Holohoax memes thread
Holohoax memes thread
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jesus christ
its literally all bullshit
all holo deniers are yucky neckbeards
great argument
There's a good amount of fiction muddled in with the history of the Holocaust, but that goes for all of WWII and life in general.
are you actually going to believe a meme on Yea Forums rather than innumerable books on the matter? little wonder right wingers consistently score so poorly on IQ tests
Uhhhm ackshually, the only "Death Camps" are now Auschwitz and Treblinka. IIRC she was transferred to Buchenwald, which is not considered a death camp.
Also they allegedly executed all females upon arrival to Auschwitz as well.
Yeah, the most famous hall of cost victim died from typhus.
It's hilarious.
Ps. It was her uncle and it's proven fact that the diary was edited and added to by him in order to "enhance" the story it told.
Innumerable books on the matter
Written by a biased establishment that NEEDS the populace to believe theses myths in order to survive, especially because of the incredible Jewish overrepresentation in Government, media, and industry.
Oh, and none of those books can correctly refute these claims, retard.
Also, take a gander at this.
>Guh! Read a book stupid right wingers!!!
>Ha gottem, no need to read a book myself because I don't believe in stupid things!
If you would read a book with an adults mind from an adult perspective you will really see how one sided the history was portrayed to you as a child.
It wasn't magical bad evil nazis on a genocidal world domination strat.
The extermination meme has to end. It simply didn't happen how they sold it to us, and it's been so long people are afraid to recant and reduce.
So afraid it's illegal in many parts of the world to even do so.
Many Jews died at the hands of Germans, both in the government and civilians. But that's what happens to second class citizens and groups experiencing pogroms.
The funny thing is, during WW2 you wanted to be occupied by Germany, not Russia, or even America. Russians were ruthless and brutal. Hell you don't want to be occupied by the Americans now. German occupation in 1944 was better than American occupation in 2019.
If you don't believe the claims of Jewish overrepresentation, read through this.
People were sentenced to death in the Nuremberg trials for crimes that have since been proven false.
Torture victims tend to say what ever they think will reduce or end the suffering the fastest.
Anyone in any intelligence field knows that torture is a horrendously unreliable way to get information.
It's why they generally deceive you rather than torture you.
Drama is necessary to communicate emotions to people that have never experienced anything else.
If you understood the extent of the atrocities of that war, then you'd just need to hear "mass execution of civilians" to start vomiting.
Since you're lucky enough to never have been traumatized by something like that, the diary is a great way to learn what people went through and are still going through. It's not just a semi-fictional story about a girl that died, it's a voice for innocent people that died without any justice.
So pathetic. It's not obvious to you that those are photoshopped? Here's one of the stories (2nd from the top left), check for yourself: nytimes.com
>Sometimes you just gotta lie to the goyim to get your agenda across
>The ends justify the means
(((6 million))) volts
Can't see anything on the website. I know I've looked a few of these up in an old book that archived newspapers and they were legit. If I did give false information, mea culpa, but I don't think I have.
Ah I love people without history degrees talking about facts. Anyone who believes this should be killed unironically.
>devolves to two lines of greentext
And this is why there's no professional holocaust deniers, they're lazy for one thing.
I see, sounds like a big Jewish conspiracy. please provide a single shred of evidence for such a concerted effort.
that is certainly a lie. slave labour was one of the main reasons for lebensraum, as well as cheap land, it was a German imperalist strategy for European domination.
>Many Jews died at the hands of Germans, both in the government and civilians. But that's what happens to second class citizens and groups experiencing pogroms.
imagine being this blase about the mass production of death.
please provide proof of a conspiracy. this is just a list of people who are or might be jews, which is hardly relevant.
based debunker. imagine falling for this bollocks and being tricked into supporting the most disgusting ideology yet seen.
Then why not tell the story in its whole, truthfully? People can fully understand the atrocities of war when they are verified to be true, but spreading false information only casts doubt on your story. ESPECIALLY when almost every major story from WW2 is a complete fabrication (Such as Anne Frank's story, and the writings of Elie Wiesel). That's a really stupid plan that makes it look like nothing actually happened to you and toy made it all up.
Holocaust survivors are just 20th century storytime YouTubers.
When multiple major media outlets, large corporations, and entire governments are almost entirely staffed (at least, in their upper management) bu an ethnoreligious group at the center of many major conspiracies that ALSO makes up 2% of the total population, it seems dubious.
I think we can agree on that much, no?
I just restated what you said because of the absolute absurdity of it.
You didn't make an argument, then attempt to call me out?
Fukkin noice.
>that is certainly a lie. slave labour was one of the main reasons for lebensraum,
Wrong, restoration, reparation, and salvation were the main reasons for lebensraum.
Lebensraum did become a flash in the pan expansionist movement in some circles but that really didn't catch on and was never the policy.
>German imperalist strategy for European domination.
Lol no.
>imagine being this blase about the mass production of death.
There was no mass production of death.
Do you know what pogroms are? You also need a lot of historical perspective to properly assess the events.
This golden pedestal gets knocked down when you learn about the atrocities that occurred world wide throughout history.
You are attempting to illustrate me as the bad goy because I'm not pouring out my soul over suffering of the chosen ones 70 years ago.
If you are seriously so unstable that you have to go into emotional rant over death you're going to be caught in a spiral of it.
Stop trying to twist the conversation and weaponize emotion.
Why can't people be truthful? I wonder the same question. Better get back to your pretty propaganda memes.
Next time I'm debating, I'm just going to use "lol no" as my rebuttle and see how that sticks.
Naturally, since you're someone that is constantly repeating absurd things.
First it was the Jews. I believe that the holocaust happened because I've seen some shit. They went through some serious hell, but now the other groups are trying to follow the same pattern, you know, because it worked for the Jews.
First was the niggers. Free them, let them vote
Then came the women, let them vote, give them jobs, pretend that they are equal in all ways to a man.
