If you voted for Donald Trump you should have to pay much higher taxes until you pay for the fuckups he did

If you voted for Donald Trump you should have to pay much higher taxes until you pay for the fuckups he did.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Your entire life is a fuck up

>paying taxes
ha what a fucking retard


name one

>if we pay more taxes it will fix everything!


Sure and anyone who voted for Obama can pay off his debt increase.

Since there havent been many, it will be easy. If we do, will you get the sand out of your vagina?

more like
>If we print more money, everybody can be rich!

You voted for a fuckup trumpshit

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Taxes were actually created under the 16th Amendment.
By refusing to pay taxes, you are in violation of the US Constitution.

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Yes Trumpshit. Fuckups. Adding 2 trillion to the debt to give tax cuts to the rich.
And you Trumpshits are going to have to make up that revenue.

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>durr hurr hurr THE NIGGER
just say it

Shut the fuck up. You Trumpshits are frankly lucky you don't get the holy living fuck beaten out of you for talking so much shit.

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Printing more money won't work dipshit. Germany tried to do that after world war 1 and their money became useless, they burned it because it became more available/cheaper than actual firewood. Do your research

>reeeee trump reeeeeeee
Try saying something that doesnt resemble a childish tantrum.

Shut the fuck up you nazi dogfucker
we're talking about TAXING Trumpturds like you
NOT printing money

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Just stating the truth trumpshit
you are the fuckup here

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I live in california, near berkeley california. I can survive just fine. Feels the equivalent of being a Jew in Nazi Germany in 1933.

Why are you so racist user? Did a black guy steal your girl in highschool ?

Your mom will also have to pay higher taxes for having you

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stay mad fam

so mad

so mad

Trump spammer, back to seethe once more...

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You mean Mexicans feel that way, trumpshit.
You literally have nothing in your life that threatens you except death.

Should niggers and spics also have to pay more in taxes since they have contributed the least and take disproportionate amounts in terms of welfare, food stamps, etc. And commit a grossly disproportionate amount of violent crime?

Why are you do violent ? You need more soy milk in your diet.

You will have to pay higher taxes because you are a Trumpturd. That money goes into the US Treasury. No additional money will be printed.
We aren't Trump.

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trump 2020

Because you need to shut the fuck up
and accept your punishment.
You will pay 25% higher taxes than non-Trump voters until the damage done is paid for, and yes, that could be a good 10 years of your life.

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nigger cock loving faggot

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Mexicans should be afraid of deportation if theyre here illegally. They need to get the fuck out.

more like "faggot now now"
that's you trumpshit

I'm seeing that picture a lot. Does that mean I could be abducted?

Mexicans are like first class citizens in this shithole here. If you're talking about illegals, I could give a fuck. They're criminals.

So that's a "yes." Mexicans are the ones being treated like sub humans the way your hero Hitler treated the Jews. Thank you.
Fuck off.

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>are a Trumpturd. That money goes into the US Treasury. No additional money will be printed.
>We aren't Trump.
Oh, well thankfully all I have to do is tell people I voted for bernie and I won't be subject to tax.

>childish name calling
>vague statements with no substance
>hard drive full of pictures of the same man
You're really not painting a good image for yourself. You can try and guess my political affiliation, but that's not an insult to anyone. At the end of the day you're just an angry animal slapping at a keyboard while everyone laughs at you. Get a hobby or better yet a job.

Pretty racist of you to assume that all mexicans are illegal.

Hitler scapegoated Jews the way you're scapegoating "illegals." You do know that fat rich white Republicans hire them, user? That it's not just a one-way thing the way you stupid right wing tools are playing it?

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Just mad Trump didnt call your mom after he creamed her

You would have to prove it with your party affiliation. If you are a Republican, your taxes will go up roughly 25%.

Jews were legal citizens of that country. Scape-goat or not, Hitler did not have any legal basis to do what he did to the Jews.

Shut the fuck up Trumpturd. Really we get fucking sick of wasting our breath on you. You're really lucky you aren't just getting beaten.

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its 2019 we are all racist the term lost all its meaning

No. Illegals choose to illegally be here and know the punishment for that is deportation. Dont want to be deported? Then dont be here illegally.
Illegals only rights are to be deported. They should be afraid of that. And no. By the left theyre treated like kings you fucking morin.

Oh, so I just register democrat and continue to vote how I vote? California is an open primary state. No fucks given. GOP would go open primary if that meant avoiding taxes.

Jesus fucking Christ stfu trumpturd. You are a scapegoating bootlicking fascist tool and you fucking know it.

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I'm sure they'll be willing to do so after the Democrats have: paid for deporting all the illegal immigrants; paid back the benefits that were improperly paid to them instead of actual citizens; financed the necessary correction of electoral registers (removing deportees' names, deceased persons, etc.); and paid for the repeal of any state or municipal laws that were pushed through by them that are in breach of Federal statute (including unlawfully limiting Second Amendment rights), as well as compensation for those who were penalised by such laws.

