Thinkin about stuff

thinkin about stuff

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dumb ameiposter

pls tell me that stuff is quantum mechanics because thats what you should be thinking about

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

think about killing yourself subhuman faggot

definitely not quantum mechanics

but what then

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

water and water bottles

these are thirsty thoughts

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

I’m thinking about those warm, homely thighs

I can't sleep

it's good to think but don't overthink

never know whom to respond to or what to say when i get (You)s from nice people

please do not take my silence as an insult pls

Kill yourself, nigger.

nah its cool, dont take my non-reply as not acceptance

;_; you did't respond to me

ilu pls understand that

*blows kissu*

fuck off stop stealing my name

rudeness is nnot approved

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i'm stuff ;)

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bumping this gem

Your fortune: Good Luck