Ask a psychologist anything. Will provide short answers, preferably

Ask a psychologist anything. Will provide short answers, preferably.

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Other urls found in this thread:

what does it take to get prescribed benzos?
i legit need them, but no doctor believes i do, instead throwing straight "depression" at me.
im not depressed, the world is and it makes me anxious.

What's the meaning of life?

You are about to get into a fight, what song comes on as your soundtrack?

So I’m trying to kidnap a chick to keep as a sex slave. How quickly can I induce Stockholm’s Syndrome?

Why are you stupid?

Y do pajeets shit on the street?

What’s your favorite psychological state/concept? I.e., the concept of dissociative fugue has always been extremely interesting to me. Would really love to study that and learn more about it.

Dogs shouldn't be allowed next to children.

Dicks lol

Where exactly did you go wrong in life?

I have been trying to kick heroin for a few years, its a depressing cycle. I no longer enjoy being high. Any advice

poor man

bach is for faggots

Nice trips faggot. And how fortuitous that it landed on “dicks lol”. What a legend.

>what does it take to get prescribed benzos?
It'll take a doctor. Mainly.

Anxiety should be enough, but beware, benzos can cause you not to remember entire days in your life. Happened to me.

>im not depressed, the world is and it makes me anxious.
If you aren't depressed now, you might become depressed as the anxiety wears you out. Rather than medication, you need to process your anxiety. There's most likely a TON of things you are unaware of currently.

I've been a loner all my life. What's the broadest explanation for something like that? Was never sexually abused.

Fake trips

Other people and happiness.

Some of the X-COM soundtrack, from 2012.

I know Bach composed a couple “fugues,” but I don’t think “dissociative” was one of them, you fucking mongoloid

Ur scared of human contact and rejection

You’ve been snafu’ed.

why is anyone still alive, why are the dogs still alive, is life this weak? can they not just leave yet and remain nothing but savage peace in wilderness sickness? why is nothing sacred? rot everywhere.

whats it like being a fraud who solely preys upon the fragile and weak-minded?

Have you perchance seen Lost Highway? I don't have a personal favourite, typically because I've either experienced them or know people who have, and I just wish everyone was OK.

You can find a lot of good information in any university library, and online as well.

Find what you use heroin to compensate for. I don't think you can kick any addiction without knowing what you are actually missing. I'd advise you to stop immediately, also, before it becomes a lot harder.

How do I justify seeking help if I'm functional? Telling anyone I'm not happy feels like whining.

times are changing. They realize now how quickly and severely addicting they are. And get paid more to prescribe you way more harmful drugs like antiphychotics and SRIs that will fuck you up even worse. The litteral only way to deal with this this shit without taking Prescribed poison that will make everything worse it so exercise and eat more healthy.

Why are you a clam?

>I've been a loner all my life.
Did your parents bring you to other kids your own age before the age of 4? Did they introduce social interaction in a safe and positive way? Do your parents have many close friends and acquaintances?

Being a loner is typically not something you were born as.

How do you help people who are extremely lonely?

>Was never sexually abused.
Also, abuse is vastly greater than just the sexual bit.


Do you think using a core belief system as a way reverse engineer what is dragging us down as Yea Forums b dwellers ?

Gee idk. Mybe go outside

I don't know, I'm not a salesman.

Do you know anything about that Freespira system for treating anxiety and panic disorder? Does it work?

I live in the cair system in the U.K. spend most my time around people who get paid to spend time with me. Lose faith in humans much. 14 year old to whome I am just an acquaintance means the world to me. Not sexual in any way. Moving soon back to city. Is any form of relation ship valid at all?

When will psilocybe out prescribe SSRI's?

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>preys on the fragile and weak-minded

I think you’re thinking of Democrats.

when will Big Pharma stop being greedy?

>other people

>How do I justify seeking help if I'm functional? Telling anyone I'm not happy feels like whining.
That's faux-tough thinking, the kind weaklings love on Yea Forums. Don't wait until you are dysfunctional to get help. Think of a car. If your car makes a weird noise and goes less fast than normal, is it tough to wait until it's completely fucked up? No, it's not tough, it's moronic. Do you care more for your car than for your brain? That should answer that.

Psychology nowadays focuses on everybody, not just the gravest of cases, see positive psychology and Martin Seligman.

You can see someone and present your problem. Be sure to understand the difference between whining and seeking a solution. Talking about negative things isn't automatically whining. Especially not if you are seeking a solution. Real whining only seeks to whine.


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Edit**** Magic mushrooms every couple of monthes and full spectrum cbd when you feel anxious will work magic

1. try to find the origin of that behaviour
2. try to find ways to change it

Depending on why you are alone (assuming you're lonely because you're alone), there will be different ways to make friends.

I was born a loner. I didnt start meeting people until I was in school, my parents have 0 friends, and their family are in another country, but doenst matter causs my moms side they dont even get along, they hate eachother, and I know 0 of my dads side. I never met my grandparents and dont even know their names, damn :p


is there a reliable online psychopathy test? i think i might be but i dont want to talk to my psych about it because im afraid ill be incriminated

>Do you think using a core belief system as a way reverse engineer what is dragging us down as Yea Forums b dwellers ?
I do think many of the shared beliefs here do a lot of damage. Not everyone is trolling, but there are some severely dysfunctional users around here. Yea Forums does away with identity, responsibility, and consequences. It's literally a massive hugbox that anons try to cover up with acting tough, but in reality, it's the safest place to shitpost in. A lot more than on Reddit, the hated, as you have a name there, and people can vote on you, which would be the absolute horror for anons. It boils down to a fear of others and a lack of confidence in oneself. Here, it translates as a lot of contempt and hate for everyone.

