have time to dry out in between shifts

Try getting an extra pair of boots so you can swap them every second day.

This, its early stages of trench foot, basically your feet are waterlogged as fuck

There's some shoe dryers on eBay. Those are cheap and awesome. Some even have UV light.

fungal infection, often times people recommend soaking thing for problems etc because it draws blood to the site but with fungus you want to keep it dry to kill it.

Prop them up next to a fan and have the fan blow air down them overnight to dry. Definitely buy foot powder, change your socks multiple times during shifts

this is the most helpful i’ve ever seen Yea Forums

You need to pee on your feet. Trust me my feet looked like yours during mil school and the ONLY PERMANENT HEALING CAME AFTER I PEED ON MY FEET IN THE SHOWER MULTIPLE DAYS IN A ROW.

You might need to soak those in your own fresh urine. Not joking at all here.

Let the urine stay on your skin as long as you can and don't use soap to wash it off. Only lightly rinse the urine off.

No soap, no powder, no spraying. Air them out, remove boot daily.

It also helps to send videos of this process to this thread

Attached: 1564718440241.jpg (265x265, 12K)

do not do this

That's weird, I just discovered that recently. I wore woolsocks exclusively for years, but I started wearing sneakers again for drumming and found my feet were getting wet and my shoes fucking stunk. Now I'm looking for some plain, thin wool socks for sneakers.


It looks like Pitted keratolysis is a bacterial skin infection that can affect both the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands. ... This condition is characterized by small depressions or pits in the top layer of skin and areas of white skin. It can be a cause of smelly feet and is much more common in men than women.

Best treatment is antibiotic cream and to keep your feet as dry as possible, and to let your shoes fully dry before putting them on again. Good luck bro, roll-on antiperspirant helps to cut it back if you get desperate, but once it’s gone replace all your shoes or it’ll be back, one day...

Isn't urine supposed to be sterile? Why does this sound like it might work?

It works. Trust me. I have worn out a few pairs of boots.

Urine isn't fucking sterile. That's some retarded scientifically-illiterate wives-tale bullshit that's been passed around for years now.

SmartWool socks are nice, and come in multiple weights and multiple height styles.
A bit pricey though.
For a while I just wore Merino Wool dress socks.
I got a great deal on a huge pile years ago and just wore them till they wore out.
Another option are the socks that have X-Static silver coated fibers in the mix.
I was lazy doing laundry one week, and wound up wearing the same pair of socks for over a week.
I think it took 6 days before the socks even began to stink, and even then, the smell was only mild.
I wouldn’t recommend this but the silver coated fibers really worked.

The ammonia in the urine kills bacteria.

No idea but it works for athletes foot. Former pretty serious soccer player here chiming in

If you want to kill exposed bacterial infections, one way is to spray or soak the area down with drug store 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
You spray your feet diwn once or twice a day, and just let the peroxide evaporate.
It might take a week or so, but I’ve killed ear infections with hydrogen peroxide(and colloidal silver, but surface issues shouldn’t need this) .
The cheapest way is to buy a couple larger bottles of the hydrogen peroxide and a separate spray bottle.
The hydrogen peroxide that comes in a spray bottle is way more expensive, and the bottle isn’t made to be refilled.
Large bottles of peroxide solution are about $1 at Target, and spray bottles may be $3.

>Urine isn't fucking sterile.
yes it is dipshit

Google search: is urine sterile
A. URINE is sterile because it contains no living organisms, unless the person that produces is unlucky enough to have a urinary tract or bladder infection. There are less bacteria in urine than in tap water, for example.

>i don't know what the distal third is or why it's important

Thats a minor case of it, just keep that shit dry, go to the pool and point them shits straight at the sun for a bit.

Nothing to worry about just bring a change of socks from now on, boots off when eating lunch, change socks before going back to work.

OP, you have what we call, trench foot. Your feet have been wet for long period of time. Go barefoot and avoid covering your feet with any material that soaks up water. Go ahead and scrub your feet with exfoliating scrubs to clean the area and dead skin off with warm water 111 degrees Fahrenheit should be the max and proceed to soak them for 5 minutes. Schedule a doctor's appointment. What you have may cause gangrene.