Except when you get triggered when someone says blacks are equal to whites in every way.

Hey you
Answer this

You know almost everyone got a tax cut, right? Including those too stupid to understand how taxes work?

>fucking sick of wasting our breath on you. You're really lucky you aren't just getting beaten.
what are you goanna do? Beat me with your mom's dildo? Or perhaps you'll take out your bicycle lock and throw it at me?

You should bring that up in your next therapist appointment. I think there are different anti-psychotic medications you could try. The one you are on doesn't seem to be working.

oh so it's ok to be fascists if they're "illegal," user? You've got the greenlight?

I'm a Jew, so automatically I'm pro Trump.

>border crossers have no rights




Actually no, we'll find you. And if you try to switch sides to avoid taxes? Do it, faggot.

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You use the word fascist like I use the word communist to describe persons such as yourself. I have to ask, if someone called you a communist, would you be offended?

>niggers spics
you just answered your own question racist dogfucking nazi dipshit

dont get triggered wasnt born in that generation. And everyone is racist watch the news. Quote a fact racist, Dont support some politican racist. Dont want someone coming into your country racist. Its been so diluted it means nothing anymore.

Might as well call me a marshmallow least thats something new


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Trumpturds should have to pay higher taxes for the damage this Presidency has caused this country.

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I'd love to see this actually happen. If we have a civil war break out, I know which side I'll be on... hint: (the winning side)

I'm mildly retarded so I automatically support him also.

Good. Back into the oven?

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Damage? Guy is awesome. Anybody who loved the 90s should love Trump. His policies pretty closely mirror's that of a liberal version of Bill Clinton. Trump was far more salt of the earth than Bill ever was.

Remember when Hitler rounded people up and escorted them off the premises?

Wild stuff.

Better to be retarded than a communist. Welcome aboard fam.

I use it accurately. I've watched apologists and enablers like you do this little dance for pages and pages. You never actually admit you support fascism, that rather, we're the "real" fascists and you're free and blessed with liberties. I'd punch your anus hard js.

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>is it ok ti be fascist if they break the law
If enforcing laws = fascist then yeah. The more illegalier the law the more fascister it is okay to be.
Break the law, face the punishment. You come here illegal then yoh leave.

Too large. My grandfather was in a concentration camp, he was a cobbler.

Blacks are equal to whites in every way.
I don't see you agreeing with it.

Sorry but I'm not paying for shit!. ,,, Especially not reparations!

So you are a homophobe also?

Right. The only right they have is to be deported. Enforcing migration laws is not a nazi concept. It has existed in virtually ever country.

>e watched apologists and enablers like you do this little dance for pages and pages. You never actually admit you support fascism, that rather,

I'm not saying you're using it wrong (which you are) what I'm saying is, you're using it as an insult. I have to ask, are you insulted if someone called you a communist?

>a civil war
you mean you screaming at black people on the Internet? That's a "civil war" to you, incel?

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Thats not an answer my man. If they expend more resources, bring in a net negative, and commit more crime then why shouldnt they have to pay more to make up for all that theyve taken?

There is literally no comparison trumpshit

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Lower unemployment, higher stock market, gdp is up. Oh the horror!!!!

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the sooner you admit this
the sooner we can move on

moved to texas recently. Lets say I support the second amendment and I do think we are headed on a cival war. But I think it will be between the far left and illegal immigrants. The right will be all races of law abiding citizens who want to not see our country go to shit. probably 10-15 years. Unless soros dies and all the NGOs go with him. But I am doubting. Since he is a huge cause of this global adjenda

You're the one threatening violence for non compliance. The left is the only one having a conniption over Trump being president. The right wasn't that great when Obama was president but the left actually is suffering from TDS and it's glorious.

BTW, I should add I did not vote for Trump in 2016. But I will in 2020.

you sucking nigger cock is "btfoing the nazis" to you

No, but most social conservatives like you are incredibly insecure about your own homophobia faggot

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I want a refund on the 10 trillion that Nigger-bama spent and got absolutely nothing for and get us back the billion dollars I cash he gave to Iran on pallet.

If Trump is treating the illegals as the Nazis did the Jews, then where is the systematic execution and burial? I mean there should be several million dead since he took office if he was truly acting like the Nazis

You're literally making excuses for the fact you got outed. You blame the Mexicans in much the same way Hitler blamed the Jews for social problems. Admit it. Come on. What's the fucking shame? I thought Nazism was cool here. Hitler did nothing wrong. They're Beaners. You fucking pussy.

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no one is equal. Asians and whites are not equal. Black and whites are not equal. Individual people are not equal.