I literally know why im the way I am and the horrible parenting I went through, but idk how to change and heal my brain. For me my parents just accidently had me so I was just an extra, sometimes theyd forget me at places

I'll be honest: stick to cognitive-behavioral techniques whenever you can for such things. You'll minimise the bullshit a whole lot. Also seek a solution in your mind and behaviour rather than in a pill, as the latter will usually be less efficient and more scammy than actual work.

>Is any form of relation ship valid at all?
Yes. You'll know what it means to you. Cherish it and never assume this only happens once. You're made to find connections with other humans. You are never alone.

anyway, i am gonna hijack your precious fucking time and pollute your crystals like everything does and lay down the the based commandments of the TRUE SQUARE GOD allow me to commence my particular individual comrade:

>When will psilocybe out prescribe SSRI's?
When it becomes more efficient. So, never. Even SSRI's have limited power and only have a significant effect when you're within inches of furiously suiciding yourself. Mushrooms have been tested and they're efficient at first but their effect dies down very quickly past the first 2 weeks or so.

Broadly diagnose Trump's deal:
A) Narcissist
B) Sociopath
C) Narcissist and Sociopath

If you can't think of other people as a goal for you, you will be sad and lonely. Humans evolved to work and live together, that is how we are strong. Deprive yourself of other people, and of work you do for other people, and you will experience suffering. You may not even realise that this is what it is.

The guy who you were originally talking to here.

Parents had friends when I was very little, before 4. We stopped going to their place for some reason, never heard. After that, just always was entertained enough my myself in my own world and thoughts, that I never really felt a need to interact with people. Eventually hung out with people after high school a bit, but never made any close friends, and even when I was with these people, I would mostly be silent. Maybe chime in here and there with something funny, but I mostly just wanted to leave every time I was around people.
Now as an adult I have pretty much no friends. One girl that I used to work with sometimes texts me, but that's it. Dad is dead, mom is a shut in too, with pretty much no friends. That's probably where it comes from.

How would help a person that has failed to have a succesful relationship? Let's say the person in question tried to make friends before, but failed, and now he/she is distrusful of others, feels as if they try to make friends again they'll just fail miserably.
How can you help someone witht that mentality?

For as long as I can remember I've had a complete lack of emotion
I often feel like I'm not really living, just existing.
Also I have music playing in my head 24 7 which blocks out most of my thoughts and makes it impossible to think properly most of the time

Any ideas?

>> Edit**** Magic mushrooms every couple of monthes and full spectrum cbd when you feel anxious will work magic
Yeah, I get feeling "magic," but will I also feel "full spectrum"?
You being unable to spell "months" makes me wonder exactly what your real credentials are. Usually, one learns to spell in school ...

How do I focus on a task longer, usually after 15 minutes of working I distract myself and have a difficult time getting back to it unless I'm under strict deadlines.

>I was born a loner. I didnt start meeting people until I was in school, my parents have 0 friends
That's pretty much what I expected. Look no further. You weren't socialised, so you never learned what most other kids have learned by the time they go to school. You must have seemed out of place instantly. That's why you're a loner, but you can reverse it.

Also assume there is a whole lot that is very wrong with your parents, which you may not fully realise just now. People without friends are people who can't be liked by others, and there's usually a good reason for that.

You are from a fucked up family, user, and it is important that you make this very clear to yourself, just so you don't feel guilty for coming out different. It wasn't your fault.

But you can improve. Just keep in mind those facts and analyse yourself. Observe your assumptions, make sure they're correct; if unsure, suspend them, give people a chance, trust, go along, smile, listen, ask questions. People will be kind if you don't scare them.

Pretty damn good synopsis.

Just gib urself strict deadlines
Ez pz

>is there a reliable online psychopathy test?

I've used this one on dozens of psychopathic anons. It works.

Recommend reading for you.

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I never wanted to look this closely into him. I think he may just be not very smart.

He's a pathological liar.

C, which is generally the perfect qualifications for a top CEO/leader.

Read up on schizoid personality disorder, though I don't think it'll match. I think your current situation is the result of how you were raised, clearly. The main question is: do you suffer from loneliness? If the answer is yes, rejoice, because that means you are healthy and reacting the normal way. You'll find out, in time, that what you are doing right now requires monumental strength. You'll realise that once you've made yourself a group of friends and remember the years when you were alone.

15% is that bad or good?

How many people do you think are actual murderers.

Keep in mind that not everything that happens is your fault, or about you. It's hard to do, but you must. Sometimes people are wrong and will dislike you or not be interested for no fault of your own.

Be sure not to take every rejection as a personal failure. Think in terms of incompatibility instead of your own success or failure. It's not a contest, it's a match or it isn't, but a mismatch doesn't mean you failed more than the other person. Think of what YOU want, also. What are your demands? If you have none, you might be the type of person who just wants to please everyone, instead of being yourself (which is what real friends want you to be with them).

not the previous poster, but what do you if you are from a fucked up family?

Both of my parents were snob when they were well off, and still snob when they aren't, which I guess is why they drifted from their families respectively.

I've read about narcissistic parents and how their child would go "no contact", but I don't see how that solves the issue. Is it not an innate desire of a child to yearn for their parent's affection?

>For as long as I can remember I've had a complete lack of emotion
See derealisation. This may come from a traumatic even, or more likely, from a long time in depression. It's also possible that the music in your head is a way to repress any feeling or thought that could hurt you. Your entire condition may be a way to avoid something worse, as derealisation usually is. Read about derealisation.

This was not my answer. My credentials are pretty fat, and English is only my second language, but I majored in it as well, so I'm unlikely to make basic mistakes.

