You're at the beach, sunbathing, minding your own business...

You're at the beach, sunbathing, minding your own business. Your sunlight gets blocked by a huge shadow looming over you. You open your eyes to this guy. "Thats my spot" what do??

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Pull down my pants and take a fat steamy shit

Not a problem, I was just finished peeing in that spot.

Pull down his pant and suck his dick

s-s-s-sor-sorry s-s-sir .... d-d-do y-you also w-want t-t-to f-fuck my wife?"

Make fun of his belly

I'd say fuck outta here whiteboi and me an my boys go wilding on his ass mane nomesayin

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Whoop his pussy ass and make him suck my big fat cock cuz I'm ALL Thor and this little bitch is only half thor.

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Why the fuck would I be on a beach? Sunbathing? Yeh, enjoy your cancer.

Tell him to fuck off, if i touches me or keeps harrassing me i call the cops