I have no issue stating the vast IQ differences between whites and blacks. I do think it can be changes but it takes time. Taking a million people and dumping them into the 1st world isnt going to bring that change.

you don't refuse, dumbass, you get to the point you owe nothing.
do you even lift, bro?

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Clinton caused the 2008 crash, people who voted for him should have to pay for it.

You literally disqualified yourself from any pretense of intelligent debate user. You answered it for all of us.

All Obama's economy. And experts are already predicting a recession because your President is a joke of an economist.

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>Hitler blamed the jews therefore deporting spics who crossed the border illegally is nazi
Are you retarded my man?

Triggered trumpshit is triggered

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Damn, don't tell my boyfriend that, he's gay and may be offended that he's dating a homophobe.

I'm pretty sure the illegals will just hide in the bushes while the far-left gets slaughtered.

um faggot. a "civil war" is threatening violence you fucking stupid useful idiot tool

eat shit

>btw I'll be stupid in 2020


>yes he said the meanie word now I can just act offended instead of arguing because i have no counter argument

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You can compare anything.

Trump's policy with the military, LGBTQ rights, immigration, crime, trade... All center-left stuff compared with 'ole billy. The only thing Trump differs from Bill Clinton is on environmental protection.

They're even both womanizers. They love black people. Why else were they friends for so long? Trump was a Democrat for a long time before becoming a Republican. A fact the left conveniently ignores.

>durr civil war durr
your penis is literally 2 inches

That means shut up, actually.

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Your president .

Are you posting pictures that remind you of your family again user?

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You're a fucking butt pumping gaggot. I hope a muslim throws you off of a rooftop somewhere

A civil war is not 'threatening violence', it's actual violence you fucking idiot.

Until the dems promise to halt immigration and deport illegals voting trump is the only smart move.

That kind of meant "shut up" for you too, trumpshit. Bill Clinton did not enact policies based on outright hate and racism like your stupid incompetent President is doing.
That means "eat shit" trumpturd.
Eat shit.

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He literally thinks that Trump is going to turn these people into lampshades and do human experimentation on them.

>waaah u said spic and nigger :( its so mean that i no longer have to argue

post your penis.

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I will not share in the mistake you and others made

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It's you behind a keyboard talking shit actually

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You must be socially evolving, you didn't use any racist or homophobic slurs in your response. Soon you may be able to venture out of mommy's basement and meet real people.

don't be mad user
because I won

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That isn't yours trumpshit


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What has he enacted that is racist, son? Making illegal beaners wait in line to get citizenship? You dumb fucking know nothing faggot

So you're saying it's not specifically the policies Trump is enacting, it's the fact that Trump supports said policies.

Trump like = bad
Trump don't like = good

Is this how you think?

it literally is faggot. KEK

Lol go back to youe subreddit worthless faggot

I'm not talking shit, I'm responding to a very triggered SJW/soy boy.

If you are gay and voted for Trump
you are a huge faggot

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I did vote for trump and i am paying more in taxes.
With the economy up my employer was forced to gives people raises to retain the skilled workers. And i have moved up within my company yet again making more money and paying more in taxes.

8 years of stagnant shit under obama and we forgot what overtime was.

will you come back in 2020 and cry some more for us?

How did u win when niggers and spics wont pay their fair share?

why do you hate white people?

You can say it three times while clicking your Ruby slippers together but sorry sweety, he is your president.

He told 4 American citzens who were people of color to "go back" their home countries.
You know this trumpshit.
You support shit.

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if you vote Democrat you vote to give free money to shitskins

oh you are Jewish I know it for sure

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Trump is a racist, an incompetent and a fascist wannabe the funny thing is you're practically chopping off your left nut to defend this.

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no it isn't babydick

burn in hell filthy kike filth

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by acting like a very triggered basement incel threatening "civil war?"


sorry you're jealous of my dick libtard baby penis

You will literally not win the 2020 Election and you will be the one crying about "socialism" and being basically a massive assfuck.

shut up and kill yourself kike

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He actually never specifically told anybody to go back in the sense of being deported. He said they should go back to their countries, look at the shitholes they are, fix them, then come back. he is calling them out for being hypocrites and blind to their own failings.

Ilhan Omar actually literally should be deported however. She's illegally here.

no...i chopped off my left nut to keep the democrats out. the sacrifices i made for this country and you don't even appreciate it

So fucking mad


Seeking asylum is internationally recognized as a legal reason for entering a country, dumbfuck. The US is a signatory of the UNHCR which spells this shit out. Not everyone crossing the border wants citizenship (though most probably do), but they are looking to get away from a country dominated by murderous cartels and corrupt politicians who refuse to stand up to the narcos.