>do you suffer from loneliness?
Very much so. Thanks for taking the time to reply.

how did i do? i think the narcissism comes from my schizophrenia and answers about grandiose delusions

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1. remove means of distraction so they're not easily accessible
2. allow yourself a short break after 15 minutes if that's when you usually stop focusing
3. break down tasks into small chunks that you can accomplish in one sitting, whether it's 15 minutes, more, or less
4. read about procrastination
5. to deal with the deadline: long before the deadline, START, even if it's for literally 5 minutes only; doing this will make you feel different about the work, and it won't be so daunting anymore, which might make you decide to go on, or to resume later. Starting early, even for 5 minutes, can have a huge impact.

Not him.

I've been disappointed countless times, to the point I don't even want to bond with others since I can't form solid an genuine relationships despite the fact I wanted to. I'm usually not interested in male companionship and I have no interest in girls beyond casual sex.

What will happen to me if I don't fix this? How do I fix this?

I feel resentful, bitter and angry, about everything but not lonely.

I made this OC also. Intended for Yea Forums originally.

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how does it feel ruining the minds of children with poisonous medications recommended based off of hack pseudo-science?

mine, for comparison

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are you still around, OP? I'd like to make a question.

Sorry I didn't proof read my quick response to a fucking Yea Forums post. You caught me, illiterate ass clown over here. Full Spectrum Cbd means they did not isolate the CBD but extracted the rest of the compounds naturally found in the plan thc, and cbga for example. These when combined with cbd work synergistically and you get a better result then if you used a Cbd isolate product. But fuck me,I'm just an idiot who cant spell. Just keep being unhappy and disregard my honest attempt to help because I wasn't worried about my spelling on a shitpost website

15% lighter or darker?

A lot, but usually not in the serial killer way.

>not the previous poster, but what do you if you are from a fucked up family?
Here's what I did: you observe people who are from healthy families, and you learn. You connect that stuff inside you, especially when you like what you see and wish you had had the same. You can also read the book I posted before, on what children need, as it will show you what went wrong.

In short, you become your own parent and you take care of yourself as though you were your own child.

>I've read about narcissistic parents and how their child would go "no contact", but I don't see how that solves the issue. Is it not an innate desire of a child to yearn for their parent's affection?
It is, and that's how such parents ruin you. Rather than just no contact, you mostly have to secure your freedom from them, and do exactly what you want, what you need, without considering them. It's harder than it may seem, but if you can do that, you will feel free. It will likely require some kind of clash. You need to accept that they will never truly know or love you. (If they are narcissists, this is probably what you already know: they don't know you, they don't really love you, and, worst of all, they don't actually love you, as they love nobody.)

He's not worth the energy, I believe you.


OK, so we can scrap the schizoid thing, good!

For you and everyone: here's a therapist. Her channel has a lot of good information, and most of all, she is the type of therapist you want to have: human, compassionate, smart, knowledgeable. You may come up to many fools, so don't hesitate to shop around before you are satisfied and stick with someone.

Why did my dad leave?

>how did i do? i think the narcissism comes from my schizophrenia and answers about grandiose delusions
If you suffer from schizophrenia and the rest, consider these results with a pinch of salt. If you aren't seeing someone, I advise you to.

>In short, you become your own parent and you take care of yourself as though you were your own child.
Fuck me, that kind of blew my mind just now. Such a simple concept, but one that never really occurred to me.

do you even need school or a degree to call yourself a psychologist? I mean it’s not like your a doctor or psychiatrist right?

yeah im well taken care of. see a psych every couple months

You actually dont solve problems, you're a shitty placebo with just enough skill and understanding for people to think you are actually worth that 100$ per session

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>I feel resentful, bitter and angry, about everything but not lonely.
It's possible every other emotion is recycled as anger, to preserve you from what you actually feel, which should be loneliness, sadness, despair, etc.

It seems your avoidance of humans is designed to protect yourself, too. Once you become conscious of WHY you avoid them, things will change. You need others just as they need you. You do not want to live alone and hate everyone, and be hated by others for it. This is no kind of life.

Read about schizoid and see if that applies at all.

you are probably not one at all.

>how does it feel ruining the minds of children with poisonous medications recommended based off of hack pseudo-science?
A psychologist does not prescribe medication. That is why I chose psychology over psychiatry. I'm not fond of the idea of giving children in development medication that alters their state of consciousness. The science behind it is as rigorous as any other science, but that is not the point. Just because Ritalin has proven to be effective does not mean it should be used primarily, but that's just me.

I am but I'm slow to respond. 9 minutes late.

It probably wouldn't warrant therapy on the face of it. What are your problems in life?

Whatever reason, it wasn't your fault.

Would men enjoy anal sex if it wasn't degrading to women?

for how you want to bet that this is bait?

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>Fuck me, that kind of blew my mind just now. Such a simple concept, but one that never really occurred to me.
This is how most good therapies work: you're suddenly told things that appear obvious, and somehow you never thought of it. I've been there. Typically, you knew, but needed someone else to tell you, because you can't easily trust your own instincts. This is one way in which people with bad backgrounds fail where others don't: we don't value our instincts nearly enough, so we don't use our alarms and alerts, and we think we should "get tough" and deal with it, when in reality we should get the fuck out and move the fuck on.

>your shit job
>your shit parents
>your shit girlfriend/boyfriend

sorry im the schizo i posted twice.

my problems in life are pretty much just symptoms. managed with meds but they inevitably come through from time to time.

i guess im also pretty pissed off that ill never be successful but if i look at it on a whole my life isnt terrible compared to others.


>do you even need school or a degree to call yourself a psychologist? I mean it’s not like your a doctor or psychiatrist right?
That depends on the country. In my country, a serious nation, you need 12 years to be an official therapist. You do one of the same postgraduate training as psychiatrists can choose from. You also have a rigorous scientific background (but that's not in every country, in mine it is, however). Here, you are considered a psychologist once you have your master in psychology. You will need to practice and train for an additional 4 years before you are considered a full therapist.

