Why don't you own a gun Yea Forums?
Why don't you own a gun Yea Forums?
I use the force.
Is that magenta thingy a melee weapon?
I don't need to I just call the cops.
To easy to use on self during depressive episodes
I mean technically, yes.
heres mine
it's threads like these that helps figure out who won't make it when shit hits the fan, and feelings become worthless.
I do, I have a counterfeit Strayer-Voigt
you dipshit cops only come to clean up shit, good luck living when it takes 15 minutes for the cops to get there
Does it massage the prostate or just anal stimulation?
Also I own a 9 and a 45 only shot them a few times at the range
looks like someone machined that in their own garage and shitpasted a $2100 price tag on it
What does your boyfriend think about that?
Good thing I only paid $300 for it. A new barrel and springs, $150 bucks, and I have a 16 round 10mm 1911
any feeding issues? fully supported chamber? gun won't blow up in your hand?
I had one but lost it in a boating accident.
my AR
pretty standard AR really, nothing too special...
>pretty standard
I mean yeah except you don't even have fucking sights on it.
Get with the program, accessorize.
yes, literally just bought it lol
It feeds all the rounds except the last one which usually doesnt feed, a smack on the back of the slide will load it in but yeah. I had to dremel the feed lips since it takes para p-14 mags, I assume its not feeding the last mag because of the +1 bumper and the mag spring is designed for .40 cal. When I bought it, it had a shittt .40 cal barrel on it, and super lightweight target springs. The barrel chamber looked like it had been improperly reamed out for 10mm. If I dropped a .40 in there it would sink in too far, but a 10mm would stick too far out. The locking lugs on the barrel were almost entirely sheared off, so I assume some dumbfuck shot 10mm through it with like 12 pound recoil springs in it. Luckily the slide locking lugs were still okay and the frame didnt have any cracks. So I bought a wilson flat wire 23lb recoil spring and a 28 lb mainspring the frame is cut for a feed ramp and I got that 6 inch clark custom 10mm barrel on clearance at midway for 120 bucks
Ilegall and expensive
The cool thing is the fake logo and "Unobtanium 1" on the frame.
I emailed strayer voight, they told me that they did build an "Unobtanium 1" handgun, but it was a proof of concept gun, made with a solid titanium frame. and it was never sold or marketed, they still have it at their factory.