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>durr jews durr
do you even have any other words in your vocabulary user

Is that all he said or are you editing his entire statement? Also, how is that enacting a policy? You goddamn liberal shutting in the street, butt fucking, black cock sucking, safe space snowflake bitch

i will not, correct. im not running. But trump is, and he will win

you're so mad about Trump you filthy fucking kike bitch

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>baby penis
you've got one

So you admit the only reason you hate something is if Trump likes it.

Go back is not racist because no race is expressly conveyed. Its really just that simple

why do you Jews want to kill all white people?

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She married her brother so she's legal.

I'm not threatening it, I'm pointing out that there is so much rage on the left that a civil war is inevitable.

Shut up trumpshit. You will pay higher taxes.

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i posted mine and it's so big you're in disbelief. post yours libcuck

eat shit trumpturd

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Oh ok, scratch that, she can stay. But she has to move to Alabama.

kill yourself kike

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No he won't trumpshit. You're finished.
Nobody likes you.

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You must apply in the first country you enter. You can't keep going until you are in one that gives away the most free shit.

I admit that you post like you have some sort of head injury.

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kike faggot

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you forgot a few buzzwords like islamafob, transfob, or whatever twitter things now.

Seriously keep using the names they are so diluted people hate it. The left has made more people conservative and right leaning ten any conservative like trump could have.

Yes it is trumpshit
you support a racist and his racist policies

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Kek, you are a moron

bernie better waive your debt to the trolling school you went to. you didnt get your money's worth

>Trump wins election
>stock market booms
>Well clearly this is obamas doing as he is still in office and only a fool would think that a business friendly president winning the election would cause that!
>Talk of a trade war causes stocks to slightly drop
>mexico aggress to help at boarder, trump sells rice to china, stocks go back up
>wow wasnt Obama such a great president to leave us with this awsome stock market?! he did such a good job!
>A shame trump is going to ruin it now though because this time we are for cerial that its 100% TRUMPS economy now and the only place we have to go is down!
>shit keeps getting better. record low unemployment, record low black unemployment, 401K's going nuts, factory jobs obama flat out said "are not coming back" are coming back making more solid middle class workers
>we....well gee. Obaama did even better then we thought because the OBAMA econmy is trucking right along into trumps presidency.


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You dumb fuck. American spic lawyers were running to those fucking illegal spic beaners and coaching them on what to say to get in. That is called an invasion, you faggot. They knew that if they told the truth, their spic asses would be turned away, so fuck off off with all that, faggot bitch

No one gives a fuck about your made up "internationally recognized" bullshit.

Seek asylum in Mexico.

You mean you're raging in your crusty underwear. That isn't a "civil war" trumpshit

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That's a leftist retard. All the conservative Jews I know like White people and see themselves as such. My aunt's BF was the woman killed in the Synagog in San Diego by that 8ch faggot earlier this year.

Check this out, it will give you a genuine reason to get upset

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>I posted a pic out of my fap folder


>durr jews durr
sure is summer in here

Trump kikes, Antifa kikes, kikes all over you're all lying to yourselfs by trusting known Zionist candidates and calling them your politicians infact most American politicians are kikes

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>conservative Jews
few and far between

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I'm not reading all that greentext trumpshit

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what about the 8 trillion Obama added to the national debt?

Because I will be making a shit load more money, dumb fuck

Exactly this. If things are good, ascribed to Obama, if they're bad, ascribed to Trump. Back in 2015, when bad things happened, they were still blaming Bush... Like little children, can't take responsibility for shit.

In the usa, they're only 30% of the population. In Israel, they're like 85% of the population.

If you want to rail against leftist Jews, by all means, they're dead to me like most communist fuck faces.


I already brought that up. Op screamed a bunch of racist shit that made no sense.

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Wonder how this has changed with "the Squad" being openly anti semetic?

yeah because in the US they vote left wing to fuck over white people

1) Omar is legally an American citizen, a status she attained almost 20 years ago.
2) AOC, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib were all born in the US, so telling them to "go back to their countries" isn't just a clearly racist remark made based on the color of their skin, but also a damning indictment of Trump's own presidency if he believes America is a "shithole".

A 15-second Google search could have told you all of that and spared you the embarrassment of sounding like the battery-sucking spawn of Mississippi delta incest.

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it hasn't. the Jews hate white people first and foremost. they vote based on their loathing of whites.

All the leftists hate white people. The white leftists are literally the only ethnic group in the world that prefers other ethnic groups. They're been taught to hate themselves. The self loathing Jew is born out of leftist thought. A strictly leftist, phenomenon.


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>a status she attained almost 20 years ago by getting married to her brother.

fixed that for you.

Show the quote where he said all four should "go back to your countries" . It didn't happen like that.