>Paying people to listen to your problems.

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>You actually dont solve problems, you're a shitty placebo with just enough skill and understanding for people to think you are actually worth that 100$ per session
I'm doing it for free here and if you are honest you can already see it's doing some good. Not everything is a placebo. Talking to a human being who cares has positive effects: that's not a placebo, that's as real as it gets. We need that shit.

care to break down what each graph mean and how it contributes to being "darker"

I thought I did well and then I see "10.83% darker", wtf

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This is very insightful, thanks you for your time user.

I think I avoid others because I had passive bullying experience in middle school, and that I have a big, nasty and fragile ego. I crave respect and reverence. But I can't even get affection and basic recognition, only fear and respect out of it. I can't stand the idea of looking like a retard when socializing because my socials skills have went down with the years.
In the end, I want to be a high status man, but can't even form strong bond with my peers. I also fail to feel any connection with 99% of mens, let alone females.

Also, here is my dark triad test, what do you think ? Will look for Schizoid. Please give me any help you can lend.

I just want to be less angry about everything. But yeah, I'd rather be angry than depressed.

>Would men enjoy anal sex if it wasn't degrading to women?
It is only degrading if that's how you see it. There are plenty of women who love anal sex and wouldn't see it as degrading if you shoved your intimate penis in the hole they use to shit with. The other angle is completely valid too: it is degrading to you because you insert an important part of you (the part that gives you orgasms) inside the part that gives turds. You can also risk infections.

Think again.

But basically, it's a matter of beliefs. I personally wouldn't enjoy anal sex done to be degrading. Do realise that if you enjoy degrading women, you must not think much of yourself.

They don't just listen. They give you solutions, they force you to face your bullshit when you give them some, they help you see a whole lot. They also teach you about how the human brain functions and what therapies work best for your specific problem. It's paying people so they help you.

ur just careless and a liar

Ok. No problem, I got the time.

My therapist told me in our last session/meeting that we gotta work on my body. She said my facial expression is usually too serious, although the feelings on my mind might be different.

I think it's not a big deal, and that it all comes down to my facial construction. I can express normally with other physical features, like my eyebrows, my hands (I move them a lot). Moreover, I think I was specially serious bc of how uncomfortable I felt. It's my third time with her, and every time we meet I end up going home puzzled and sad. Ofc, I went back home feeling just as sad as the other days.

Is this a normal thing to work with patients? Body, facial features? Is it normal to say "wow, you are too serious, user? Wasn't it a bit unprofessional, although she didn't sound explicitly offensive? I am seriously thinking of getting a different therapist.

I don't think it should be normal to feel sad and angered every time you leave the office. Specially bc of how "good" it feels after you "dive in" therapy, according to a friend of mine.

Difficult to break down in a few words.

narcissism is about your self-given importance
mach is about "means to an end" mentality
psychopathy, here, is how much you care about others
In VERY summarised.

What do you do for a living, just curious.

More like care free, but i only lie if i know 100% i can get away with it

What's the root of low self-esteem, and what's a good approach to solving that issue in one's life?

>I think I avoid others because I had passive bullying experience in middle school, and that I have a big, nasty and fragile ego. I crave respect and reverence.
Bingo. Now you only have to realise that craving respect and reverence will never get you respect and reverence. It will get you the opposite. As often, in life, tragically, you need to GIVE what you want for yourself. That means you should seek to respect others. That actually will get you respect from anyone you respect first. There's poetic justice in this world.

You will need to respect yourself before you can respect others, though. That means believing you are good enough as you are, right now. You don't need to be revered or be respected to be deserve respect. Monkeys won't respect you even if you are Einstein. It's not your fault, it's just, they're monkeys.


thats not what i meant. i meant you lied on the test and did it with little care for the answers

Store manager of a rural walmart, started at $4/hr back in the day and now make 6 figures

Not the doctor, but I hope you can find ways to ease your mind when you get angry. So many bad, and horrible decisions are made out of anger. Remember to take deep breaths when you get worked up, and try to remove yourself from the situation if possible. The world is a bad enough mess as it is. Let's try to make it less shitty.

I'd advise you to read about narcissism and how it works. I don't think you are narcissistic, but you emply the same coping mechanisms, with potentially the same consequences. I'm optimistic because you show much awareness, so the odds are very good that you will recover.

You need authenticity and humility. Humility, not as criticism of you, but as an honest acceptance of who you are now, and who you may become. Don't fake anything, don't pretend. Accept yourself, and help yourself towards the goals you want, in honesty and authenticity.

Not really i mean im pretty good at everything i do and i deserve to have all of mankind bow before me and kiss the ground i walk upon (in my mind)

lmao i got higher then all you losers

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NICE. tripple dubbs

and ur 14

>She said my facial expression is usually too serious, although the feelings on my mind might be different.
Good idea, since that is where people will read you. If they sense that you are scared, defensive, they will assume you have a good reason and will also be scared and defensive.

It's one of the ways we shape the world around us without realising that we did it. Tragically, many end up believing the world is that way, whereas in reality, they made it that way.

>I think it's not a big deal,
It's a huge deal.

>Ofc, I went back home feeling just as sad as the other days.
Here I would wonder if she was saying this about you "with other people" or just you as you are with her. If you feel judged for being yourself with her, that's no bueno. Might want to try with someone who makes you feel good.


>Is this a normal thing to work with patients? Body, facial features? Is it normal to say "wow, you are too serious, user? Wasn't it a bit unprofessional, although she didn't sound explicitly offensive? I am seriously thinking of getting a different therapist.
It depends on the context, but here I get the impression that she's doing it quite wrong and coming off as aggressive and making you feel bad.

