Starting a new hate group against gingers. Won’t draw racial or religious lines...

Starting a new hate group against gingers. Won’t draw racial or religious lines, just anyone who identifies as ginger or has red hair, dyed or not. Who is in and what other groups would you like to discriminate against. Red is Dead

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I’d like to add any man who likes My Little Pony to the kill list

Fuck gingers, literally

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Im down. Lets also discriminate against 36 year olds. no one older, no one younger. fuck those guys. also k. rool mains

I’m 37 so missed that cut. How about anyone in 2019 that stills wears a hat backwards. Can someone please push this group off a cliff 300 style


Not that much a people but I really wanna get rid of all the artichokes. Those pinecone looking motherfuckers gotta go.
also everyone who eats them willingly or is complicit in producing them.

Can we add avocado and avocado enthusiasts to that list. I’d be happy to burn down a Panera Bread or three to get that rolling

Here's a line for ya. Gingers is actually an anagram for niggers, so this is now a nigger hate thread

That’s the point of the dyslexia meme but thank you for joining in. Did you buy your school supplies yet?

Anyone who looks like this, any race, or listens to this abortion of music

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Im not pulling any strings here but count me in.
We should compile a list of acceptable foods for the people!

Oops iv found the Yea Forums edge lord watch out!

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means

You're a cunt

I’m OP actually, tired of nigger hate threads, everyone hates niggers even niggers we get it. I’m looking for a better class of bigot

Hating people that live in once they migrate elsewhere theyre golden...but the people living there? Disgusting Sub-Humans.

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Pic is outstanding

How about Native Americans, might as well finish what you start

Crossed is outstanding. Best comic.

Nah nah. That's scrub level bigotry. The god-tier biggots are the Parisians who hate everyone outside of Paris, and the rest of the French people who hate anyone outside of France, and the Montreal faggots who hate everyone outside of Montreal, and the Quebecois who hate everyone outside of Quebec, and then finally you have the Creoles who hate all non-creoles.

See that much inner bigotry takes away the god tier. That’s like fags hating trans who hate bi who hate queer. It’s all the same group of people that dine on dick.

Hating everyone but yourself is so 2018. Its the current year, time to get specific. I mean, how is a city going to genocide the rest of the world? Nono, we need to set attainable killing all ambidextrous people...they are fucking freaks of nature. God intended us to only use one hemisphere at a time.

Hear hear

Assuming people on /b don’t hate themselves is kinda 2012ish

I know but I didnt wanna turn this into a suicide cult

Well what’s the point of having a good cult of people aren’t will to die. And the term is hate group in 2019, you can’t call them cults anymore, it’s not sensitive enough

Okay if we are going full cult then can we please crucify the people on /b, I use the term people lightly, with the constant FB/Insta/etc fuckery of girls they jerk off to but will never speak to

You know, why put a label on it already, we should just start murdering people and see where things go from there.

Yeah sure, but they should die doing what they love. Which is killing people they or I hate, not themselves,

The first solid idea in the thread

Well that’s precisely what we are trying to narrow down. The overall goal is to kill off at least one group starting with gingers and then go from there. Red is Dead

But gingers are a huge international group. Its going to take us ages to get rid of them while more devious enemys cover in their shadows.
I think you are trying to dissuade us to fight the true enemy!

I think huge is stretch, less than 3% of the total population I would imagine. 3% of 7 billion is 210 million give or take. There’s more Ammon than that in the state I live in round wise. And if we could get it elevated to mass gassing or bombing we could burn through that, no pun intended

Sounds like something an ambidextrous person would say

Right hand only fellow fag, why my dick curves left

K, that checks out. Red is Dead

Ginger have no souls

Thank you, now it’s starting to sink in. They’ve been infecting us for years with freckles and lowered immune systems. You ever seen a happy movie set in Ireland? I think not

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Found proof!

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there's already a hate group against gingers called Hollywood.

Holy water, great movie from 2009.
Known as Hard Times outside of Ireland.

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