At this point I swear to god, way back in 1991 I predicted this:
We will be forced to live and work and send our children to school alongside niggers.
Then homosexuals/lesbians, then people who don't know WTF they are
Next will be the pedophiles
I will be forced to kill again.
Progressive? Come get some.
Go to Auschwitz and ask about the chimney the soviets built.
Go to hell, salty bitch.
Because the truth offends them, and the "educated" ones have been taught that their feelings are more important than facts.
Show me a primarily black city that is prospering. Systemic racism, that's the problem. Hey, look, stereotypes are formed by stereotypical behavior.
You want me to pick you up and drive you to the city? Why don't you show me that English is your first language, that's a little easier... well it may actually be impossible for you.
ITT Never gone to a history class and you can't make me mom. The Nazis are cool.
Did the larpers run out of memes or what
Wannabe tough guys like you scream the loudest in the oven.
Watch out, there's some posters in this thread that won't like you claiming there were ovens.
No, there are more hall of cost memes than all other memes combined.
It's just tiring to shout into the echo chamber and op is a lazy nigger.
Everyone knows there were 4 ovens at Auschwitz.
That's one of the big contentions against the idea that months before the end of the war the exhumed every body from "mass graves" (impossible with the water table there) on sight and charred them so thoroughly they turned into dust and floated away.
Why would they design ovens to kill people and then only make four of them? I'm also amazed that you're referring to them as if it was nothing. Even if there were only four ovens, shouldn't you be talking about how bad it was that they existed at all? And if you hate innocent civilians that badly, why not accept that the Nazis felt the same way and made a huge production out of it? You're either ignorant or lying.
1.1 million died at Auschwitz. It takes 3 hours to cremate a human body in a modern crematorium. With all 4 ovens going 24/7 it would have taken 94.178 years to go through that many corpses.
>yeah cause they did it one at a time single file line and no cutting
imagine being this retarded
Have you read these books?
There are probably dozens of cremation ovens within a few miles of you at this very second.
Why is having cremation ovens in a prison camp strange? People die, and disease mitigation is the number 1 priority.
Yes, why?
Bring me to a prosperous city that is infested? Nah, I'm good nigga, I'm good.
You stay out of my hood, I'll stay out of yours.
How can you possibly believe in the lies told about mengele when the books about him contradict themselves left and right. Any retard who reads about mengele starts to see that the emperor has no clothes.
Because normal crematoriums don't have muffle chambers.
You can look at the designs yourself, since you havent bothered to yet.
Which book at you referring to? Most people that communicate with words have context to what they say, except for children and the mentally ill.
>kike trying to cope
No user, that's them doing it 4 at a time. One for each oven and given the size of the oven you couldn't for more than one in at a time properly and it work at all well. And that number was arrived at with a modern crematorium used as an example, not some ye olde shit that looks like someone wanted to make bread oven.
But muh allies were the good guys!
No you didn't.
Jeez, that's some harsh shit to say about Nazi engineering.
>The war which they caused
England and France started the war, Poland caused it.
Eisenhower's death camps are only something you learn about when you truely give a fuck about the history.
No school teaches about it. No teacher tells students about the blatant skirting of the geneva convention regulations.
No one talks about the horrendous conditions and official orders to slaughter them.
They instead project these realities onto the "enemy". The Germans. Despite Germany complying with geneva convention regulations and working throughout the entirity of the war with the red cross.
Germany had all eyes on it, and did little wrong.
Oh yeah, the war THEY caused. Fuck you you kike. Hitler started the war and you know it. The average soldier didn't start shit.
You sir are and idiot.
My father lived under german occupation, they were cunts.
>germans getting what they deserved.
Oh no. So sad.
Lucius D clay
Well it's true, you look at those ovens and tell me they don't look shoddy.
The Angel of Death and The Complete Story are both good books about him.
What you're doing right now is projecting. You haven't read shit, but you think it's a place of authority to talk like you have. So you're projecting your ineptitude and inexperience onto everyone you "debate".
If you inject yourself on a whim into conversations about a topic, you're probably not going to be the most educated guy on the topic. Keep that in mind nigger.
Muh Geneva conventions
Muh treat the enemy with respect and dignity
Muh paint history how I want others to see it
>whip Larpers ass with facts and evidence
>y-y-youre just a kike
Lmao. Truly the ubermensch.
Holy shit, you think that's how they kept them when they were in service? Those things are over three quarters of a century old. Look at the design and function you fucking stellar dunce
Germans didn't even deserve trials. :-)
>A jew gets his store window smashed in after a kike, in the name of kikery, assassinates a political figure
Oh the poor j00! This shall go down in history as the worst thing to have ever happened ever. School children will read this tale for centuries to come!
Why are you nazi's so cold hearted!!!!
>Millions of Germans get housed worse than cattle and are starved and shot.
While this thread is full of inneptitude, I don't think it's because I've projected it onto you. That's an insane thought.
You should cry more. Or you could follow the fuhrer and die like a coward in a little bitch bunker after raping your niece a half dozen times, you Nazis love incest
I'm pretty sure any Nazi would be pissed to hear all these larpers talking about them like they were defenceless babies that got btfo by allied forces.
>Literally walks around screeching that everyone needs to PICK UP A BOOK
>Thinks others calling them out are having insane thoughts
Wew lad
Why are Nazis such little snowflakes? Putting your sausage fingers in your ears and screaming "la la la I can't hear you" when presented with evidence makes you look like children. Pick up a book and put down the cp.
>One deflection argument doesn't work
>Slap up another one!
>And another one!
>And another one!
You're attempting to put words in peoples mouths and paint them into a corner defending things they never said because they feel attacked.
This type of behavior gets you kicked out of the NFL. This is textbook kikery to be honest.
>greentexts again
All you larpers can do is parrot shit that you find crazy, it's like a reflex.
This isn't even related to what I said.