A good therapist would suggest, not literally judge you. Being correct isn't everything. She may be right, but if she can't convey her stuff well, then it is meaningless.

>I don't think it should be normal to feel sad and angered every time you leave the office. Specially bc of how "good" it feels after you "dive in" therapy, according to a friend of mine.
That's the main thing: you should feel better. You should feel esteemed, trusted, cared for. Trust your guts.

>More like care free, but i only lie if i know 100% i can get away with it
Check Kohlberg's morality scale. This is what children's morality looks like.

>What's the root of low self-esteem, and what's a good approach to solving that issue in one's life?
Shit parents, typically. Approach is becoming your own parent and doing the work that wasn't done, as an adult.

Got any experience handling people with high functioning autism? I have such condition and spent the last 6 years as a hermit and yearning for my highschool days. I can't seem to get past the trauma of graduation, a change that big as fucked me. Idk how people just do from that to college or a job, from having your whole life dictated to almost total freedom. Freedom is only a gilded cage, I'd be more comfortable in a prison then this.

If you can lie and advance your career why wouldnt you? Or if you screwed something up and could avoid taking responsibility for it why wouldnt you? 99% of the time i have to tell the truth because i am surrounded by cameras and have over 500 employees as witnesses, and being caught in a lie will blow up in your face x10 when it happens, but if you 100% know you wont get caught why does it matter, unless youre religious or something

I feel like my face is just this way. There are ugly and beautiful people in this world. When you see an ugly person, some prejudices might come to your mind. I think it's the same for me. I am aware of those pre-fabricated ideas, and I try to act in such a way that I can fight them fastly.

>Here I would wonder if she was saying this about you "with other people" or just you as you are with her
She meant with others, I think. I didn't feel judged. I just felt sad bc of the idea of "working on my facial features".

>Got any experience handling people with high functioning autism?
Yes. First question is whether that's your own impression or an expert's diagnosis?

>from having your whole life dictated to almost total freedom
Possibly because people who are raised normally don't have their entire lives dictacted to them, ever. Well-raised people learn to think and decide for themselves. And by learn, I mean their parents teach and help them.

What sort of things did your parents do to make you practice decision, intention, responsibility, initiative, etc?

>If you can lie and advance your career why wouldnt you?
For several reasons: if you're an adult, you need integrity, or you will feel like shit. Cheating will always bite you in the ass sooner or later, on a more practical level.

>Or if you screwed something up and could avoid taking responsibility for it why wouldnt you?
Same reasons, also you can get caught and then you're done for. A single act of treachery will prove to everyone who you actually are. Being a good person matters, not just to you, but to everyone.

>but if you 100% know you wont get caught why does it matter, unless youre religious or something
You can never know 100%, not in today's world. One day it won't work, and one day is all it takes.

>I feel like my face is just this way.
Expression isn't how your face is, it's how you use it. Your therapist probably expresses herself wrong, but you probably look threatening or too serious. I got this a lot when I was a teen, too. Turns out I was legit scared of other people and so I didn't just naturally smiled like everyone else did.

>She meant with others, I think. I didn't feel judged. I just felt sad bc of the idea of "working on my facial features".
It's how you signal to others. Think of it as armies showing their weapons, or not. If you don't ever smile, it means you may not be friendly. If you smile, it means you have no intentions of being a cunt, and that reassures people, IF AND ONLY IF you do it sincerely. Otherwise it'll be a fake smile (with only the mouth and not the eyes), and it'll be even worse as this looks creepy as hell. What happens is people know intuitively the difference between a real smile and a fake one. A fake one literally looks like a trap, because it is, and that is terrifying to people: you are actively trying to fool them. That's why it matters that you feel those things and don't just act out as though following a list of gestures to make.

You just gotta be smarter than big brother my friend ;)

The sad thing is, I don't even want to calm down. I just want to unleash my anger to the world' I simply don't have any patience.

But will it really works? Isn't that bullshit normie advice? "Just be nice and so on and you will have friends?" I tried to put my ego back to it's place many times, to no avail.

Same with females, being an asshole ACTUALLY granted me more sexual success than being a non submissive but respectul and dignified guy.

Should I just try more?

PS : Forgot the Pic with dark triad results. What do you think?

PS2 : Is there a way I could keep contact with you trough discord or something?

Attached: (1080x2160, 396K)

>Same with females, being an asshole ACTUALLY granted me more sexual success than being a non submissive but respectul and dignified guy.
Likely because your fake confidence is more convincing than your real confidence, but don't think it's the asshole part that does the trick.

The results suggest you don't really care about other people. How do you explain it?

I don't do Discord anymore, sorry. I used to.

>too serious
well, I do usually look too serious bc of how my face is shaped. And I looked like that on the session bc of how uncomfortable the whole therapy deal makes me feel.

>Turns out I was legit scared of other people
I do lack trust on others. She knows it, I know it. But I don't think they are linked.

>A fake (smile) literally looks like a trap
Exactly. I don't feel I should change this aspect, bc I don't wanna end up creepying people out.

>well, I do usually look too serious bc of how my face is shaped.
That's a false idea you need to forget. It's not about the shape of your face, it's about your expression.

>And I looked like that on the session bc of how uncomfortable the whole therapy deal makes me feel.
This, however, is 100% correct. Your therapist seems to miss the important fact that you are reacting to HER. You should probably inform her that she makes you feel uncomfortable, which is why you don't smile and "look serious". Might blow her mind.

>I do lack trust on others. She knows it, I know it. But I don't think they are linked.
If others made you feel good, you'd smile a lot.

>Exactly. I don't feel I should change this aspect, bc I don't wanna end up creepying people out.
Change the feelings, the rest will flow from it. To change the feelings, you need to change the thoughts. It's a process. A long one.

