What is everyone playing today?
Video game thread
What is everyone playing today?
im using aimbot in tf2 and csgo
Get a life, loser.
Fire emblem three houses on the switch. Super into it
We have many lives...
Factorio And Rimworld mainly
Destiny 2 and runescape
Pokemon go
GTa 5 diamond casino
you must be 18 to post here kid
The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth +
Hollow knight getting those last percent to finish it
You playing the Picnic Alpha too?
still just WoW. can't seem to quit it for more than a couple of weeks.
the Yea Forumsinding of isaac
I got a copy of kingdoms of amalour on PS3 the other day. I got bored tho cuz I'm not really in to the type of combat style.. it's like that ftp ps4 game neverwinter.
I like RPG, jrpg, sandbox RPGs and FPS online games. Any recommendations??
the cycle
What game is this? And probably Skyrim.
when is mount and blade bannerlord coming out bros?
How is the Alpha? I have the invite code, but been busy to download it on my PS4.
Any Gears of war players here? Did you play the Gears 5 tech test? I'm not sure I liked it
tfw you find out that lalafells are actually dwarfs without helmets on in Shadowbringers.
Gamers! Rise up!
>destiny 2
I'm so sorry.
Insurgency: Sandstorm
Who do those Deku Scrubs look so weird
Can do you one better, TFW your character speaks in the final cutscene when fighting against Emet, and you cum for days because you character has never spoken until that time.
And then you summon your trial team making it epic.
This and Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
destiny 2 omegalul
ds3 no hit run
Half-Life 3
Well, seeing as how you don't get a reference to a cringe video that is not even 6 years old at this point, then I'd say your age is in question as well.
Not OP, but I am playing it right now as well. It's really fun, it took what was good about the first 2 and added on to it with more characters and specific roles (Tank, DPS, Support) similar to overwatch.
Patrician, but I know you don't have friends.
Nice troll.
Fucking nothing because everything is shit until borderlands 3 comes out, then cyberpunk after that.
Still getting down on some Soulsborne. Any of them at random. Anticipating Elden Ring
Dark souls 3
Dead Cells
Cadence of Hyrule Double-Time Permadeath Yves Run
>until borderlands 3 comes out
I'm playing The Game
You anons ever heard of splitgate
Silent Hill 4: The Room with Tommy Wisau mods
I've managed to quit playing live for the time being, at least until classic releases.
Ive been playing R6 seige, Squad, Minecraft, and a little bit of PUBG