My girlfriend has baby fever. She wants to have a boy. Shes been doing all this research on what ways raise chances to have a boy. What should I do?
My girlfriend has baby fever. She wants to have a boy...
I mean do you want a kid OP?
1. Your girlfriend is a fuckimg idiot.
1a. Dump her.
2. Don't reproduce with a girlfriend in general.
Let me guess, your white!
get a vasectomy, don't tell her.
Don't reproduce with this dribbling retard
When I finish undergrad then yes. I have been dating this girl for a year. She is really great, athletic body, she's a nursing student, based, Christian. I just wanted to wait until after I become an engineer to marry her and have kids. I don't have any debt at this point from school but ideally I want to get my bs and have a steady job before I get her pregnant.
>get vasectomy
>don't tell her
>"Honey I'm Pregnant!"
> the boy sperm a head start....
If a nursing student believes this, don't breed with them
She will notice my balls are gone. I like rubbing my balls as well. So no.
>A year
Yea fucking no dude, do not do that, break up with her or confront her and tell her no. If she overreacts and leaves you, nice, you dodged a bullet
Yes I'm one of those guys. She was NBSB when I met her.
Your girlfriend is clearly retarded. Also, EVERY dumb slut is in school to be a nurse or a teacher.
You're in fucking college and you think a vasectomy is cutting your balls off?
Yeah for sure don't reproduce, retard.
A nurse is or a teacher is an ideal job for a wife. My mom was a nurse and she only worked 6 days per pay period and was home a lot to be a home builder and took care of me and my sister. I think I always wanted a wife that was a nurse or something simple where they aren't always busy and have time to take care of the kids and the house.
I didn't have a kid until after 6 years of dating and two years of marriage, and even that was too soon. Enjoy your youth, money and freedom before you fuck it up with kids. Save that for your 30's
Was your mom also a dumb slut like this other idiot?
Don't reproduce you actual mongloid
Tell her
You want a baby
Don't mean I do
Why do this to yourself op? I wouldn't even wish that on my worst enemy
Y'all fell for the b8
>only pretending to be retarded
You're going to hate her by year 4, if you can stand her, make her sign the prenuptial agreement. Tell her to eat your cum to prevent preclampsia, you can Google it, it's there. Cheers Yea Forumsro.
It's simple my dear newfag
We put the birth control pills in the food
Interesting, but still shameful.
OP I hope you're a basement virgin LARPing on the internet. Seems like it, but just in case you aren't:
You seem like a retard with zero concept of planning or foresight (which is literally the worst quality an engineer could possibly have), your gf seems equally stupid, and worst of all, for life advice you decided to come to Yea Forums. It's entirely possible for 2 very stupid people to raise a child, but do yourself a favor and wait.
Hey.. It happens. Women are whores, pic related
Fuck all these niggers OP
The future belongs to those who show up for it. They are all so eager to go extinct by the sounds of it. Your great grand kids will be told stories about this time and the sickness of society at the time and how once the genetic dead ends didn’t reproduce everything sorted itself out
Bonus round: kys OP
This. Jesus do not have kids. Unless you are me. I have kids in nearly every major country so far.
Working on china and Russia atm.
Sorry nigger. Dude went into it knowing she was a slut. Nobody to blame but his own retarded self.
>admits to big red flag
>still pokes her.
I’ve got two kids OP. Fucking wait! They are remarkably expensive. They have my ex controls my daughter’s life (so consequently mine) and I have to move every time she does, if I want to stay in my daughter’s life. Your whole life will change in a dramatic way. Even if you have a great marriage, you both love each other & the baby’s healthy; you still have a 24/7 18+ years job. You’re also WAY too young.
> finish school
> find a job you’re happy with
> save up for a house or condo down payment
> travel
> save as much as you can for a while
> pay off any old debts (student loans, credit cards, car payments............)
> do not accrue new debts
Now you’re ready to have a kid. Oh, and that whole about doing something to determine a kids sex is BS. Unless you went to a fertility clinic and worked with them, you might have a little control.
> PS, if she wants to get preggo, the best thing for her to do is cum after you. When a woman cums her cervix dips into the vaginal canal and dilates.
>just wants to get laid
>enjoys the casual relationship
>knew she was a slut
>didnt care
>she sluts around
Exactly how did he care about this? If you read it, you'd see he doesn't give a shit, and put her in her place, all the while laughing while walking out.
Don't do it OP you are still young and not only that if you two stay together, you have so much money coming in your good for life. The problem is op is that she's rushing this too fast, seriously being together for a year and wanting to have a baby ? Fuck that, live your life before you settle down, having a kid will just ruin 18 years of your life and you're going to miss being young .
