What are some recent and good sci fi movies?
Or anything really good that may have flown under the radar
(pls no netflix cookie cutter shit)
What are some recent and good sci fi movies?
I have really enjoyed the show MARS on discovery. Also New season of Expanse is coming to amazon soon. Also check out electric dreams on amazon.
I already have seen the expanse, hyped for the new season. I hated electric dreams tbh
I'll check out that mars show, thanks.
You got any movies to suggest?
well arrival had a good concept but the movie was trash, since black mirror went to shit SCI FI has dried up everywhere except netflix, i suggest u give some of the tv show's a bash they are decent conceptually but the execution leaves something out e.g "Nightflyers"
I was goin to watch Solis some time soon but i don't expect too much
dragon ball: evolution
Wild Wild West starring will Smith was pretty rad and had a dope soundtrack
Wiggy wiggy Wild Wild west
Men in Black 3 is epic and really makes you think about alien life!
Yeah I know, the giant metal spider scared the helll outta me too!
Man from Earth. It'll blow your mind.
ACK ack ack, ACK ack-ack ack ack ack,
Ack ack ACK ACK ack
I enjoyed Arrival, the mistery + twist was good, it def has flaws and on a rewatch you can tell its not that great, but still enjoyed on my first watch.
Black mirror sucked ass after that episode with the black chick getting tortured instead of a prison sentence or some shit. The christmas one was ok tho
Already saw it, thanks tho
Is it about a man.... from earth?
What about the episode where the pm fucked a pig? Still jerk off to that
Dude I can even give you the premise cause that would spoil it. But buckle up - it's a weird ride. Don't look it up. Just watch it.
Thats the first episode, 1st and 2nd season were good except the one with the groundhog day shit
Its a ultra low budget movie about a guy who claims to be old as fuck, like, really old
for me the twist was the only part that was worth while, who would have figured genetic memory but you could tell they were blowing smoke up their own asses over that the movie was so slow that i got bored.
Black mirror only went totally shit this season for me.
ahhh...you're a cocksucker
completely unironically shit.
I didnt mind that it was slow tho as long as its decent and delivers. Idk what u mean by genetic memory
The episode with the dude on the bike earning credits was pretty good, and the christmas one with the dude from mad men was pretty good as well.
It's not genetic memory, it's time as a language/ non linear path you dumb fuck
i got that part but the language also unlocked genetic memory so yr man lived on through his kid see, duh.
Have you seen Annihilation, user? Fucking great sci-fi thriller, highly recommend it.
Monkey nigger coon spook
i second this
Now I surely know we didn't watch the same movie, because the kid died. She just remembered weird parts due to the non linearity of time after learning the language. Maybe understand the movie better before hur dur bad cause I don't get it
admittedly i have not seen that movie in a long time and its not interesting enough for a re-watch, maybe if they had something more in it than non-linear language i would revisit
Lol did you just ask for a good sci fi movie and post a picture of Arrival?
I must apologize to the whole internet for this newfag cringelord.
This was decent
Arrival fucking sucked dick
gr8 picks'
>trying this hard
Do you want me to use a poster from event horizon, T2 or matrix or some bullshit thats old as fuck? No thanks
The original is better.
interstellar fag
>the powero of love
Gr8 b8 m8 i r8 it 8/8
"About Time" all time favorite
theyalso made a new one with a different name it was OK!
Thats not sci fi but still good movie
Europa report
how dare u, this movie had it all.
best time travel movie ever.
swing and a miss
1/8 for making me reply
Any movies that aren't on reddit top 10 lists u noobs?
This one was much better
You have good taste user, also underated Waifu.
QT AF but not a waifu Yea Forumsro
Also this.
Wut are you talking about, she Waifu, especially after what she did at the end.
I watched this when I was 6 scared me shitless, let's just say my taste in music evolved after watching it.
>after what she did at the end.
remind me?
This was God tier
She saved alternate MC from being experimented on forever.
So you liked the movie then.
The series Maniac on Netflix is pretty good.
That movie where all the old people suddenly get horny n shit and become butterflies or some shit,
fair enough just don't go throwin that around on other boards, some fags get really picky about waifu material.
He didn’t like it cos dem strong wimmin roles scare his peenie weenie.
Are you fucking KIDDING ME!? The only thing good about the original was that Cruz was in it too, and she's cute as fuck. Otherwise it absolutely stank. And I'm not a fan of Tom Cruise, find him boring, just not an interesting nor exciting presence in any way. But somehow that worked in the American remake of Vanilla Sky. His schtick suited the part. Character's an arrogant fucker, full of himself, takes forever to get a clue... which is basically Tom Cruise.
>remind me?
"Recall my name"
A Waifu is completely subjective.
Don’t know if it’s popular but I started altered carbon on a whim and have enjoyed every second
>hijacks the term
>doesn't respect the lore
I'm with u TBH anyone on a monitor can be a waifu.
Sunshine. I liked that movie a lot.
It's from 2005 I think. If you haven't seen it yet, do it immediately.
"Love" 2011
If you get past the no gravity silliness of the film, the cinematography and soundtrack are great in this one.
I used to smoke a bowl and watch this every so often. One of the sleepers of the last 20 years. People either love it or think its cheesy. But fuck if it didn't start my love affair with Sigur Ros and Iceland in general.
>sci fi
>this trash
pick one
Sci-fi can be shit too, your argument is retarded.
Two movies that hold a permanent place in my home theater.
>being this triggered
I unironically enjoyed this. It is not the best, but I liked it.