If your heart doesn't break for Mengele and his destroyed relationship with his son because his son was told, and believed, proven lies about it, then you're the monster.
Honestly, most of the time the JIDF shill posting comments are jokes.
But this is pretty JIDFey in nature.
A bunch of nothing comments just trying to spray and hope something, anything, sticks to derail, discredit, or trick someone into defending something indefensible that they never even said to begin with.
Bread oven. The pleb they got to build it must have forgotten what he was doing halfway through the job because they look like bread ovens.
You ever tried cooking meat it a bread oven? It's not efficient. You need more air circulation in the fire box and better heat conductivity to the body box, this is basic shit. If you were going to get rid of corpses on an industrial scale and did it like that you are doing it wrong.
>are you actually going to believe a meme on Yea Forums rather than innumerable books on the matter? little wonder right wingers consistently score so poorly on IQ tests
ahhhh shit the jidf is following us guise
Perhaps we should tell it to go and stay go
Larpers are those edgy kids from high school who thought screaming "niggers" made them cool.
There should be a government fund set aside so these dummies can lose their virginities and grow up.
>keeps calling everybody larper
>uses the exact same rhetoric in each comment
>provides no actual evidence to an argument and just does ad hom
holy shit this samefag is getting paid per post
Oh wow. So it's almost like the allies were just as guilty of genocide?
wonder why these faggots on here won't recognize that?
>uh oh those naughty anons from Yea Forums seem to be convincing normies that our outrageous lies are, in fact, filthy lies!!
>what do you suggest we do, Chaim?
>I got it! Let's appropriate their memes and accuse them of involuntary celibacy, I mean who would want to fuck a bunch of alpha funnymen that dare to think for themselves? It's not like they have our super cool giant noses or little hats, bitches love our hats! How can you get your hands on khazar milkers without our super cool hats??
>Yes Chaimie, they surely never get laid. What kind of woman would go for guys that are funny and break rules like a rebel and are considered 'bad boys'?
>Let's call them unintelligent and not even bother to debate them because they keep on blowing us the fuck out!!
>Excellent tactic, Chaim, you are indubitably the destroyer of these mental midget goytoys!
>Yeah, they’re just a bunch of edgelords that think they’re funny. History has shown us that edgelords never get any sweet sweet shiksa action, I bet that our defamations and accusations of being basement dwelling incels that never read a book make them cry even more than we do at their really mean anti-semitic arguments that point out that we’re just a bunch of hideous inbred freaks that obsess over fairy tales in our special little books that prove that we’re the super special little chosen ones of our asshole demonic demiurge!
>I bet they cri everiday!!
>You don’t think they’re laughing at us, do you?
Holocaust is a fact. Goebbels own diary (far too much hand written work to be a forgery) gives written evidence of the plan to 'liquidate' 60% of European Jews based on their estimation of their being 11 million of them.
Literally thousands of cases of consistent testimony, hundreds by Nazis who DID NOT have any signs of having been tortured, along with many many thousands of survivor testimonies. If you expect us to believe that the survivors were all rounded up and coached on what to do and say, surely there should be substantial evidence of this, and yet there is not. Many Germans not accused of any crimes testified as witnesses, in German courts. Countless Prisoners of War who were neither Jewish nor German testified.
Inventories for shower heads and gas tight doors can be found for Krema III.
I would list more but honestly I don't have the time to list all the evidence of the Holocaust. So deniers have is a spurious claim about conspiracy with no evidence.
>JIDF attack incoming!!!
>Oh shit, they just dropped a meme on our thread!
>Call for backup!
This is what goes on inside a larpers head.
Not even past the first sentence and you showed how awkwardly, as well as incorrectly, you handle the English language
They were pretty much fucked after stalingrad.
What the fuxk does that even mean?
You do know that rumors are spread within small communities right?
Remember that mysterious door in your elementary school that everyone knew housed dead bodies?
Or how everyone totally knew that the lunch lady's hot dogs were made of real dogs.
It's why stories like soap and lamp shades came to be.
Other more far out ones like masturbation machines and electrified floors were made up by individuals.
For the Germans
Also to perform sex changes on jews
The liquidation comment is the strongest written evidence of the genocide plan.
What it means is that 60% of the Jewish population is not fit for work. The German plan was Zionist in nature from day 1.
Liquidation meant get rid of them, as in, make them someone else's problem. They were a liability. People don't speak poetically about genocide you goof. He was speaking frankly about the situation at hand.
Except there were entire wings run entirely by inmates treating other inmates.
A stronger argument to pull out your ass would be for optics and tricking red cross.
I love this one
Get gassed faggit
You'll never say that in reference to a woman.
Did you know Hitler was actually buff as heck?
Jews created fake images of him to look short and weak.
the fuck is that guy doing?
Gassing the gay away
Gassing for insects
Living in such cramped conditions can lead to insect infestation
If nobody else is gonna bump I'll just go to sleep.
Why don't you just call it delousing? Are you drunk?
Nah zyklon b is for gassing jews, who would use it as an insecticide?
You guys like cats right?
What about ice cream?
Yes actually
Because the holocaust was a lie
It was used to "delouse" jews
Thanks asshole
The world is flat and I can prove it
The sun will rise again
Why would they do that
To keep their prisoners of war alive
Because they were pow camps
The jews were being relocated to Madagascar
What are you drinking?
Germans did toy around with the hollow earth, it's esoteric and they were all sorts of into that shit.
But I've never read anything credible saying that Adi thought the Earth was flat.
Most people mischaracterize the hollow earth belief as thinking we're living on the inside of a globe.
Wait pow I thought the jews in the camps were just normal people
Hennesy and Seagrams gin
I handle English just fine given that I was born in England, to English parents, raised in an English suburb, and have a Masters degree in English language. What you're probably picking up on is the retardifying power of auto correct, because I am not going to spell check for your benefit on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.
All of which is irrelevant. My phone's failings in English do not invalidate the facts.
