People be sayin here on Yea Forums are fairly intelli individuals. I say, let's see. 1 or 16?

People be sayin here on Yea Forums are fairly intelli individuals. I say, let's see. 1 or 16?

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>1 or 16?

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Can't you see the answer is a question mark.


First () than × than ÷ and than + / +(-n)

8 / 2 (2 + 2) =
8 / 2 * 4 =
4 * 4 =

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It's sixteen.

8 / 2(2 + 2) = ?
-? = -?
8 / 2(2 + 2) - ? = 0
8 / 2(4) - ? = 0
8/? / 2(4)/? - 1 = 0
8/? / 8/? - 1 = 0
1 - 1 = 0
0 = 0
Thank me later



Brackets first so 2+2 = 4

8/2(4) = 8/8 = 1

>Dividing before multiplications

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× and ÷ have same priority so you doing that with left to right order

8 ÷ 2(2 +2) =
= 8 ÷ 2(4)
= 8 ÷ 8
= 1


6/2(2+1) = ?

Brackets, Indices, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction.

16 for anyone who isn't a fucking retard.

divisions are multiplications dumbass

Literal fucking retards


You're a retard if you come up with anything else.


Go back to school.

That's literally how it is. + and - are equal, they're literally direct opposites just like multiplication and division.. PEMDAS/BODMAS aside, even pure logic would telll you that things that are direct equals shouldnt priortize one over the other.

Brackets before divide. Includes finishing the multiply on the bracket first.


>Exploiting people who rely on PEMDAS/BEDMAS and don't understand that x×y isn't the same as x(y)
OP, I expected better


So why put what should come first second then?

Why not put the brackets physically in front of the equation?


In other words, why not (2 + 2) 8 divided 2?

If brackets are supposed to be done first, that is.

I followed pemdas
4*2=8 8/8=1

The answer is 1

man, you use order of operations
first is parenthesis: 2+2 = 4
then is multiplication: 2*4 = 8
then division: 8/8 = 1

Follow pemdas and still fuck it up.

Because that's where that number needs to go in the equation. Moving integers around will sometimes change the results.

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The answer is 1

>TFW you successfully argue you have a disability in math, and thus don't have to do any math in college at all

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Downside: it takes you 2 hours to finish every single exam you get. Nothing more isolating than being the absolute last person to finish.

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Oh shit
Makes sense when looking at it that way
8/2 x 4 is 32/2 so simplified is 16


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Multiplication and division are the same fucking thing, you treat them going from left to right, you don't prioritize multiplication over division.

It's multiplication/division.. it's not multiplication, division.

Multiplication and Division simultaneously, from left to right in the order that they appear. Same with addition. A better way to represent this would be:
PEMDAS = (P) (E) (MD) (AS).

8 / 2 (2 + 2) goes as follows:

Complete the equation in parentheses, which is 2+2 = 4.

Now reads: 8 / 2 x 4

Now, multiply and divide from left to right in the order that they appear.

8 / 2 = 4

4 x 4 = 16

no you dumbass, once you do 2+2 the parentheses are solved so you are left with 8 / 2 * 4
where the fuck did you learn that multiplications and divisions are different priority

i mean yes, he is right
everybody who attented primary school know how to solve this

19 and 2months into 20 I dated a 16 chick then she was 17 and I was 20 then so on. So 21 17 then 18-21. Nothing illegal. Suck my dick. Though the cops tried to say something though I was like wtf... We haven't even had sex at me in 20 but you won't say that to 19's face bitch.

I went to school in Mexico USA
(LAUSD) so don't entirely blame me for being retarded

That's what I was taught
I graduated after having fucked off, ditching throughout all of highschool


in this case it is 1
but if it were 8/2 * (2+2) it would be sixteen.
but this is 8/ 2*(2+2)

Yea Forumsro

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Depending on what part of the world you’re in, you learned the order of operations differently, which is why this question has two potential answers, because the equation is written incorrectly.

fuck off faggot



I wasn't judging. Simply educating.

8 over 2(2+2)

It's not your fault they're teaching you bullshit.

>Not Using Math Cad

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The order of operation is always the same, obviously. Your second part is correct, though, it's simply non-standard and depends on the implementation. It's sensible to only see it as affecting the two directly adjacent terms, because that's the only rule that could sensibly be defined, since there is no sign to stop the inclusion into the division, except if you set parantheses first, which would then be exactly like the only-the-adjacent-rule.

So it's sensible to interpret this as (8/2)*(2+2) and less sensible to interpret this as 8/(2*(2+2)), but there is no correct answer here.

Anyone who says 1 is beyond retarded. They are also probably either underaged or needs a basic education. Multiplication and division occur simultaneously but the equation ALWAYS goes left to right unless specified otherwise. Please go back to 1st grade you braindead fucks.

