i want to slit my thighs open because i love self harming but i dont want my bf to see
i hate this life
i want to slit my thighs open because i love self harming but i dont want my bf to see
i hate this life
bro you wanna talk about it?
u got discord?
Dia Kurosawa#3293
i'm too much of a pussy to kill myself but god i want it so bad i fucking hate this fuck fuck i want to die so bad holy shit i hate living like this fuck
Just kill your bf then yourself you fucking cock gargling faggot
You could try self harm in the form of alcoholism or tobacco addiction that way its socially acceptable
that shits gross, and there isnt any blood
step 1. breakup
step 2. find a bf that likes cutting.
step 3. cut and fuck eachother
are you a girl or a fag, OP?
Quit your bitching and do something productive with your life.
Fucking lol thats what you get for trying to live your life on discord dummy hahahaha
have sex
stop being a tranny but also do it anyway
Just kill yourself
that's harder, less straight dudes cut... could go lesbo? lmao
discord is ashley.dv#5491
no u
stop bumping your own thread. im on to you OP
im not OP im here to talk shit on OP for using discord
y would you talk shit for using discord? are you retarded? wtf do you use? aol instant messenger?
oh god yeah i wonder why
>made an entire generation of teenagers socially anxious trannies unable to communicate
i dont know why you shit for brains newfags turned retarded but discord definitely had something to do with it. just look at op, or go to /soc/
get the fuck off social media its not a replacement for life
and play your video games dont just sit around watching other people play them for fucks sake
so basically "get off my lawn" and "kids these days"? not very original.
so you agree then, youd just rather not talk about it
go figure
nah, I use discord to, you are just having old man syndrome but clearly are not aware of it
i also like it, i usually just punch or hit myself but once i went kinda nuts and ended up with 300 cuts on each leg
shit you sure did refute the fuck out of me. jump off the bandwagon shit for brains
and replace it with what you antisocial shmuck?
irl you shut in idiot
Just do it. Real deep
Bitch, you're on Yea Forums
he's just mad because he can't figure out how to use discord to get his trap porn
fuck yeah i am heres a pic from this evening
hah. you are a tranny arent you, called it
what a shitty thing to do instead of asking for help
They dont want help, they want attention from lonely teenager orbiters.
Have more sex with him ffs
tits or gtfo.
hey OP