Omar may be legally a us citizen now, but there may be some pending investigations into how she obtained citizenship. I really hope she gets some prison time/deported. Would be sweet justice.

who do you think taught them to hate themselves? Jews.

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If you didn’t vote for trump you should pay triple taxes. But thats also none of my business.

i say its still reagan's economy

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Lowering taxes on the rich is an illusion of a "booming" economy meanwhile the average american is getting poorer and paying more.

If you voted for any Democrat ever you should have to pay the cost of losing society, by not enforcing any human rights for democrats

Only if you guys pay for the damage done by Obama and Clinton.

All leftists. Your attacks against Jews is the same sort of discrimination leftist POC use against white men to justify reparations. Like all white people are responsible for the actions of some white people few centuries ago. Wtf should I have to pay reparations when half my family wasn't even in this country 100 years ago.

If you didn't vote for trump you need to forfeit all gains from your 401k since he got elected, wait a minute, if they didn't vote trump they probably don't have a job and have no 401k.

FDR new deal my nigga!!!

I'm average and I'm becoming wealthier

You don't have to give a shit about whether or not it's "internationally recognized", the US's participation in the treaty just meant that we would make it legal for refugees to claim asylum within our own borders. As long as asylum seekers can prove that there is a real risk of political persecution within their own countries (and Latin American governments do that shit in spades to people who oppose corruption and/or the cartels), federal law grants them the right to be here.

The average anyone is stupid.

Don't perpetuate your own poverty and then blame everyone who isn't a fuck up.

Same here. Maybe we above average. We 1% now. Congrats user , we made it!!!

Hell yeah bro, fist bump!

he had a short run of the economy, but the depression hit again on his watch

How is it an "invasion", exactly? Annual net migration to the US from Latin America is several times greater than the size of the US armed forces and has been for decades, so where's the political uprising? What "truth" does your oxygen-deprived brain think these migrants are concealing from us?

Fun fact:
Of all the devloped nations in the wrold the USA is BY FAR the easiest to immigrate to. It takes time and a little bit of luck.
Try moving to Norway. Unless you have a job offer and can prove you will earn enough to not be a burden on the government you aint getting in. Got yourself a wife in Norway do you? Well in the US thats the easy way in but in Norway your wife has to show she ears enough money to support BOTH of you without being a burden to the government and if she does not then you will not get citizenship.
Ok. So you have a wife / job offer in Norway that makes enough money so you will not be a burden.... all thats left is to LEARN THEIR FUCKING LANGUAGE and pass a test proving you know how to speak it. Yeah almost eveyone over there speaks english too but fuck you you get to learn Norwegain.
Ok ok. Well lets just do what the sneaky fucks do to get into burger land and pop out an anchor baby! LOL NOPE! if neither parent is a citizen of norway the baby is not either.

Want to move to murrica easily? marry a citizen as thats the fast pass. dont even need to speak english.
pop out an anchor baby
just fucking show up and not leave because the worst that will happen is you get sent home and then come back within a week with a new name.

Ivana Trump is a Jew

You mean the same treaty that says you have to apply to the firsr country you get to? Is that the one you mean? Open borders, which is effectively what you guys actually want, is the new white man's burden.

Fuck fdr, worst president ever, a huge cuck, second only to woodrow wilson the murderer of america

Worst president ever.

>Try moving to Norway. Unless you have a job offer
Or are a sand nigger avoiding every other sand nigger country like the plague to get to the free handouts and white wimmins.
Then you get rubber stamped in.

They aren't seeking asylum and they aren't looking to assimilate. They are looking to exploit our country. Get free shit, and march their fat asses over our border and waving their shitty countries fucking rag flag, you dumb fucking uneducated retard

But they need to claim asylum in the first country they enter. They can't cross thru Mexico and claim asylum in the us. It's those pesky laws again.


there is already a machine that can generate speech directly from a brain. that was in the news yesterday. it can discern words that sound the same but have different key phonetics.

there are millions being spent in neuroscience laboratories in universities to create mind reading technology, we will soon be able to simply hook people up to read their minds and it will probably be some attempt to teach brains that realizes that which races can handle what, and it will be an IQ test administered by machine and actually work.

Isn't that more of a Sweden thing? I could be wrong, I don't give a speckled fuck about eurotrash politics, but the little bit I've heard says thats the new Swedish normal.

Attached: 1556121898804.jpg (460x577, 68K)

>implying that faggot could have a girlfriend
Jesus christ user, don't be so insensitive! Besides, it's much more likely that he is racist due to a black man stealing his bike or TV.

... he said, completely unaware that he was spewing junk economics that got pushed as "revolutionary" during the 70s and 80s in a climate of de-regulation as the rich saw a window of opportunity to hoard wealth and avoid paying taxes.

Are you aware of your false consciousness and living in denial or are you just willfully ignorant of how your views actually cause you to do and say things contrary to your own economic interests?

