Work at drive thru

>work at drive thru
>take order from car
>"anything else, sir?"
>car screeches around and parks
>6' 250lb tranny comes bursting in the front door
>yells at my manager for 20 minutes
>after work, manager calls me into office
>I can quit now and receive 2 weeks pay or be fired and get nothing

i don't want to live in this clown world

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I hope you took the 2 weeks pay.
You got off better than most would have in a scenario like this.

Anyway, customer service sucked even before trans garbage became an issue. Count your blessings and move on.

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The world is mostly like this now a days.
Get a gun and shoot up a gay night club too feel better.

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That individual enacted economic terrorism on you. In accordance with the Patriot Act, you're well within your rights to extra-judicially incarcerate them.

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So they have a problem with assuming gender, but then they did the same thing to the waitress.

This seems more like a child/parent thing, I don't see what this has to do with being trans.

lol this didn't happen

Isn't life fun like that?

That's because you're transphobic.

>hears only manly voice
>says "sir"
>that's what is normal in every country except tardland
>gets fired

what did he suppose you do? say "welcome to burgerland, what are your pronouns?" and then close with "thank you xir" or what?
your fucking manager has no balls. should've kicked the man in drag out the shop, not one of his workers.

That didn't happen

coincidentally "me vision" is also everyone else's vision

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True story.

>trans man
>sees man in mirror
no shit sherlock
he did not need hormones
he needed a brain transplant

FYI if you’re fired your probably entitled to unemployment benefits. They may fight you but they’ll probably lose, firing you over an honest mistake.
I don’t believe your story though

does this look like a man to you? fucking transphobes

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Man I wish my parents got me into sports. I always begged them to but they would tell me we can't afford it, then they'd explain how expensive it is to raise me. Then they'd go on and on about how sports are shitty anyway and I should be happy to stay home and read a book or "just play sports with my friends outside". But instead me and my friends broke into the high school and stole all the laptops so we could buy meth.

Nah, it looks like a crazy bad photoshop. I'm cool with everyone wanting to make up their gender. Gotta get your kicks somehow. But I'm not cool with this "everyone is beautiful" shit. 90% of all humans are fuck ugly if you look at them long enough.

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Right, like calling all your female friends in high school wasn't just "What's up guys?"

I have never had this level of response, but my town is more conservative so they are likely less willing to make a scene.

Just think bro, your Job and life style are less important than theirs. That was clearly the point they wanted to make. Otherwise, who gives a fuck?

I sympathize with you. Another dude that actually wants a job and is willing to work punished by some bitch having a bad day.

personally i like a good looking trap (yeah call me closeted gay, i don't care)
but that monstrosity looks like a bag of birdshit
i live in a big city and there are lot of bachelor parties
some of the guys that are dragged into strip clubs by their friends look exactly like that man in dress on the right side

being weird in the head and thinking you need to cut off your balls do not make you a girl
and youre not trans if you like to wear a dress and be fucked in the butt by a man, just a bit gay.

you're just a fucking asshole that means it is special and we all need to do him a special favor because he feels like

har the manpoons

jesus, if he goes out like this does he really think people do not laugh into his face?
and he can't do anything about it, because it is fucking ridiculous.

Take the firing and sue the shit out of them for wrongful termination. Ez money.

she does look like a man

Holy shit thank u so much for posting this, i've been looking for greentexts or funny personal stories for so goddamn long now

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The colors in that comic make my eyes bleed.

Your comic presents the more likely scenario. The tranny gets their feels hurt but is too unconfident to speak up about it.
The ones that are really confrontational like in uourprobably fake Tory are the ones that "transition" at 30-50 and do none of the hard work and complicated medical transition but expect to be given all the same regard as those that have and we're brave enough to come out when they still had a chance of passing.

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enjoy living in your bubble, this is pretty typical in california

Actually some people do have different visions of what they look like in their head. Its usually mental illness or poor self image.

You ever hear of the line "You are your harshest critic"?

