Waiting for her 18th birthday hbu anons?
Waiting for her 18th birthday hbu anons?
Waiting until she is no longer as relevant as she is now and needs to sell sex like all other celebs. You're not gonna get good content if she is 25 and still a massive star.
I don't know who that is, but she looks like a slag
god i wanna suck her tits so bad
Why wait? I jack it to her all the time
I think I just heard a can pull up to my h
>Waiting for her 18th birthday hbu anons?
For what, to continue being a lurking cuck faggot? As if her turning 18 has any impact on your life other than the fact that you wont be jerking off to a minor anymore. KYS faggot
i love her
i love her music
i love how she dresses
i'm 26 and i have been reduced to this zoomerdom.
i want to ask her out when she turns 18
OP here anyone got those pics of when she was with that black guy that got exposed?
Her turning 18 does not mean you'll get have sex with her. Get a life you retarded faggot.
you are retarded as shit get a fucking life, yeah i get it no one on Yea Forums has a life but damn it you can be better than this faggotry
You're clearly a cuck and I'm hopping for you to kys
wow didn't realize she actually has a huge rack and quite a nice ass cause she wears all that shitty baggy clothing. Look forward to some nudes out of her in the coming years.
Got any good shit?
Why would anyone want a coal burner. She was with XXXTenacious who went to jail for pedophilia. She isn't a virgin. She is a victim of nigger rape. Marriage is 16yrs old in the U.S.
I'm just sitting here eating cheese crackers until shes 19
Chew you have a singleicious satisfact to snack that up?
yeah but that dumbass nigger is dead (thank the lord) we need some cleaning
WTF is with waiting for 18 shit, you can bang a 16yo here in Canada legally, heck it used to be 14yo till 2005.
So Billie eats butthole righr?
Niggers suck
i hope so
What are you gonna do when she's 18 bro lmao, you gonna fucking hit her up?