Recently moved into an apartment with cats. Idk what the fuck people see in these little assholes but every time I see them I have an urge to choke them to death. Let’s forget that cats are fucking stupid they are destructive and people just laugh at their retarded antics. I like most animals but fuck cats. I can watch a video of them being torn apart by dogs and not feel the least bit sorry for them.
Recently moved into an apartment with cats...
No just feel empowered because you cant do that to somebody your size
man i think the easiest solution is to kill yourself
Stop this at once and look up the TOS for Life. Don't make you take away your service.
Yeah, leaving your house is probably a chore so I doubt you could do any real damage if you did.
I’m sure I could. Just because you’re a soy boy who had a woman’s pet doesn’t mean we all are.
I feel you. I hate dogs and wish they could be rounded up and slaughtered.
Best thing to do is mind your own business and go about your day. Or kill yourself. Either works.
Cool. Try not to piss your pants next time you ride your scooter to yoga and see a dog walking by.
Nice larp retard
In all seriousness, you probably should just kill yourself. Grow a pair of balls and do that to a human who can slug your dumbass back. You make yourself look like that much more of a faggot by harming an animal that looks to humans for safety. Must be depressing to live your life like such a loser that you have to abuse animals instead of humans.
You sir, are a massive faggot. Do humanity a favor, do not procreate. That said, I doubt you could anyway.
Nigger doing nigger shit.
Kill yourself nigger.
Have A nice day OP, also do us all a favor and make it your last
kitty gang for life bro. You're a marked man now.
fuck u op
If I saw you I'd cripple you.
if you got cats being murdered, drop your webms
How about when I see you and your narcissistic support animal go by, I shoot it and watch while you cry?
I feel you. Fucking dogs and fucking dog worshipping cuck culture.
post cat rekt webms
Bait thread
I'd enjoy watching a video of dogs tearing you apart. Fucking faggot
most people nowadays don't even own real dogs just these pathetic little inbred rats, Id take a cat over those any day. also when i was a kid i got bitten in the face lightly by a big dog, still don't hate big dogs.
OP is a faggot