Is he a cuck if his wife was lesbo?

The sooner you admit it the sooner we can move on

name a single thing he has done that hasnt resulted in profits for america

That's his quote?

No it's you defending trumps racism because you are a racist yourself

As the coastal liberal elite, I love trump. These tax cuts are insane. I don't care that the working class republicans aren't making more, fuck them -- they're willing to lobby for me. that's amazing. trump works so hard for me, it's as if I voted for him and donated to him personally. keep trumpanzeeing, trumpanzees!

Attached: trumps base works for me.png (800x680, 196K)

Not as bad as Sweden but they still get an easy pass and dont have to follow normal immigration laws.

Shut up faggot

So you can't produce the quote you claimed he said? Ok.

>herp derp im totally gonna fall for it

>clearly racist
It's not though. You seem to be the racist for assuming everyone in those countries is exclusively black or brown or what have you. That's the only way anyone could assume it to have been a racist statement. The rest of us understand that those nations have a rich and varied ethnic diversity that is in danger due to economic hardships beyond their control. Your bigotry is appalling.

only thing that user produces is shit tier troll bait.
i wonder what circle jerk of a discord user is in

No he didn't. What he actually said was
""Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done".
He never told them to go back as in go home. He told them to go fix their self proclaimed ancestral homelands, then come back and apply those lessons here. If you think he targeted them for being brown, you're retarded. He targeted them because they're media darlings who get their dicks sucked by CNN every 15 minutes despite the fact that the majority of the country despises them. Attacking them was politcally brilliant because it forced the DNC to embrace outright communists.
Now, how about you explain the recent purge of white staffers at the DCCC for no reason other than their skin color? You don't see Republicans, including Trumples, doing that shit.

Well it's been fun op. You've been a decent troll. Going to bed .can't wait for trump to get reelected so we can have more of these threads.

>If you voted for Obama you should have to pay much higher taxes until you pay for the fuckups he did.

Attached: 9943-PM.png (406x478, 334K)

His bigger bitch wife said he made being president look easy. All that nigger did was spend white people's hard earned tax money, like a typical nigger

Eeyup, no way around it he wasnt a good man, even if he was he was a stupid one

You know Trump's deficit is massively bigger than Obama's right? Like, by a hell of a lot

like you?

Trump's deficit is higher because he did a tax decrease without a subsequent decrease in spending. He apparently plans to do some cutting after he is reelected. (assuming that he is)

modern economics don't really care what the deficit is anymore. just look at japan and its doing just fine

Ah yes. Of course. The classic "they're exploiting, not assimilating" line.

We've been here before, or don't you remember? In the 70s and 80s it was the same: fucking Mexicans and Puerto Ricans, coming over here and... working in our fields and cleaning our toilets and doing everything us regular Americans wouldn't do at a fraction of the cost and in two languages, right? And before that it was the fucking Vietnamese, coming over here and setting up communities in California because we bombed their country into a shithole and kicking off a new West Coast fusion culinary tradition, yeah? And before that it was the fucking Poles, coming over here and... filling dangerous manufacturing jobs in Midwestern factories. And before that it was the goddamn Irish, coming over here with their rich Catholic traditions and fixing our fucking infrastructure because we broke it... And before that it was the CHINESE AGGGHHH GODDAMN CHINESE coming over here and BUILDING our RAILROADS. The nerve. And before that it was the fucking Africans, coming over here and carrying the backbone of Southern plantation agriculture FOR FREE while creating virtually every aspect of American pop culture over the course of 300 years. And before that it was the fucking GERMANS, with their shit-eating protestant work ethic that laid the seeds for American capitalism. And before that the bloody PILGRIMS with their conceptions of freedom of religion... and before that it was the fucking NOMADS WHO HAD THE AUDACITY TO CROSS THE BERING STRAIT bringing their knowledge of tracking and later SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES??? And before that it was the EARLY AMPHIBIOUS ANIMALS THAT CRAWLED OUT OF THE SEA AND EVOLVED FUCKING LUNGS? Why couldn't they just stay in the ocean? And before that there was NOTHING. REMEMBER THE NOTHING??? It was... so nice when there was nothing...

>modern economics don't really care what the deficit is anymore. just look at japan and its doing just fine

The Japanese yen isn't an international reserve currency, the US dollar is. Guess what happens to that status when the rest of the world catches onto the fact that we soon have no choice but to default on our obligations.

No country in the history of the world has been able to BORROW and SPEND money indefinitely...

We can't BORROW and SPEND our way to prosperity...

Rather than trying to prevent recessions, the government needs to allow companies to fail and allow recession to happen (part of the natural economic cycle). stop quantitative easing (money printing), stop asset inflation, and allow interest rates to rise. Higher interest rates will discourage borrowing and spending, and encourage personal savings. We must restart non-debt financed capital investment in this country - the true engine of a productive, sustainable economy.