It's honestly a nomenclature thing and completely depends on where you were taught and even who you were taught by. That's why the only correct answer in this situation is to ask the person that wrote the equation down what they intended.

People who see it as 16 solve it as:

People who see it as 1 are essentially seeing it written as: 8÷[2*(2+2)] with the square brackets implied by writing the 2 with implicit multiplication. It's no more wrong than not writing the multiplication explicitly in the first place as long as it's used consistently.

This isn't the only ambiguity that exists. Consider the case in fractional notation


Is this one divided by one divided by two or 1 divided by one half?


ppl who understand elementary school math making fun of those who didn't
too bad both ended up on /b eventually
p.s. its 16

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16 or go to Gulag and find other answers

The problem was not given in fraction form. In the example you provided it is changing how the problem works in terms of left to right.

In the equation, it says 8 divided by 2 TIMES 4. So it's 8 divided by 8, which is 8, fags.

>Uses fancy programs
>writes the equation wrong
>gets the wrong answer for the posted question
>eating shit on this level

Damn even when you try to look smart you look retarded. Is it hard being an inbred fuckwit?

I get to win an argument on the internet though..

oh wait

1. PEMDAS is a thing after all. Although it is technically equally valid to say EPDMSA however it's a lot harder to say. You always distribute first so 2(2+2) becomes 8 and then 8 divide 8 is 1.

Why not substitute 2(2+2) for 2C ?
then you get 8 divided by 2C
which is 4C

That's why this way of writing down deserves poopoo2face since you are not consistent within the equation

Not technically true but... they're an inverse function of multiplication. Division is fancy subtraction. Ratio the other inverse function is the actual opposite of multiplication as it's always a fraction as an answer.

Incorrect. There is no reason to distribute within this problem. Distributing occurs when there is a variable in this case there is not. I can't tell if you are trolling or are just really retarded.

>TFW brackets come first mathematically but you put the brackets second in the actual equation to troll the universe

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Once more you are adding stuff to the equation. There is no reason to add a C. We already know what the answer is to C so there is no reason to add C. I could also return the question to you why not just put 4?

When you simplify 2(2+2) as 2C
then you will have 8 ÷ 2C
which is then --> 4C
Recall C = (2+2)
then 4C=16

You can't return the question why do you just return 4 because 4 is not equal to C
C is the variable constant

Got it. Shown the two possible configurations.
Another way is to make it a fraction. 8 over 2(2+2).
8 over 2(4).
8 over 8

This faggot is right so pay attention:


>(P)arenthesis first, 2+2=4
>There are no (E)xponents so you move onto (M)ultiplication, 2x4=8
>Now (D)ivide 8 by 8, 8/8=1

The answer is 1.

You faggots are dumb as fuck it’s seriously wild

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In this case you are not simplifying it though? If we are actually trying to simplify the problem it is 2(4). You are actually making it more complicated by doing that. The C is still unnecessary unless we did not know that 2+2 was in the parenthesis which is not true.

Wrong multiplication and division occur simultaneously which then goes left to right. Go back to third grade nigger.

C is not a variable it is always 4?

>TFW ancient mathematicians were total trolls for putting the brackets second in the equation when they're supposed to be done first

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Its substitution it is perfectly legal

everybody always gets it wrong because ÷ or / is an invalid character only slightly usefull for computer(programming). In normal mathematics the fraction bar should always be used.

In which case 1 would be correct. Unfortunately that is not how the problem is represented therefore it is 8.

How is it invalid?

(God math is like Hell if it was designed by Uwe Boll).

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Alright man I am no math major and I don't feel like arguing anymore but your way doesn't seem right could just be my NA education but I do not know.

I'll agree with this partially. How the equation is represented is the issue. Futhermore in what situation should this equation be used?

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Division and multilpication has the same rank so it should be done left to right.

Forget your PEMDAS/PEDMAS/whatever primary school rule.

t. know math.

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Left to right order for solving is irrelevant so assuming ÷ is a valid character (it's not officially used anymore in mathematics btw only in elementary schools) both 1 and 16 would be correct. This is because ÷ is ambiguous and fraction bar should be used instead,

or you could say 4*8^-1 instead of 4÷8

leaked this whore on facebook

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German here. That's how I learned it.
Because we learned that 2(2+2) is done first otherwise it would be written 2*(2+2).
So for me it's this:

using the fraction bar is not practical in most computer programs so the negative power should be used, 4*8^-1 instead of 4÷8. This would leave no ambiguity in OP's original problem

The answer is one (1)

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So sad to see all the gen zoomers fall for jewish education. The answer is 16

That bit does not even matter. There are different sign for devision all over the world.

This is operatively ambiguous and only a retard would write math this way.. use a fucking denominator. But I would argue parentheses and then left to right . Just as the paratheses go first I'd then do everything outside then fold it into the paratheses