I'd say that's because my past experiences haven't granted me reasons to really care about other peoples, since most of the time, they have gave me a feeling of indifference, or worst. I love kids and I'm very loyal to my rare friends. Sometimes I tease them more than I should, but I feel like I really care about them. I also love kids. I feel satisfaction when I see animals suffers in videos, but at the same time I love them IRL. I'm fucked up I think.

I suppose I don't care about others people because they are a source of anxiety so it's better for me to do so?

Do you have any contacts whatsoever or would you prefer to avoid it?

>That's a false idea you need to forget. It's not about the shape of your face, it's about your expression.
I don't think it's false, but both you and my therapist are on the same page here, and I am open to whatever she has to offer. Let's see how she wants to work this facial features thing.

>You should probably inform her that she makes you feel uncomfortable, which is why you don't smile and "look serious". Might blow her mind
Funny thing is I did. It's not how she treats me. She's kind and won't judge me. But the whole situation just makes me feel bad.

>If others made you feel good, you'd smile a lot
How do I work on that if I don't smile all the time bc of how others make me feel?

>Change the feelings, the rest will flow from it. To change the feelings, you need to change the thoughts
That's what she said. My face doesn't necessarily have to reflect whatever is on my mind, I replied.

>I feel satisfaction when I see animals suffers in videos,
Try to explore this one and tell me what you find. (On my end, I can't stand watching this, it destroys my soul and makes me want to burn the world up.)

>Do you have any contacts whatsoever or would you prefer to avoid it?
To give you context, I've already tried this and it bit me back quite hard. But maybe we can find a middle of the road deal, like a tripfag name that I'd use on /adv/.

I am serous face guy, from . You know, I just remembered an anecdote, so to call it.Back then I was already aware of how serious I could look to others, and I tried to work on that. So, I was spending a few days out of town in a countryside cabin with a bunch of friends. We hadn't much confidence yet, so this guy came up to me, and surprised me with this "nice" comment: "Wow, user. You always look very serious. Or like this". Then he drew a forced smile on his mf face.

Idk how it could be relevant, anyways. but there it is.

>How do I work on that if I don't smile all the time bc of how others make me feel?
YOu have to learn not to fear them or feel bad. You must learn to enjoy other people in a healthy manner.

>That's what she said. My face doesn't necessarily have to reflect whatever is on my mind, I replied.
People will always assume your face reflects what goes on inside (and it does more than you know, but you may not be aware of it).

>surprised me with this "nice" comment: "Wow, user. You always look very serious. Or like this". Then he drew a forced smile on his mf face.
Yes, as I would expect. This is usually signs of autism, but let's not jump to conclusions.

What I read from it is that you sometimes "try" but instead of feeling good, you just smile mechanically, which will creep everyone.

Focus on moments when you REALLY smile, on your own, and not because you chose to. Does this ever happen?

I really don't know. Lately, I was supposed to cut the throat of a sheep we were supposed to eat. I was disappointed like a child when I learn it wasn't me that would kill it. When I killed 2 chickens instead, I didn't felt anything.

Maybe I find solace in seeing suffering on being I consider excluded from the realm of mankind, disposables? I just... Enjoy it?

But if I don't feel anything when I'm actually the one instigating the suffering.. Confused.

Let's go for the middle road. I can also drop my own discord but I guess you really won't to that because of past doxxing ( right?) Just drop hint and time of avaibility. My name is LCO.


Yes, it does happen.

>I don't think it's false
Probably because it's an excuse that you like being able to rely on and an explanation for the failures you don't understand.

>This is usually signs of autism, but let's not jump to conclusions.
I have been suspecting for some time I might be an autist. But let's say that the traces that have made me suspect that have have grown on me in the last years. I am 22 rn. It all began when I was 16 or so. Maybe a bit older.

I know that autism is usually developed during infancy. Can you become one later on? I don0t wanna jump into conclusions. Just need the widest point of view.

If talking to a therapist and it helps you, is it then placebo? If so, then sign me right the fuck up for some placebo.

>I really don't know. Lately, I was supposed to cut the throat of a sheep we were supposed to eat.
Might want to explain to me where you live and the whole context.

It doesn't develop later on, but at any rate, if you're autistic, it's the functional type. it may not be autism at all, we won't be hasty.

Well, OP. Thanks for all the insights on my case and the whole thread. it was nice talking to you. I almost smiled ;)

t. Serious-face guy


Very welcome. I'm still around for a bit if you want.

I was diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder in my teens, than bi polar disorder in my 20's and finally unspecified schizophrenia spectrum..

I don't mention this to every one and everyone finds me off or odd and I'm "too nice" to everyone and the facts the I help any randoms and just do weird shit makes me happy but makes other uncomfortable..

Wtf am j doing that's weird?

I am waiting for dinner to get ready. So just one more post. Might not answer afterwards.

How do I work on my lack of trust on others? How did you work on that?

show me your hands, WHORE

Considering this erratic diagnosis, think of it with caution.

I'd say your parents "trained" you to think of them first and yourself second, and now you suck up to everyone because you think it's the only way to be liked by other humans, when in reality, it isn't any way to be liked by good people, but none of that is indicative of any of the diagnostics you mention.

Let's test.

>schizotypal personality disorder
Do you feel lonely? Do you long for friends?

>How do I work on my lack of trust on others? How did you work on that?
You work on understanding them from their own point of view. If you can know how they think, you can more reliably trust them. Also, expect to trust people who might disappoint you, but it won't be as bad if you expected that they might fail.

Empathy, basically, is key.

