The all new, all different Toddlercon thread. It is superior to lolicon in every way. Mods please sticky. Lolicon is also allowed I don't care.
The all new, all different Toddlercon thread. It is superior to lolicon in every way. Mods please sticky...
Let's get this party started right!
Is anyone there?
finally learned your place
Just suck my cock already faggot. Honestly.
based toddposters
>mods please sticky
the linework is all over the place
the thing I miss most about losing sadpanda is all those sweet incest lolicon doujins
Anyone on wickr?
what is that?
why would I be on wickr?
Two loli threads capped, lolis in the sticky and one more thread right here. Yea Forums is alive tonight!
can you the rest of it or the name please
Derrick22 if you feel like trading loli/tod
weve traded before lol
for those that don't know Wickr is supposed to be a snapchat-style app will clear suspicions that it's a compromised platform for law enforcement
Meh, Its good enough for ISIS and african drug lords, good enough for me.
oh, and a lot of people think that Wickr is safe to trade real child porn so if you're into that, then I guess go for it
I wish my dick was smaller so I could fuck real little girls.
you'd think the netherlands would've tried to get that taken down. they'd have more of a case to justify it.
you cant stop progress
toddlers doesn't sexual
I dont trade real child porn that shits gross and morally reprehensible, I just dont have the patience to post images on Yea Forums and dont want to buy a pass.
Is Pop Team Epic loli or are they more like shortstacks?
no reason to take it down when it's more beneficial to let it continue to support active investigations. Sorry for the technical speak, but there's no reason to believe that Wickr is actually completely secure
Nothing ever is.
Sweet fuck we need this anti porn uprising to come faster
> I can't afford $USD20 to post without captcha and captcha is hard
lies :D I was doing it at 4yo boy when I was 4yo, loved it, still remember it.
Pls someone trade Lolis with me on kik
im with you on this one. when i was 4 me and all my friends fucked pillows in front of eachother. we coudnt cum but we knew what we were doing
>Assumes it's the price and not the fact I dont want my name and address attached to an account that posts lolicon
when I was a kid, I used to climb a tetherball pole because it made my dick feel amazing. So good luck with that
you can use a pre-paid card if you're concerned about privacy. Your IP address is exposed either way so you probably have some shame issues
weirdly little toddlercon around
why would anyone pay to use Yea Forums when you can just change the captchasettings back to the 2 words where you only have to type the txt one and for the image one you type nigger
easier to fap with one hand