It is not the strongest evidence. The strongest evidence is the wealth of testimony, corroborated by documentation about the gas chambers, reports from kill squads, and more. Liquidate does not mean 'make someone else's problem', anyway. From context alone that can be clearly read:
>The procedure is a pretty barbaric one and not to be described here more definitely. Not much will remain of the Jews. On the whole it can be said that about 60 per cent of them will have to be liquidated whereas only 40 per cent can be used for forced labor.
Rumors may do, but thousands of cases of testimony that match with small idiosyncrasies does not. That would require coordination on a scale that would by necessity leave evidence, and there would be clear signs of testimony homogeneity. Courts around the world have dealt with doctored testimony for centuries. It has very clear markers that were not present in the testimony of those who appeared in the various trials about the Holocaust.
They abandoned the Madagascar plan in writing. Try again.
>Masters in English
>Fails to have a grade 5 reading comprehension
It's so that on the off chance a flat earther is xanaxed enough to believe something he reads on Yea Forums that it will create sympathy for extremism, thereby destabilizing the global economy by just a fraction and further enriching their bosses.
Why do they do it? For pocket change, of course! Cute little monkeys, aren't they? Sometimes I think they do this misinformation dance because they love it.
Straight out of the bottle?
I don't want to
I'm just here to post holocaust memes
Into a glass with ice
I'm not a savage
>It's two lines of greentext guy
Will you go to sleep already?
I have a friend who has a doctorate in it. He still uses colloquial writing when he's not writing academically. You seem to think pointing out I made errors invalidates my qualification at all, in addition to it invalidating my point.
It doesn't. I still have my degrees, I still earned them by understanding English better than you likely do, and I still don't care to focus on writing perfectly on a Chinese pedo porn gallery.
You're a retard.
I mean did you mix them
Post away. I'll just be here reminding everyone that the Holocaust is a fact.
>Heinrich 'Reichsführer' Himmler
It depresses me that I'll never be able to thank them for their work.
Sure why not
>In a conversation
So just like when Trump said he didn't like blacks counting his money in the casinos and preferred big nosed people doing it. Totally verified truthful words from his mouth that he definitely said because someone else wrote that he said them.
So did you or didn't you. Why are you being so weird right now?
>According to the world almanac
>Which disclaimed that it was only an estimate
>And had no census data to go on because the next census after the war occurred after it was published
>The almanac which has a history of inconsistent numbers
Great source.
>According to the world Jewish encyclopedia.
And according to the Germans there were 11 million.
And according to the almanac 15 million.
All of which denial faggots use as sources.
Consistency is great, ain't it?
>Oy vey!
>Everyone who points out glaring flaws in my arguments is a Jew.
By this logic there are probably a LOT more Jews that the census suggests then because your arguments are so full of holes I bet people can't help themselves.
Nice try, Jew. That's your logic and assumption.
That almanac post also wasn't mine, but it's funny you pointed out how the source is so flawed and still try to defend it. Shekels have been deposited into your bank account.
>Many Jews died at the hands of Germans, both in the government and civilians. But that's what happens to second class citizens and groups experiencing pogroms.
Is this your adult minded adult perspective? Deny that it happened then admit yeah ok it happened but that's just what happens man!
>Wrong, restoration, reparation, and salvation were the main reasons for lebensraum.
You're listing the stated reasons, by the people who implemented it. Like they were going to just come out and admit it was for cheap labour - an economic driving force since ancient Egypt - rather than making patriotic noises about reclamation? Fucking hell youre gullible.
>I'll just be here reminding everyone that the Holocaust is a fact.
Ok, if it's such a fact, where are the mountains of burnt bone shards? Can you explain the complete lack of archaeological evidence? Furthermore, if the Germans really genocided 6million kikes, why would they even try to hide it, even if they could, and even more, why is investigation verboten? Can you show me one photograph which depicts a dead male holocaust victim that is circumcised? They all have their foreskins. There were surely concentration camps of some kind, but did you know that most of the management of the Nazi party were openly half Jewish? How does that compute? Why don't you explain wtf is up with the whole 'Hitler was a infiltrator/spy working for the Weimar govt when he first had contact with the DAP, and not only that, but he is proven to be a Rothschild? Wow, that's weird, just like how he seemed to commit national suicide by invading Russia, that wasn't very bright was it? Almost like he wanted to get curbstomped. Ever notice the sudden explosion in Jewish population in America and the Levant? Probably a coincidence, huh? Tell me about the holocoaster, that one's my favorite.
>And still try to defend it
Where did I try to defend the almanac? I think you need to learn how to read.
Non of these means anything.
>breaking story, media and banking is made up of 90% Jews.
No shit, it’s literally there only two professions that they have been doing for centuries, kind wasn’t a choice thousands of years ago and they just stuck with what they know.
>there only two professions that they have been doing for centuries
Imagine being this much of a bluepilled retard. Out of curiosity, where those two professions 'well poisoning' and 'goyim children murdering'?
>Can you explain the complete lack of archaeological evidence?
Like the 20 foot deep layers of ash that have been found, and the documented use of human ashes in farms during the war?
>Why is investigation verboten?
Investigation isn't forbidden, it is just not considered necessary after the facts are so long since established.
>did you know that most of the management of the Nazi party were openly half Jewish?
>Hitler was a infiltrator/spy working for the Weimar govt when he first had contact with the DAP, and not only that, but he is proven to be a Rothschild
Completely made up. Not a shred of evidence to this effect.
>Ever notice the sudden explosion in Jewish population in America and the Levant
Given the Nazis own estimations of number of Jews in Europe those who fled before the war still allow for more than 9 million Jews in German occupied Europe.
It's a fact, denier. There is so much evidence it could take five or six thread 404s to go through, and you can only deny so much of it before your inconsistencies pile up.
>documented use of human ashes in farms during the war?
show sauce or stfu
>it is just not considered necessary after the facts are so long since established.