I think I might be a "Highly Sensitive Person" according to a test I did some time back. Does OP have any recommendations for litterature about HSP that is accessible for laymen, and doesn't feel like it belongs in a corny "accept yourself, girl!" article for a women magazine? I've tried some of Elaine Arons stuff, but I found it patronizing

If Mr. Jenkins bought 30 watermelons for a price of 39.99$, how much does one melon cost?

>"Highly Sensitive Person"
I have a friend with this; I find it correlates highly with "giftedness" symptoms, so you should look that up immediately.

How does it feel knowing you are in a trade that in a hundred years will be seen as having the validity that alchemy has today?

Either 39.99 or 30 times 39.99 because there's an ambiguity in the question: it can be either the price of the whole lot or the individual melon.

Did I do good?

>How does it feel knowing you are in a trade that in a hundred years will be seen as having the validity that alchemy has today?
I suppose you're from one of those countries where psychology is treated like a joke. I can't relate to these questions at all, that is a million miles away from how we are trained here.

Do you know what defines a science, my friend?

Nah my niggas

Makes sense actually, hmmm..

>Do you feel lonely? Do you long for friends?
Not really, I can't stay friends with most people, sometimes I feel lonely but than I just do whatever I can to be happy.. sometimes I just befriend randoms, anyone tbh, gang members to racist to wholesome people..

I can easily move on to different people..

But at my teen years I was, scared of everyone.. hated life.. just pretended to like people.. but I did make one good friend that I'm still friends with now.. I actually gave him my gaming PC because I got bored of games ( I actually got bored of life)

I have a massive ego,
I rarely leave the house except for groceries
I function alright socially,
I have little to no empathy, but am good in the logic/maths/science department
I regularly take drugs, mainly alcohol and weed, out of boredom
How disturbed am i?

UK. As a mechanical engineer I would say you all stand on rocky ground where I say if I drop an object it will fall to the floor.

>I can't stay friends with most people,
This is different. The schizoid personality truly needs nobody, as in, they don't feel lonely at all. It's almost autistic: they don't see the point of others. I think we can rule it out because you do need others, you just feel bad with them, which is completely different from not needing them. So we're good.

You adapt to everyone, you give zero priority to what YOU want. You make no demands.

Describe your parents!

it'd be 1/30 of 39.99, since he paid 39.99 for all the melons, dipshit

Might suffer from psychopathy. Do you mostly either feel bored or angry in terms of emotions?

Legit question if you're a female, but has a client ever admitted to masturbating or fantasizing about you? I'd imagine since men don't share their feelings much, when they do they start making false associations and get attached. Obviously can't reciprocate, but just what do you think?

If not female or just don't have that experience, do you think men trust you less than women or men are less likely to revisit let alone visit?

Cool, I will.

a lot of boredom, though i rarely get angry
when i do it's quite the explosion though

Currently in vacation on a third world shit hole.

If you want to drop some kind of contact do it now since I actually have to take the plane in an hour to return in the West.

Context : Ancestral religious ceremony. Folklore.

>UK. As a mechanical engineer I would say you all stand on rocky ground where I say if I drop an object it will fall to the floor.
Then I must marvel at a scientific discipline that does not teach its disciples what a science is. I know engineers IRL, and the ones I know can actually give me a definition. Your example isn't very good. I too can make predictions of that sort and on the same scientific basis, I'm not sure what that proves.

Like others, you probably think of very different things when thinking about psychology than what I think about. Humans are far more complicated than objects falling, but you will somehow think this means psychology is a "softer" science, although any real engineer knows that something being more complex is harder to calculate, not simpler, but hey, you're not a real engineer anyway.

How do I quell the emptiness?

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I think you missed the point of the riddle, or you're upset that I got it right.


I'm a man, but this will change with everyone person. Many men try to repress their emotions rather than to understand them, so they will turn to alcohol, sex, drugs, and other things before they consider serious help that could be productive.

That fits psychopathy: generally bored, and anger.

You find what makes you feel empty. Then you solve it. It may be much nearer to you than you imagine.

what does my perspective on social interaction contribute to that?
i can generally get along quite well with people if i try, but i don't enjoy most social scenarios at all
at most i like parties, but that stems from the casual hookups and drugs at such occasions, not the people

>You find what makes you feel empty.
How does one find something that has always been around?

my mouth is a font of lies that i baptize the people around me in
even the most simple things i have carefully prepared lies for
why am this way?

copious amounts of Ketamine

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>what does my perspective on social interaction contribute to that?
You probably can't enjoy much of what humans normally enjoy together.

>i can generally get along quite well with people if i try, but i don't enjoy most social scenarios at all
This. You know how to work people but you don't get anything from being together.

Kinda follow up. I'm also a man and I wish I was a psychopath cause I HATE my emotions. Do you enjoy emotions or do you wish you were a psychopath? I'm already bored all the time, may as well not feel suicidal about it.

>How does one find something that has always been around?
By looking at it from a novel angle; typically, a therapist will help you see the abnormal when it seems normal to you.

You can start with your parents. I might be able to give you clues.

is this curable? should i even try, is there a benefit to it besides being able to be a ruthless egomaniac without regret?

Dad was hard worker, just wanted me to do my best and when I did cut school he made work in his garage, just to learn something.

Dad was a very humble and mindful person, made good business deals with randoms.. helped out the poor and just a good around person..

He reminds me of me but I stopped liking him when. He likes me out if the house at 19 for losing my job and going to my friend's funeral. Also I was very much depressed and suicidal at that time and according to my sister's my dad never knew how to raise me since my mom left at 14.. he died near Halloween

Mom.. she made me stay inside most of the time.. never really made friends cause of her.. she was, weird.. but I have to respect because she is my mom but she had a traumatic childhood tl;Dr she was a child bride to my half older siblings.. she was pretty much used as a sex toy by my older siblings father.