Ignore any research she does and just fuck her as hard and as often as you can. When you cum, make sure you slam your dick into her cervix for ideal semen placement. It'll hurt her but it's damned effective
Yeah, don't have a kid till you're both ready.
If you need financial stability before you're ready, cool. Make sure that that is clear to her, what your goal-post is for having kids.
If she doesn't want to stick around, sad story, but no kid needs to have a parent(s) that wasn't ready/doesn't want them, and if you're going to be selfish enough to want to bring another life into this world for you to raise, you owe it to them to put their life before your own for consideration.
If this bitch really would just have a kid anytime, and wants a specific kid, honestly, she sounds self-absorbed and isn't thinking about her potential kid's life before her own. She wants to feel the "achievement" of having a kid, and she's set this goal of having a specific kid, with a specific life, not for the consideration of the kid, but for what -she- wants. What if ya'll have a retarded girl? What is she going to do? What if you guys have a son, but he decides to chop his dick off later and become a daughter, instead. What if she finds out that for some reason, she cannot conceive/conceive a healthy child thorough normal biological means? What if ya'll have a mutated demon baby whose healthy enough to continue living for a normal human life-span? If she going to put aside her fucking ego and pride to raise a life she brought into this world with it's consideration instead of her own?
Ya'll young motherfuckers need to stop pumping out babies without thinking of this shit. My fat black ass has to deliver your kids, and console these parents when their "perfect angel child" isn't what they wanted. Guess what. It stops being about what you want when you decide to conceive, not abort, and have the fucking baby.
Russia was easy (just sign up for an exchange service term in the army). China is a bitch to crack though, They aren't fond of US mil types doing the tourist thing outside of Hong Kong. If you'll count that it's pretty easy to knock girls up there now that their child policy has changed.
You'll probably have to do like with North Korea and fuck one of their workers elsewhere so they go home knocked up
OP, every single fucking person in this thread saying not to reproduce is a fucking Jew putting in their mandatory quota of propaganda before lunch break.
Your gf looks cute and fit. Unless she's absolutely too stupid to mate with (and I mean she has to be REALLY freaking dumb to warrant this), then breed with that woman. Have as many children as possible.
Also please post more pics of her please
Get a strong black man to impregnate her instead.
Nice try schlomo.
OP get up in her walls and have kids. Dont listen to these fucking jews
Psssst, us Jews -WANT- you to have more kids.
Can't get more money from people that don't exist.
It's the Chinese that want world domination through limited population.
She looks like a qt
More pics for my puckering penis please
it seems pretty simple user, if she really truly wants to have a child with you, she'll be willing to wait a little while
if she won't wait, tell her she's a stupid cunt and find another girl
best of luck, it sounds like you might do better than most of us... assuming she'll wait
Tell her / it that you want a kitten. Then go buy a lizard and bring it home. Then tell her you ate all of the birds and bees. Works every time bro.
Only way to have a better chance at a boy is a fertility treatment center, but enjoy the doggy style.
>want to get my bs and have a steady job before I get her pregnant
If she don't do anal it ain't worth it trust me
You shouldn't have a kid... I see you want to have it for your ego, that's sad. And btw this world is doomed, so pls don't make someone suffer
She’s trying to trap you.
Masterbate as much as possible to keep the sperm count low..
Lie to her and get her to do all kinds of messed up fetish stuff and say it improves the chances of having a boy. Once she gets pregnant dump that bitch and hope for a girl.
Come again?
Please elaborate. How are you doing this? How do you know you have kids? Do you just abandon them?
Gay and underage is your gf a nigger?
She sounds stupid. Sorry user not good breeding material.
It actually takes a lot of knowledge and willpower to be a good nurse, doesn’t take shit to be a teacher
Easy, whenever one of the locals tells you she's pregnant you put in for a base transfer. Damn right you abandon them.
they still need retarded bitches to do glorified janitor work. it's not like they are all encyclopedias of medical knowledge that do 99% of a doctor's job, like the good few male nurses
>good few male nurses
Aka me
Trust me, most people couldn’t get through nursing school whether you think you could or not. I respect anyone that did.
have a male nurse friend who said it was cake. obviously not psych major cake, but still cake. tards tend to have a hard time with easy things, but people who feel underappreciated tend to lie about the difficulty level of their work to feel important just to get a pat on the back. kudos if it was actually hard for you i guess.
>t. ce major math minor pretty easy and it's also a fairly thankless career path
Eject, eject
If it's a girl she'll grow up resenting your child user. Even if you want a kid you need to gtfo