This is why we call everyone ‘mate’ in australia

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pretty much same for us in England lol...not sure if girl/boy? Alright mate! Can't remember your name? Alright mate!

Well of course. They don't even mention "trans" anywhere, even in the border as in "whatever trans comics".
It's just a comic about their life.
It doesn't matter though, op and circle jerkers are just looking for any excuse to hate on them, probably from their own issues.
You even have people like the user who replied to you blatantly disingenuously virtue signalling to false flag and to as the boogieman they're built up in their mind so they have something to flail at.

He’s not, but I am.


mate is for males, sexist pigs. I live in england and prefer to be called miss instead of mate

I really like the australian dialect so I call everyone mate lmao.

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I make it a point to push the limits of that theory. I believe I can become an even more harsh critic than a person on their own self. Through hard work and dedication, I can make it happen.

Depending on the school of thought trans relationships are straight relationships. What a fun time to be alive.

>hears only manly voice
>says "sir"
>that's what is normal in every country except tardland
>gets fired
I certainly don't think that's something to get fired for but your "proper actions" in your scenario are stupid too.
In the comic it's not a drive through, they're looking right at them.
Like, do you seriously think it's normal to not look at a customer and then assume just based on their voice? If so you might litterally be on the autism spectrum. Forget trannies, you're likely to get fired for pissing off some old woman with a deep voice because you were a sperg looking at your feet while taking an order.

Honestly these comics seem to be more about this person being traumatized and then being unable to cope with life as a result. I kinda believe you should do whatever you want but shut the fuck up about it. Yeah a tranny will probably always look like shit but if they really wanna do it then whatever. You just gotta be chill with looking weird to people. Most trans people are NOT chill in that regard.

Inner hatred and malice towards ones self is unsurpassable and insurmountable in its enormity.

Words cannot describe the hatred I hold in my heart for myself. Even if I splayed my own guts out over miles of burning asphalt and scribbled the word hate on each inch with a rusty nail. I could not even begin... To adequately summarize my hatred for myself.

Yet I still live. Just to torment myself with this wretched shitshow of life. For that is the greatest torture I could give myself without the satisfaction of it ending before I know true suffering.

just leaked 7 photos of this girl

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>man brows
>man jaw
>thin little man lips
>brittle man hair
>puts makeup on like a toddler who found mommy's makeup bag and dug in with both fists

how anyone could look at him and NOT see a man in a dress is beyond me.


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>You all just live in a bubble!
>Meanwhile I'm in CALI so I see reality as it is
Lol this is hilarious, even moreso because you don't even realize the irony.

oops forgot to mention the man hands too. that's always a dead giveaway.

bro it's a fucking spambot, report and move on.

I know too many trans relationships that are both mtf, does that make it gay, straight, or lesbian?

how tf you spam if theres captchas?
am I fucking retard?

Yes, but I feel like I can hate you more than that. Truly loathe every molecule of your being. For science.

Spin the Wheel o' Progressive, my dude.

nice strategic turtleneck to hide his prominent Adam's apple. body shape is still a masculine rectangle and not a nice curvy hourglass like a real woman.

trannies can try to hide it with padding but as soon as you get them naked you're just looking at a man with a micropenis and mild gynecomastia. no curves to speak of.

I don't know how it works mechanically but we've had spam well after capcha was established.

>clearly a homosexual male
>terrible relationship with father
>wants to be a girl

Yup. No mental illness here.

If the president can be mentally ill then a mentally ill man can be an ugly girl if it wants.

You mean thay are leting you work for 2 more weeks be for laying you off right lol no one's going to give you 2 weeks pay for nothing

They look pretty manly but are obviously trying to present as female so I'd assume they're a tranny or very ugly cis woman.

>Having a shitty dad means you're mentally ill

>I can quit now and receive 2 weeks pay or be fired and get nothing

Hope you told him to go fuck himself for being a spineless cuck piece of shit who won't even stand up for his goddamned employee... That motherfucker should be lynched.