Oh, right. Who needs silly goy shit like 'evidence' when we have so many amusing stories of soap and lampshade making?
>Not a shred of evidence to this effect.
pic related faggot
>the Nazis own estimations of number of Jews in Europe
The population of kikes in Europe never exceeded 1.5% in any nation. Are you going to sit there and tell me that the population of Europe was 600 million in the 1940's?
>There is so much evidence it could take five or six thread 404s to go through
I'd be happy with an explanation as to the process that they reduced bone to ash.
>show sauce or stfu
Protokol czynnosci wykomanych w terenie w toku dochodzenia sadowego w sprawie obozu smierci w Treblince, AIPN NTN 69” as cited in “Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka. Holocaust Denial and Operation Reinhard. Chapter 7: Mass Graves (2). Number, Dimensions and contents of the Mass Graves” link is being called spam by Yea Forums which is a pain in the ass holocaustcontroversies. (The spot for blogging) .com/2011/12/belzec-sobibor-treblinka-holocaust_5940.html
>Oh, right. Who needs silly goy shit like 'evidence' when we have so many amusing stories of soap and lampshade making?
The human skin lampshades have been microscopically analyzed and are genuine, so that's also a fact with evidence. Soap experiments are confirmed by testimony and written evidence, though the process turned out to be inefficient so they abandoned it.
>pic related faggot
I refer you to your own words
>show sauce or stfu
>The population of kikes in Europe never exceeded 1.5% in any nation. Are you going to sit there and tell me that the population of Europe was 600 million in the 1940's?
I'm going to cite the Nazis own findings which, in the Wannsee Protocol, they have at 11 million. Also there is the almanac deniers like to cite which gives an alternate number of 15 million. Your assertion that the population never 3xceeded 1.5% in any nation is without evidence.
>I'd be happy with an explanation as to the process that they reduced bone to ash.
Same way we do it now. Most bones are burned, some are ground down, though as evidenced above they didn't tend to bother with the grinding, as bones were found.
Holy kek
>link is being called spam by Yea Forums
>The human skin lampshades have been microscopically analyzed and are genuine
jfk, you little monsters never give up, do you? Show peer reviewed empirical research, circleboy.
>I refer you to your own words
I asserted evidence. The burden of disproving my assertion now falls on you, jewboi.
>Your assertion that the population never 3xceeded 1.5% in any nation is without evidence.
For now. I actually have in my possession a book pertaining to the ethnic composition of Europe and it was published in the 1930's. Unfortunately it happens to be in another state atm, but believe that I'm gonna scan the SHIT out of that book when I get my hands back on it. It clearly states that kikes never were greater than 1.5% in any nation. You nightmarish little abominations can't round up every antiquarian book in existence. You might be able to edit the internet, but you are powerless over antiquarian book collectors.
>though as evidenced above they didn't tend to bother with the grinding,
So where are the bones, Avi? Do you have any idea how much volume 6 million skeletons would create, even ground into gravel? I'm no mathematician, but I reckon it's like over 9000 barrels, and that's a lot!
>The human skin lampshades have been microscopically analyzed and are genuine, so that's also a fact with evidence.
Can confirm, here is evidence as presented before judge Shekelberg at the elders of zion court.
If you had visited the blog in question you will find it full of references. Full. On the other hand
>I asserted evidence. The burden of disproving my assertion now falls on you, jewboi.
You posted no evidence at all. You posted a picture and claimed it was of half Jews but you have no evidence of this assertion so far.
>For now.
And for ever. There are already print forms of evidence with greater estimations than your 1.5% bullshit. You can complain about the internet all you like but the Wannsee Protocol existed before the internet.
>So where are the bones, Avi?
In the mass graves, many of which were excavated, evidence of which is cited in the blog I linked that you chose to ignore, or on the fields of farmers in the local areas. Additionally 6 million Jews were not cremated, and nobody is claiming as such. Several million at Auschwitz, 1.1 at Treblinka according to soil drilling estimates.
All you have is unsubstantiated claims about falsehoods and ideas about conspiracies that have no evidence. It would be funny if it weren't so concerning that so many people genuinely believe it.
>Lol look I can make jokes about atrocities how edgy am I
kek, im making jokes about jew lies.
About established reality, mocking the murder of millions, at the expense of an entire people. You know you're a shit person.
>It would be funny if it weren't so concerning that so many people genuinely believe it.
You have failed to even produce a single infographic. This is you:
I'm going to tell you this directly, kike. Look into my motherfucking eyes. We're not going to stop until the entire world knows all about your filthy lies, and it's not going to end well for you. The only thing keeping you alive right now is your systems of slave morality which infect the goyim, but when we put that behind us you're fucked. I can think of no greater joy than extirpating your pernicious cult from the face of this planet. The hilarious joke is that you deformed little walking diseases think you're so fucking smart, and your cartoonish arrogance is going to be the mechanism which we hoist you upon, petard-like, except next time we're going to make sure we kill every single fucking one of you and hunt you down to the ends of the earth. Once enough of us know what you have done, there will no escape for you.
>established reality
Fabricated reality.
>A single infographic
Oh pictures? Sorry I didn't realise I was arguing with a child.
According to retards who think an image is evidence but a blog with dozens of academic references to printed publications and actual digs is not.
You can't fix stupid. I'm not trying to argue with you, I'm just making sure everyone else who sees this will see you making fools of yourselves.
Literally the only argument for Anne Frank's story being real is that supposedly everyone saying otherwise is anti-semitic.
>The mass murder of these people is a hoax.
>Next time we'll murder you all.
I sense disingenuousness.
That and the written evidence.
yeah i'm really immature. I like pictures because they can be saved, analyzed and backtraced. And did you know that you are posting on what is known as an imageboard? That means images are kind of what we do here. Do you know why we like images especially? Because filthy kikes are always trying to trick us into clicking that shit, but unfortunately for you, you're dealing with the genuine internet hate machine right here and we never click that shit, nigger. The fact that you are unable even to take screenshots is a source of great mirth for me. I suggest you leave our little bastion of free speech and never come back. You fail.
