Black user here. I think you white males smell funny. What are you washing your pasty ass with?

Black user here. I think you white males smell funny. What are you washing your pasty ass with?

Attached: white.jpg (535x810, 130K)

Black people blood.

>implying niggers know anything about bathing

Attached: I3MZFN4FTHP53KYBJG7J3DDMHA32UXYT.jpg (320x240, 20K)


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soap, you can buy some brands with foodstamps i believe so dont worry you can smell nice too!

Liquid ass paste. What do you guys use? Smells like curry and floor polish

ur moms butthole

sage but I wanted to mention that I genuinely noticed that black people have a particular smell. No not "BO" or "funk". In the same way that women all have an identifiable smell. To me, the smell of black people is off-putting.

Where do you live?

Yall don't smell like soap. It's more like lunch meat and dairy products.


OP smells like even blind people will hate him

Yeah smells like crime

its called soap, something you wouldnt understand

Nigger pussy

I mean Niggers smell like sweaty crayons so...


Attached: Cwpn23f_AstkpeFfdjathQCDZm1Dfoaz_01p-16BSlg.jpg (222x294, 12K)


Nigger tears

Enjoy your AIDS

I smell great, thank you. Customers often stop me at work and ask what I have on

Best description I've heard to date.

No its definitely ham or turkey smell

This black dudes i knew would remind me off chocolate cake mix from an easy bake oven no lie, some white people smell like balogni , usually chubby ones with poor nutrition

Whatever you say,......NIGGER.

Attached: NIGGER.MICRODICK......jpg (378x548, 51K)

Ya, I couldn't believe it when I figured it out either.
Spread the word, make this known

Uh, no cracker. And brand new crayons smell pretty good.

It's not bad just different

Like box mix powder, I guess I could see crayons too.
