I’m about to fuck for the first time in like a year, how do I keep from nutting too soon? Pic related

I’m about to fuck for the first time in like a year, how do I keep from nutting too soon? Pic related

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Jerk off before sex so you're less sensitive and pent up. Also cockring.

How long before sex should I jerk off

Weed usually helps me last a long time, you’ll need a cartridge or something inconspicuous. Alcohol also works, but will fuck your form and athleticism

Don't jerk off or look at porn... Be honest, see if you can cum twice, she'll appreciate it.

if its with pic related I wouldn't worry about it.
Otherwise a good idea would have been jerking off in the morning / yesterday evening

put music on and focus on the music not the feeling. lots of foreplay.

I bet her nipples are disgusting and her tits are so saggy

Pic is related I know the face is a bit busted but I’m mostly in it for the tits

the fact she's a troll will help a lot.

Just bust a nut doesn’t matter your dick still gonna be hard af so go round 2

This. I was in the same boat. Sexless marriage for last 7 months. Met a girl 2 months later, so about 9 months total. Was just honest with her, and really talking about it took the anxiety off the table and lo and behold I fucked like a champ with none of the pre game shit. It was honestly like taking out all of the pent up shit in one fuck session.

You're about to tap that? My man.

A year without sex does a lot to lower someone’s standards

less than an hour before

I shit you not this works. At the same time:

Squeeze your anus shut
Think of the movie spiderman 3
Keep an emotionless face

Any particular scene in the movie?

How long is like a year?

About 14 months

and i bet you're a faggot.
oh wait, already knew that.

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Cock ring

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As long as you both get off who cares bro. Use all your tools.

Jerk of like 3-4 hours before. And take a shower after.

Just look at her face and not her tits, you'll be fine.

Try not worrying so much.

Also fuck these people. She’s sexy all around.

Take some DXM.

She needs to take some of her titty meat and make a neck, then she’d be perfect.

Ok Yea Forumsois i fucked, shit was great. I lasted about 40 min which is good enough for me. Face was a bit busted but holy shit the tits were great. She also sucked cock like a champ. Thanks for the advice fags

Get any pics?

Nah too busy focusing on big tits, sorry user

Need more pics for research

The part where the dude dances in the street. Boner killer....

Keep the lights on and your eyes open, that should be enough.

If you don't last long enough the first time then just finish her off until you're ready to go again.

Also don't keep the cockring on for more then 40 minutes or you'll do some real damage.