I was referring to every expulsion and pogrom in history, faggot. You overgrown snakes have been getting btfo by us throughout history, ever since you reared your ugly Khazar heads. Now you even have your own state. As an American, I can tell you that once we millenials take complete control, you will no longer enjoy access to our vastly superior technologies or resources. Left or right, we all fucking hate you. You killed our friends. We will never forgive you for that.
here you go
Retard, this websites is filled with shills ment to aggravate people prone to violence to pick out who needs to be kept an eye on.
Hol' up. So you be sayin' that various alphabet agencies are monitoring 4chins? Nigga wat? Surely this must be new and doesn't stretch back to the days when scumfucks used this board to clandestinely exchange illegal content. I can assure you that all my content is well within the realm of legality. I often push the boundary for the sake of pushing the boundaries. I actually hope that it's the nsa or other agency that's harassing me and literally stealing money from my accounts because if it's not then wtf are they doing? They just let some third party crack my shit and steal my money and even threaten me? I seriously hope they're seriously analyzing the fuck out of me because I'm sick and tired of all the mysterious network intrusions and electromagnetic fields which appear from nowhere. I merely troll the shit out of faggots, mostly kikes, but it only exists on the internet. I actually have several jewish friends and I respect them as artists. Everything here is a creative work of fiction and falsehood and anyone that thinks otherwise is a fool. It's like none of you ever bothered to look into the history of trolling on Yea Forums and think that the internet is a perfect mirror of real life. It might be now, but it wasn't always that way and some of us still appreciate the unreality of the internet for expression of expressions for the sake of expression. The only thing some of us want is to be free to say wtf we want, and yes I like hurting peoples feelings.
>Images can be analyzed and backtracked better than academic references.
Hoo boy we got a real rib tickler here.
>Since you are arguing against my hatred you must be a Jew
>Nazis didn't do pogroms and expulsions and murders
>But we'll still murder you
wtf i live in that city im seriuous
they knew pearl harbor was going to happen , they did not stop it becuase they needed a reason to get involved in the war , the reason for doing so was to obtain german scientists involved in nuclear bomb research and to create a arsenal to be feared the world over
the world u know is a lie
everyone tells the same story about:
alien abductions: evidence of lying
holocaust: evidence of truth
the problem is that a history degree is useless if you don't get unbiased information
holy fuck, check out this newboomer. I'm just at a loss for words. Nevermind, no I'm not. Here's a real 'rib tickler' grandpa: you're trying to make fun of me and accomplishing only a clown-like display which shows your new and lack of belonging here. You didn't even bother to use a search engine to look up what 'backtrace' means. You don't even know that our memes take the shape of wordforms or that you failed miserably. You realize that there is such a thing as search engines, right?
Congrats. You managed to make zero sense. Are you brain damaged?
I would much rather. seems to work for the people who are winning
I can't talk to a person that thinks an image is easier to follow to the source than an academic reference. It's just beyond me to try and deal with someone who thinks they are too smart for school while displaying blatant ignorance of sources and facts the way you and your ilk do.
I love that you're sticking to this backtrace thing even though it doesn't mean what you are implying it means. It's just fun to watch. Go ahead and Google backtrace then, it has nothing to do with images on imageboards. It's great watching you try to call me a clown while doing this.
You read it kike, stop evading anons responses like a little bitch, you can't wriggle out of this one goy
>You managed to make zero sense.
Says the person who has been saying
>The Germans never murdered tons of Jews
>But we will murder tons of Jews
Your entire argument is based in your hatred. You can't come up with a valid argument because your entire argument is emotional. You ignore sources and then when asked for them yourself you complain that your images are sources and your opponent never provided any image based sources. If your opponent provided you images you would argue they are doctored because you have special conditions for evidence. Your special condition: evidence has to agree with your already held opinion.
You're a joke.
0/10 made me reply
You're just uttering slurs with the intent to deride even though the two slurs you used are mutually exclusive.
You can't even keep your slurs in check. You are seething.
This is true.
>surely there should be substantial evidence of this, and yet there is not
satanic trips died for this post
>I can't talk to a person that thinks an image is easier to follow to the source than an academic reference
Yet you can't seem to stop posting. I'm asking for specific references to actual independently verifiable information, outside of a specific link, which you have so far failed to do to my knowledge. Pic related is an example of what I'm talking about. I found an online version of the book 'the occult roots of nazism' and you can independently verify the fact that Hitler was a spy when he joined the DAP by looking into the book without hitting the specific link in the image. Give me the name of the academic paper you are talking about and I'll find it myself. I don't think I'm too smart to learn: I"m literally challenging you to provide sauce. Since you couldn't possibly know what I meant there, I'll hold your hand and explain that 'sauce' is how we say 'source' and it's one of our memes. Not that you could ever understand the point of board culture, you unfunny boomer fuck.
>I love that you're sticking to this backtrace thing even though it doesn't mean what you are implying it means
wow. just wow. I can't even laugh at you right now. I honestly feel kind of sick.
The trips of truth.
There is no evidence of a Jewish conspiracy to round up and instruct survivors to create a fake atrocity.
>I"m literally challenging you to provide sauce
Why should I repost a source I ALREADY provided you when you will simply ignore it, rather than doing what you just said and independently verifying it?
>wow. just wow. I can't even laugh at you right now. I honestly feel kind of sick.
Why, because you got called out for using an unrelated term to refer to something it doesn't refer to? Pic related.
Learn to give up when you know you've been called on bullshit.
>You can't come up with a valid argument because your entire argument is emotional.
Seriously? Where are these sources? And how the fuck dare you try to tell me what I'm going to say? I want the sources you speak of, I'm begging you to give them to me. Images are merely a kind of shorthand or repository of information that saves us time. Never once have I demanded information conform to my preconceived notions. Nor would I ever do that. I'm challenging you to show me what you got and you slimy snakes just slither around the issue and accuse me of non-existent shit. You even call ME the joke. You faggots are fucking insane.