As time passes the distortions created by a centrally planned economy become more apparent, as assets continuously inflate and the country becomes mired in debt, it also becomes less and less competitive with the rest of the world. Additionally, the increased risk from our massively increased national debt calls into question the overall solvency of the currency, and we are already seeing other countries (our lenders) begin to move away from the US dollar as the world's reserve currency.

Once the crisis of confidence peaks, and the dollar loses its international reserve currency status... it's game over.

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look at all the autists above me posting unironically in a bait thread

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this Yea Forumsrother gets it


Do you honestly think Trump will reign in spending if he get re-elected? He'll just double down on all the crazy shit he's been doing. Cut spending? He'll gin up some crazy military excursion or parade or waste tax payer money traveling on extended vacations. Fuck, I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to convince Congress to pass a few more tax cuts that will personally benefit him, for good measure. I guarantee he'll use his second term to promote his own brand and business dealings, while blatantly denying it to the press and hiding behind his Treasury Dept. He'll definitely take a few more cracks at repealing the ACA but I'll also bet he just says "fuck it" and orders his fucking wall built by executive decree while dodging any questions about where the money to build it is coming from. And he'll probably begin his mass deportation program, which will be hideously expensive and invasive.

LOL, that's the best you can come up with? You are a pathetic faggot

>modern economics don't really care what the deficit is anymore.

"Modern economics" is utter and complete bullshit promoted by under-educated politicians in order to get votes for their own social programs.

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>g-guys I was b-baiting this whole t-time

t h e

m i l l e n n i a l

f l y t r a p

Attached: flytrap.jpg (1024x740, 182K)

Trump is a gigantic fuck up.

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Kek this is such retard fuel.

>lets make some 'news site screencaps' about how aocs economics are bad

>shouldn't we actually explain why her economic policies are bad?

>nah the screen caps will do

Attached: i.chzbgr.jpg (500x489, 25K)

>if you voted for donald trump
>if you voted
>if you

Try it faggot. I got more hollow points and steel core ammo than you could ever dream of, and I'm kinda tired of shooting paper practice targets.

>scrolls right past the arguments
>only "reads" the pictures
>i'm intellectually superior because aoc thats why

Attached: 1559061997122.png (909x428, 84K)

>my feelings are hurt by the big bad orange man!

Attached: 3058D4AB-04AC-4A81-A29C-37870AB4A552.jpg (750x815, 432K)

>talks more shit than anyone
>not an argument.jpg

Ah, I remember my first macro class... Pretty fucked up how your only conception of the economy is one that inevitably cycles through periods of downturn that would leave millions dead or starving without corrective policy.

> the fuckups he did.
What fuckups? Enlighten us, user.

Do you remember any of the subsequent times you took macro?

Guess what you brainless shill? I'm a spic and Republican as fuck. A spic with 2 degrees in technology who loves looking at his section of 30 foot tall steel bollard wall. Eat dick ya soyboi cuck.

>studied economics in college
>knows how normal people live, as opposed to Trump who has tanked almost every business he's ever pursued while coasting on his family name, his inheritance, and monkeying with bankruptcy laws

>in a country illegally and retards still manage to defend them
if you’re gonna complain about how illegals are treated badly maybe you should consider they’re doing something illegal, they get a freebie when they come into America illegally and people don’t see them as a threat

>economic illiterate

And trump isnt?

Remember when Merkel had to explain to him you cant trade directly with EU countries 11 times?

This is the shit we hear about, imagine the shit that fly under the radar kek.

You need corrections to get the growth. Sustained growth in the absence of correction is called a bubble. Even those who set the stage for the GFC understand this. It's pretty fucked up how there are still "educated" people out there who don't...

Attached: 2019-06-07 23_25_51-It’s game over for the Fed as the central bank’s credibility crumbles - Mark (655x645, 71K)

Hey OP, it's me, the spic again. Build the wall and toss every fence hopping bean chomper back over it. Break their legs first so they can't run if they try it again. Trump 2020

cause obama and the dems didnt take a 2 trillion debt to a 10 trillion debt... moving on

Kek there arnt any arguments in the screencaps it just says 'shes economically illiterate she doesn't know what shes doing'.

If you need to make so many screencaps with 0 information on them it doesnt say wonders about your argument.


Liberal scum buckets should be beat down with a metal pipe and then punctured by hot lead

Attached: 70630994-60CA-4455-AB1B-6DEFA5D8BFA4.jpg (330x379, 106K)

You can always stop breathing you stupid fuck. There is always that option, and you'll be helping out humanity.

better then 67% more taxes for anything sanders wants to do plud the extra 10% youll pay cause reperations for people that never felt slavery

No one who matters cares what the EU trade laws are. It's bad enough all those losers decided to form one giant fake country.


