A thread in remembrance.
A thread in remembrance
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RIP Skyking.
>Nah man, i'm okay. I played lots of flight simulators and stuff.
what a guy
>Just a broken guy, got a few screws loose I guess.
>Never really knew it until now.
He's an inspiration.
I want to know what happened to him that day. So badly. I want to know everything he did in the last week before getting in the plane.
I want to hear the cockpit voice recorder
As an user who might kill himself tomorrow: if he was anything like me, he just had a normal, dull, uneventful week in a normal, dull, uneventful life until some unimportant shit happened to tip him over
Do a barrel roll fag.
Thank you for this insight, much appreciated.
You don't think the rumors of his wife wanting divorce are true? They're unsubstantiated I'll agree.
>I wasn't really planning on landing it
>Think I'm just gonna do a barrell roll
>see how that goes
>Nose it down and call it a night
It's never worth it
But he did a barrel roll user. He did it in style
ever think of skipping town and starting over?
I have a weak character and no practical life experience. I just sort of carry on.
Not stopp'n me In a similar boat and it has to change. Doing the preplanning because of the logistic of the whole idea. Because theres nothing here for me except a grave
Read Siddhartha fags.
An exceptional level of gets. Has Skyking graced the thread with his presence?
I think he has anons.. I think he has
I mean I get the gist but you can only 'change yourself so many times. Other people and environmental factors are my current issue
>Oh, we can be heroes just for one day
Rest in peace my dude, I hope you have it better now.
>The sights went by so fast. I was thinking I would have this moment of serenity. I would be able to take in all the sights. There was a lot of pretty stuff, but, I think they’re prettier in a different context.
I’m happy he wasn’t forgotten
what a bunch of faggots
what an edgy cunt
Thanks for joining me anons
I'm going to bed now, and maybe I'll dream of the terrain flying by, and of finally finding peace.
I apologize, but what is the story behind this?
If you have to ask, you will never know.
>RIP in peace Skyking
Suicidal dude steals plane, goes for a joyride, crashes it and killing himself