You're at the beach, sunbathing, minding your own business. Your sunlight gets blocked by a huge shadow looming over you. You open your eyes to this guy. "Thats my spot" what do??
You're at the beach, sunbathing, minding your own business...
Blake Edwards
Lincoln Cox
Pull down my pants and take a fat steamy shit
Jason Turner
Not a problem, I was just finished peeing in that spot.
Joshua Ortiz
Pull down his pant and suck his dick
Parker Martin
s-s-s-sor-sorry s-s-sir .... d-d-do y-you also w-want t-t-to f-fuck my wife?"
Aiden Harris
Make fun of his belly
Xavier Moore
I'd say fuck outta here whiteboi and me an my boys go wilding on his ass mane nomesayin
Jayden Watson
Whoop his pussy ass and make him suck my big fat cock cuz I'm ALL Thor and this little bitch is only half thor.
Cooper Robinson
Why the fuck would I be on a beach? Sunbathing? Yeh, enjoy your cancer.
Brandon Turner
Tell him to fuck off, if i touches me or keeps harrassing me i call the cops