I can always tell that someone has never taken an economics class in college when they write shit like this. I double-majored in Econ and Poli Sci as an undergrad and most Econ courses at the university level are a free marketeers wet dream. There's almost no detailed criticism of capitalism in the intro courses, and even the more advanced level courses won't go into hardcore leftist critiques of capitalism, ESPECIALLY if you go into finance or econometrics. Development economics goes into it a bit, economic history can be a mixed bag depending on the professor, but almost all university econ programs are pretty pro-free market and almost none are pro-communist or socialist. If you go into college to study economics and leave as a socialist, it's because you did the extra reading required to both understand and formulate criticisms of capitalism.

I'm not pro aoc but generally yes i would trust someone who studied economics on the matter of economics more than i would someone who inherited family wealth and businesses.

>>studied economics in college

And apparently didn't learn much. Her education earned her a prestigious career pouring people drinks at a bar. Now she wants to pour America (already drunk on debt and excess), another drink of cheap borrowed money.

we don't need socialism or "fair" wages. what we need is a STABLE currency with minimal inflation. the more the government tries to manipulate the economy, the more it keeps distorting it ... with costs rising soon $15/hour won't be enough, then $20/hour won't be enough, etc... we should be aiming to keep the prices of things as STABLE as possible. that's the best way to stimulate growth, just by keeping things stable and predictable.

our government must stop quantitative easing (money printing), stop asset inflation, and allow interest rates to rise. Higher interest rates will discourage borrowing and spending, and encourage personal savings. We must restart non-debt financed capital investment in this country - the true engine of a productive, sustainable economy.

Attached: expert.gif (480x270, 718K)

Right ok what relevance does that have to all the screen caps containing no information?

Placing pretty little copper covered morsels of lead into your skull cavity is war. Too bad you won't live to see your friends mutilated in the streets like dogs at a Chinese market.

Are you describing Trump's Twitter? I can't (yes I can) believe trumpies are this retarded.

>I'm not pro aoc but generally yes i would trust someone who studied economics on the matter of economics more than i would someone who inherited family wealth and businesses.

Honestly I don't give a shit which college someone went to or what they majored in. The proof of what they learned is in what they did AFTER school.

If someone became entrepreneur, built a business and became rich... well shit that's pretty good.

Is a bartender the best that job that BU economics grad could find?

I would give more credit to her opinion if she worked in business, economics, finance, or analytics for 10 years or so AFTER college, then decided to go into politics....

Attached: lolwut.png (768x798, 330K)


Well fuck something isnt working because the boom bust nature of recent history over production then stagnation over production then stagnation has caused anything but stability. There needs to be some regulation of people gambling money that isnt theres then being bailed out. How that shit can be defended i have no idea.

Whats more people don't seem to understand that macro-economical borrowing is nothing like personal borrowing.

I dont know enough about aocs policies to have an opinion honestly but all these people who keep saying 'nah its dumb what were doing works' well it obviously fucking doesn't.

Look at this shitstorm.

Attached: 44itor.jpg (556x815, 94K)

Bitch, I had an Econ degree and even I poured drinks and managed a restaurant/bar when I was 23/24. It's a quick way to make money when you're young (and I learned a shit ton about small business operations). Not everyone wants to go work as an analyst or trader or hedge fund manager. The point of education is NOT TO GENERATE PROFIT, as literally every civilization until relatively recently in human history has known.

Anyway, pretty rich of you to talk about "muh savings" in a time where most people are barely making ends meet. As you might know, the rich save very disproportionately to what they "earn", meaning that their money either sits in an offshore bank account somewhere (where it is effectively useless and depreciating in value in the short term) or is placed into some investment portfolio where it can be quickly withdrawn or recuperated in the event of a loss. Meanwhile, as the consumer price index rises regular people take out more of their savings to buy basic necessities. So the people who should be investing in the economy by spending are saving, and the people who should be saving are spending.

So you can either hope the (increasingly risk-averse) rich collectively decide to embark on risky capital investment projects (and why would they risk capital for a greater ROI when the government isn't taxing them enough to incentivize increased production and therefore revenue) or you can have the government legally force them to pay into the system proportionately the benefit they receive from it, allowing for greater funding of basic necessities and allowing average households to increase savings.

It's literally relevant to the language used in those headlines...

>If someone became entrepreneur, built a business and became rich... well shit that's pretty good.
Yes me too, but someone who inherited it and still managed to fuck it up multiple times isnt a great endorsement of someones ability.

Coming from little to nothing being educated and working a normal job while working a number of organizations and political campaigns only a few years out of college is allot more respectable than fucking shit up that hard.