You were given a source. You refused to verify it. You have already shown this.
Also, your source may as well be an opinion piece because there is no provenance for the information it states about Hitler having been a spy for Weimar. It is not a root source, and since it has no links to a root source, it is spurious.
The link given earlier in this thread had citations from various digs, one of which has photographs of soil drill samples, demonstrating veracity of its information right back to the source.
You need to actually cite a SOURCE with VERIFIABLE information in order to stop looking like a retard who is desperately trying not to lose by ignoring evidence and posting spurious shit.
>There is no evidence of a Jewish conspiracy to round up and instruct survivors to create a fake atrocity.
how would there even be any evidence?
I'm not saying I believe that, but there not being any known evidence doesn't make it wrong.
I also wouldn't be surprised if it were true.
Hitler did absolutely nothing wrong
>how would there even be any evidence?
Because there would have been either a large movement of people or a massive amount of written communication to disseminate the information and, as has been true through all of time, not everyone involved would have been willing to perpetuate the lie.
>I'm not saying I believe that, but there not being any known evidence doesn't make it wrong.
There not being any evidence means that it is a blind claim. I could make blind claims all day and that doesn't make them true or more likely. To claim there is a Jewish conspiracy with no evidence, against a phenomenon with LITERAL TONS (trucks full, I am not misusing the literal here, there was a lot taken from the Nazis) of evidence, is like telling a physicist he is wrong about the thing he has been studying for 8 years 'because I don't believe it'.
>I also wouldn't be surprised if it were true.
And that is an admission of bias.
This has to be some kind of next level trolling. kekekek you got me guise. You had me going there for a minute. It's because of all the newfriends these days that I thought someone would actually post such a thing. Good job. I give you 9/10
>I got called out and have nothing so better double down and hope others will back me up in my bullshit.
It's over. I posted the literal definition of backtrace. Here's another. You want to keep pretending it means something else that is referred to NOWHERE?
And further to
Here's another
Again nothing at all to do with finding the source of information and more a bullshit term retards who want to sound clever on the internet use.
Click back in this conversation about, I would guess 6 to 8, replies and you will find the source you summarily dismissed without reading the first time.
You're a joke.
You are so lazy and intellectually dishonest you won't even follow this very reply chain back? Fine.
There is the post, in a few seconds I expect you to dismiss it out of hand again without doing as you said (personally checking the source) which I DID do, discovering that the book you posted a picture from provides no source for its information about Hitler being a spy for the Republic.
>Because there would have been either a large movement of people or a massive amount of written communication to disseminate the information and, as has been true through all of time, not everyone involved would have been willing to perpetuate the lie.
Paper trails can be destroyed and you can just not interview people who don't want to play ball.
My problem is that I do not trust the evidence.
At the end of the day I just wasn't there, meaning I won't claim to know anything.
>There not being any evidence means that it is a blind claim.
Of course it is, I didn't claim it wasn't.
>And that is an admission of bias.
Crazy. I don't trust any government to tell the truth, especially when they have something to gain by lying.
Here's a better one. How can you argue all that tl;dr after some of these pictures?
>you can just not interview people who don't want to play ball.
Not if you are a denier investigating it. You'd ask any and every new you could. Nobody with a contrary tale and corroborating evidence has been found in over 70 years and deniers have been trying.
>My problem is that I do not trust the evidence.
If you do not trust physical evidence then you are an idiot.
>At the end of the day I just wasn't there, meaning I won't claim to know anything.
And I wasn't at the battle of Crecy, but we know it happened. Physical evidence exists and that shit isn't even corroborated by testimony.
>Of course it is, I didn't claim it wasn't.
But you implied that there is any weight to it despite lack of any evidence. You are actively choosing to believe a theory with no evidence over a theory with truckloads. You are choosing the less sensible option by any same measure.
>Crazy. I don't trust any government to tell the truth, especially when they have something to gain by lying.
Which government is that in particular, and what do they stand to gain? I believe I can address this point quite well.
>There is the post,
Okay, that's what I thought. I wanted you to confirm it because I might have missed something. Fuck your faggot link and give actual sources you jidf newfag. You even dare to call information contained in a published book which is well referenced 'spurious' yet can't provide
>independently verifiable
information. I'm not going to that site and you're out of your goddam mind if you think anyone here will. Post screencaps from it if you're such a believer in its information. The picture I post does provide sources as you can access the work in any number of ways, including buying the meatspace book and checking out the references in the back. Do you expect me to do everything for you? As for the entire 'backtrace' thing, I'm afraid I'm just going to tell you that you dunn goofed and consequences will never be the same. Yeah bitch. You just got [slaughter]ed. You remind me of this roastie meatflap named Jessie. I honestly thought everyone knew about that. The reason I'm just kind of shocked is that you are the single most autistically incapable of taking a joke or knowing our memes out of every other user I've ever encountered on Yea Forums. Congrats. I guess the jokes on me because I never imagined that there would ever exist someone so completely unable to get one of our most common jokes.
>Nobody with a contrary tale and corroborating evidence has been found in over 70 years and deniers have been trying.
I find that hard to believe, but then again I don't know shit.
>If you do not trust physical evidence then you are an idiot.
>Physical evidence exists and that shit isn't even corroborated by testimony.
I don't have the evidence and I don't necessarily believe those presenting it.
>You are actively choosing to believe a theory with no evidence...
I'm really not.
>Which government is that in particular, and what do they stand to gain?
For example the US gov, they may or may not have demonized the germans to distract from their own controversial actions.
>Okay, that's what I thought. I wanted you to confirm it because I might have missed something. Behold as I dismiss it out of hand while arguing that you should buy the real book of my source and check the references in the back which are conveniently missing from the website I linked to.
