Is there a cheap, painless way to kill yourself...

Is there a cheap, painless way to kill yourself? Can't afford pills or the gun so right now I'm looking at hanging but don't want to choke. I just want it to be painless.

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Why tho?

Apple seeds

lie down on a train track - head straddling the track

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hot bath if you can afford it and vertically cut open your arms its a little bit of pain but you go painless... i think never tried it

An heroes are cowards who chosw the easy way, but heroes for choosing to fight their pain and instinct

Concrete shoes

face first from a high building or something

Save for the gun

Fuckin bitch nigger feel that pain if ur to weak for this world

Wrist slit bitch


Have you tried getting killed?
Like tricking a cop into shooting you

How about not killing yourself? Its cheaper to age

this. get shitfaced and take a nap on a train track.

Gun range, you dont pay til you leave. Coming from someone with bpd and bipolar disorder who has tried to an hero...don't do it, it gets better.

Bullfuckingshit do you have any idea how much it costs to stay alive? What're ya fuckin richboy?

No. It will always hurt someone. It ain't worth it, trust me, I've been there. It don't matter how bad your life is right now, it gets better. Whatever is bothering you now can't last forever. You will find someone or something that will give you a purpose. This may all sound very textbook, but what I'm saying is true. Try to think of the impact that your death will have on others. Perhaps you don't think anyone cares, they do, believe it. Just hang in there brother.

Just go to a gun range gun shop combo.

Ask to be taught cus tour considering becoming a gun owner.

They bring you to range line you up to take a shot turn gun on yourself.

Ez pz.

Hey a homeless man can do it lmao

So live on the streets or death. user should choose death

>Its cheaper to age
Literally what?

The problem with killing yourself is that you'll be almost instantly reincarnated, in to a similar life for you to learn from, this is a training school for conciousness to evolve (you).

Hang in there....

Growing old kills you?

Suicide is not easy, moron

>it gets better
So old homeless people? People who are old and commit suicide? Old people with dementia? Life always gets better huh?

Wtf how

I like this humour, and philosophy.

Reincarnation isnt real. Suicides go to hell.

Lmao look at old people they could trip over a flea and break every bone or catch a cold and die.

There are roughly 47,000 suicides yearly in US. Guess things didn't get better, huh?

Cut off your penis and let it bleed out.

It's the least painful way for sure.

op's not black

Drink a ton of water. Like a gallon an hour.

Well I work at Moxie pest control so I was thinking I could just hang myself in the pesticide cage one of these mornings

Ever heard of jumping?

In a virtual simulation (illusion) there's no such thing as death, heaven, or hell, we create our own reality, waiting to die or thinking about committing suicide is akin to opting out, those type of people are ruled by fear (Hell) and have a lot of growing up to do.

Somebody loves you. It hurts so bad sometimes but there is gratification and joy in life waiting for you to come get it. Breath air and cherish your life. Some fight so hard for it- don’t throw away something valuable.

probably not painless

this can backfire big time and generally isn't worth the risk

these are obvious exceptions dillweed

Not a bad idea. When you can afford the gun then you can reevaluate and see if you still want to

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Yeah i guess it wouldnt

prove it break the system

Which one? It's national

What is your name?

There are no cheats, or free lunch.
Many physicist (not all) feel that the data points heavily towards our reality being informational (digital), there's alot of stuff about it on YouTube.

Also in science there's no such thing as proof, only....Data

Data proves what is real data is proof. There is 0 proof we are in a simulation as there is no computer strong enough to handle all the microprocesses generated by a single city, much less an entire planet/solar system.

Exit bag is painless. But youd prob even fuck that up retard

I very vast minority, considering there are like 7 million of faggots getting AIDS and dying horrible deaths and like 3 million fuckers getting rekt'd on transit accidents, it's a very little number compared to the 3 billion stupid fucks living in your hellhole.

Consider this

Can't really tell you much, I had hit rock bottom hard and actually considered suicide but never attemtep it. But if you have the right mindset it gets harder to fall there again.

Dont kill yourself. Your existence has potential that you just have to find

Conciousness is the computer

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