Ask an austrian guy who is drinking vodka at 7 am anything

ask an austrian guy who is drinking vodka at 7 am anything

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Is nature pretty there.

Not OP but yes nature is pretty over here.

probably the only thing we have left from what once was

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As another austria-fag i have to agree....

no one else up drinking?

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I am and I fucked my best friends ex now he hates me

I would but i gotta work

How is Innsbruck I might be travelling there in a few days.

Am there atm. I love the city. And as far as i can tell tourists enjoy it as well. A lot to see and do. I dont think you would regret a visit

god i hate innsbruck so much i cant even tell, was in prison in there back in 2009. so much degeneracy. literally full of sandniggers

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Well i gotta agree with sandniggers and politics are fucked as well. Too much liberal scum. As well as many retarded students. But i dont think you would mind about that as a tourist tbh

I'm currently reading a book about Austria-Hungary. I'd be curious to know whether there is a specific time in Austria's history that you look back to with reverence.

hi again


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Are BMW's over complicated, unreliable, inefficient pieces of shit?

i prefer mercedes

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Why do you want people to know so bad?

not 1914? i think that was their best year

Thats not an answer. Speak the truth you cock gargling semi-nazi!

the best timeline in austrias history was when austrofascism existed

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i dont like bmws, but i had one.
and yes

Muricuck here. Drinking typical muricuck Jack and Coke. Life isn't so drab, friend. You should embrace your trials and tribulations and look at the bigger picture. Death is the goal but the trip up to that is the point of being alive.