The world is over.
Nuclear bombs fell, and people eat each other.
You can only take 3 people to the air raid shelter.
The world is over
I take Playstation, Xbox, Switch, fedora, and Flesh light.
Drug Dealer, Special Forces, Scientist.
Nun, Farmer, Repair
This is quite easy. Doctor, teacher and fitness instructor would give the most optimal chance of survival. Two pairs to reproduce, not any stupid shit from low tier people such as special forces or chefs. Smart people learn those skills well enough as side jobs.
/fit/ness guy, farmer, and doctor
That way there is enough diversity to keep a couple generations alive at least
I'll fucking yeet myself
Teacher Chef Drug dealer
Chef to prepare the food, repair lady to keep the place running, and doctor to keep the people running.
Protip: farmer's completely useless if the shelter has no hydroponics. These are nukes we're talking about.
I had to blow laughing when i was checking them one by one then i suddenly saw the fitness guy kek
theif, drug dealer, and the babysitter. easy
Doctor to keep healthy, repairman to fix bunker, special forces to keep us safe. No repopulation, not enough to do that anyway with only 4.
I would just take Billy
doctor farmer and scientist
ez pz
this is why you're a brainlet
dealer doctor scientist
dealer for good shit
doctor keep us alive
scientist help make the shit better
That's all I need
scientist, doctor and fitness instructor because i dont want to fuck my own kids in the future XD
Doctor, Scientist, Hacker or Repairman.
doctor, farmer, scientist
but if it's just by looks then...
fitness instructor yummmm
why would you take a dumb person (special forces) in :D
fire fighter, teacher, and secretary
i dont think you know who that fitness instructor is (keep your ass covered around him)
>can't see any of their asses or feet
So this is absolutely pointless.
It's a toss up between Hacker and Babysitter. Possibly Repairman.
Maybe you fuck nobody, hmm? That's an option as well.
Their feet are gonna be shit in two weeks regardless so why would you care?
Doctor, Scientist, Repairman
>their feet are gonna be shit in two weeks
We'll be in some retarded ass underground bunker not in walking around barefoot in the fucking mountains you fucking smoothbrain.
repairman, doctor, teacher (for the futures kids)
scientist, farmer, doctor
Fitness instructor Fitness instructor and Police officer, i just want to make sure that she will be penetrated by 2 humongus dicks and one small and stinky dick for the rest of her life.
But she's the hottest
Your chances of repopulating with 4 people is very low.
babysitter scientist doctor
>keep your ass covered around him
holy fuck why am i laughing so much today
I know how to fix shit, bring the doc for health/bio science, special forces for security/survivalism, farmer for food supply and animal husbandry knowledge. Enjoy fucking them until we all die.
Doctor, farmer, repair