Ask a dude who wears girl short shorts to accentuate his legs anything

Ask a dude who wears girl short shorts to accentuate his legs anything

Attached: bubi.jpg (1150x1600, 550K)


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Why what?

I like you, not in a gay way though. For some fucked up reason I look forward to seeing you post this thread. After seeing this thread so many times it’s started chip away at my psyche, taking my soul even. You just can’t deny those legs honestly, they go for fucking DAYS. You can’t have shame in your short shorts game when you have the legs of a god. Wax or razor?

Neither, I had electrolysis treatment, and that really seems to be permanent

Look at NBA footage from the 80's. Those are long compared the then


Literally low test

Have to respect the legs

Attached: venice180922.jpg (1200x1600, 682K)

u gay?

yes I am

Do we tell him or wait for him to suck dick?

Tell who what?

Run it

What's your opinion on the Picsaember of Szeged?

I know him, he was (maybe still is) wearing shorts that were clearly below size. Mines are tight too, but they do not cut into my thighs for example

Why are people shocked that I have a lot of animals, but attracted to the fact that I rescue animals?

Rescuing animals is one thing, keeping them is another, I guess

They don't stay long. I've got 3 cats that are permanent residents, but everyone else goes to their forever home or back into the wild.

I think the last time I saw him was last summer, and he was still true to his craft.

What's your reason behind dressing like this and regularly advertising your ways on b?

Let's be honest I'm an attention whore. I love attention both in the city and here. But I also like how they (the shorts) look, so even if no one gave a duck, I would still wear them. But getting all the attention, especially irl, is a huge bonus

The duck was meant to be fuck

What made you use a bubi, they seem expensive and complicated to rent

It's cheap if you use a bike for no more than 30 minutes. I'm a resident, I have a 6-month pass for 8000 HUF (about 28 USD, is that really expansive for six months?), And yeah they're heavy as hell but sometimes still good to get from one place to another