As expected, no honesty.
My link: fully referenced and has links back to sources that you blatantly refuse to check.
Your link: text from a book containing NO source information for its claim whatsoever.
You wanted
>Independently verifiable
And you got it, but did not provide it. Yours cannot be verified, because it has no provenance, and mine does. But as before you are dismissing it out of hand with ZERO academic rigor.
Fair, but it seems like an awful lot of fun
Dude, just let it go. These guys breed in impoverished shitholes and are raised on hate. Despite their extremely low IQs and distrust of all things academic they feel that their "research" is somehow accurate and world altering. It's best to leave them to their own devices and let the feds handle them, they'll round them up in small groups for meth or various hate crimes and institutionalize them.
>For example the US gov, they may or may not have demonized the germans to distract from their own controversial actions.
They may not have, especially considering that they publicly tried their own war criminals after the war, and unlike Germany actually punished them, and regardless America had precious little to do with the mahority of trials regarding the Holocaust in Europe. They have minimal opportunity and the motive doesn't gel with their other actions and is unlikely.
The jealousy in the second row over her shoulder is palpable.
no, fuck you
how can the holocaust be real, all the jews died out in like 900 bc
No, he was a believer in flat earth theories. It was a point of contention between him and Rommel and Goebbels.
You forgot this one
>But as before you are dismissing it out of hand with ZERO academic rigor.
No I'm not. I admit that my lack of interest in clicking direct links obstructed my notice that you were referencing a specific book.
>Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka. Holocaust Denial and Operation Reinhard. Chapter 7
I found it on archive.org.
This is all I wanted. Now I can look into what you are referencing myself. Maybe you don't understand the value of what I'm trying to do or maybe you just can't make your thoughts clear. Maybe the mistake was mine as I didn't get any sleep. But you insisted on the link and not the book and this was my problem.
>Like the 20 foot deep layers of ash that have been found
do you know the temperature you have to reach to turn human bone to ash? it's not your every day campfire, you need blast furnaces. you can't just pile people in a pit, pour some gasoline and expect their bones to turn to ash. good luck burning 6 million people in the handful crematoriums found. I'm sure someone will help me by posting the picture that shows the math needed to burn that many people in the short time of WW2.
I’ve placed david stars next to these people’s names, they are therefore now jewish
Also, I found 'the occult roots of nazism' on archive.org as well. I consider Archive.org to be legit as fuck, unlike your shady blog shit. Pic related proves that primary sources are utilized in that book. You can check it out yourself by simply searching for that book on archive.org. We don't click shady links here.
>No I'm not.
>I admit that my lack of interest in clicking direct links obstructed my notice that you were referencing a specific book.
So you didn't ignore it out of hand, you just ignored it out of hand. I gave you a link, you ignore fit because it was a link. That is ignoring things out of hand with lack of academic rigor.
>Maybe you don't understand the value of what I'm trying to do or maybe you just can't make your thoughts clear. Maybe the mistake was mine as I didn't get any sleep.
The latter. You were given a source but rather than check it you immediately dismissed it without checking. That is poor practise.
>But you insisted on the link and not the book and this was my problem.
Your problem is you refused to check a source. Websites are a valid source, when they have their information verifiable. Mine did, but you ignored it before checking that.
>I consider Archive.org to be legit as fuck, unlike your shady blog shit.
Dismissal without rigor.
You would be a shitty academic. Thank goodness you aren't one, and are just a retard on the internet trying to deny a well documented atrocity by ignoring sources.
>You would be a shitty academic.
You're probably right. I challenge everything and critically approach everything. I don't think that this attitude is particularly encouraged in contemporary academia. It will take some time for me to check out the book you referenced, so this 'debate' is over for now. Thanks for letting me know about that book and I apologize for the misunderstanding concerning 'references'. I will use the information in 'BelzecSobiborTreblinka.HolocaustDenialAndOperationReinhard.ACritique' to refine my position. I actually prefer that you think of me as a retard. Maybe we'll meet again. I have a feeling that /pol/ is going to start manifesting on Yea Forums more often, considering the state of /pol/.
>I challenge everything and critically approach everything. I don't think that this attitude is particularly encouraged in contemporary academia.
That is in fact the whole point of contemporary academia. Nobody ever earned a Summa Cum Laude by rote learning. Unfortunately a lot of people seem to have a misunderstanding of college and university as some kind of indoctrination process. The first and foremost thing that is pushed at academies around the world is: back up everything you say and question anything that isn't backed up. If you listen to what you're lecturers say and parrot shearing points without sufficient contrary points of reference to refute and agreeing points of reference to expound upon, you will earn bad grades. I went to university to study an English and American Literature & Creative Writing BA (which I regret, and am now distance learning Physics and Mathematics BSc with the Open University as I work as a lab tech, as my friends back then said, 'you can write a book without a degree in writing, but you can't work in science without a degree in it') and my best marks (96 on one occasion) were in essays where I challenged the conventional assertions of the lecturers. I tore Jane Austen a new one, as an example, because she did everything, in her first chapter of Sense & Sensibility, that as a writer I had been told was bad practise and why, I used the sources describing the value of Austen's use of short form informative sentences in the prologue to lay the scene with details about the family while also citing lectures given by the very same person who had talked about that stating that scene setting should be done within scenes rather than as information. It was because of my academic rigor in pursuing my contrary stance that I achieved the grade I did.
No, you would be a poor academic because you were unwilling to verify a link because you had a predetermined bias against it, and it was affecting your ability to argue with it.
Anyone got that paulie cutout!
Jesus my auto correct got the better of me there.
>If you listen to what your lecturers say and parrot agreeing points
Anyway, I'm glad you'll take the time to look over the evidence in that book, and ideally follow the trail to the source, the original digs, their data, and the comprehensive evidence of the deceased at Treblinka. I too will be reading through your referred book, as I'm curious as to what these supposed primary sources showing that Hitler was a spy for the Republic are.