But my mom, she was cool, like I said, never went out because of her And went we did, we just went to other family members or sold food (she was a street vendor, she made great food tbh) though, I don't know how to feel about her, havent seen her in 9 years and I recently just started talking with her, feels awkward, like I don't genuinely feel nothing. She poor and stuck in a 3rd world country.. I don't even send her money.. every one does but me.

For you OP if you still care.

>Kinda follow up. I'm also a man and I wish I was a psychopath cause I HATE my emotions.
Do you hate your emotions or do you hate what causes them? Or do you hate what you think they mean about you?

>Do you enjoy emotions or do you wish you were a psychopath?
Emotions inform me on what I feel and I try to know why. I enjoy good emotions, however.

Why do you hate your emotions?

So far as I know, they haven't found a cure yet, but most things that were thought to be incurable have proved to be curable, so don't lose hope.

There's no benefit to being a psychopath, no. It may seem so superficially, but I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

Focus on imagining being others. That should help with your empathy. Just always, always keep in mind they exist as themselves, independently of your own existence.

>He reminds me of me but I stopped liking him when. He likes me out if the house at 19 for losing my job and going to my friend's funeral.
First red flag. He stopped supporting you after you went through a hardship and didn't support you in going to a friend's funeral? What the sweet fuck? We aren't living in the 60's, getting a job today isn't the same as getting a job decades ago. Either way, I'd never kick my child out of the house; this does nothing to help them.

>lso I was very much depressed and suicidal at that time and according to my sister's my dad never knew how to raise me since my mom left at 14.
Yes, this is becoming more and more obvious, user.

>You can start with your parents.
Well, I never met my father, and I've only had one conversation with him over the phone.

My mother has always been kind and receptive. Maybe a little too kind, but not overbearing. She was sort of hands off when it came to raising my brother and myself, letting us figure most stuff out for ourselves.

>Mom.. she made me stay inside most of the time.. never really made friends cause of her.. she was, weird..
Other red flag. You weren't taught how to socialise. Other red flags are undealt with traumas in your mother.

You're conflicted about your parents, which is normal, but I can tell you right now: beyond your appreciation of them, they did you wrong. A lot of very wrong things happened.

Check the book I recommended on children, just so you get an idea of what WORKS for children's development, and what you didn't get.

Good question. I guess cause they make me feel worse. I consider my hobbies distractions more than hobbies and that's not fun. Not to say I never feel happy, but when I feel bad it's for worse than the good of happy.

It's a bit of a paradox, but I hate how my emotions prevent me from killing myself, but if I was a psychopath I probably wouldn't want to. Another paradox is that I try to be very emotionally distant and not connect with people cause I'm very untrusting and my mom recently told me this really hurts everyone who knows me, or knew me I guess. I saw first hand how it fucked with her mentally because she quickly apologized and basically said "Maybe it's just my fault for expecting this out of you". For context, I'm about 19 and started considering suicide at 13/14, and at around 16 I started to recluse a bit to reflect that which is why she eats people hurt.

Sorry for shoving so much info at you.

I'm curious but I shouldn't. For my own sake. What country is it?

>Good question. I guess cause they make me feel worse.
So we can say your emotions, themselves, are negative. A lot of negative feels inside you, which you understandably prefer not to get in touch with.

I don't think you're psychopathic, but you're clearly dealing with a lot, in radical ways (which is how I know you're dealing with a lot).

This may be hard, but try: what happens if you let yourself feel the feels?

I mean.. the worse part when it was hard to make friends and then I just gave up.. I had a few romantic relationship but I just haven't dated anyone since 19

And even much worse when the rape and blackmailing happened

what are these negative effects in particular aka how thoroughly fucked am i?

>And even much worse when the rape and blackmailing happened
Damn... This is very heavy stuff, all of it. You weren't loved by your parents as much as you deserved and needed to be; this won't be obvious to you as you have no perspective on this, having never grown up in a good household (I'm with you on that).

Do read the book. It will be enlightening.

For what it's worth, I truly feel for you and send you my love.

Thank you for talking with people. Especially in here.

Okay? I guess.. thank you fellow human but where's the book?


West Africa.

You might feel very alone in the world, you may not be able to trust (and therefore be trusted), you may never feel like you belong with anyone, you may never enjoy giving and helping people, you may never be able to accept gifts and trust without somehow feeling like you're fooling others. You may always believe in trade over trust. You may live in fear of a stupid world.

If anything, have faith that things aren't this bleak, even if you can't quite conceive it.

The honor is mine.



Pretty good, except you don't seem to give two shits about other humans.

anyone thinks this site will last

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I would actually like it if you described everyday life in Togo. Thank you.

What is it called when you have extremely volatile emotions one day to the next combined with heavy amounts of depression and depersonalization? I've had a lot of manic days as well. I also have hypnogogic hallucinations all of this was following a mental breakdown last year. Slightly concerned for my well being.

Anxiety/pain of the constant rat race vs suffering of being alone? There’s literally no winning. At this point I’ve been doing both for years, constantly trying but never reaping the rewards, and suffering from the loneliness.

No, I know I'm not a psychopath, I just wish I was.

I guess once I begin expressing again people will expect that of me. For example, I HATE hugging and touch in general, but very recently for my God sister's birthday I gave her a hug. I don't want people to start expecting that as normal. I did something similar with pictures because I hate pictures. I'm introverted and would hate every single bit of attention I'd receive for expressing emotions.

This is probably something I shouldn't admit to a psychologist haha but I don't visit them cause I don't trust them. Mental illness seems standard nowadays, and it's so strange for someone to have to rely solely on what I say? Like if I go to a doctor I can say x y and z, but they can use tools to actually investigate. While I don't think I have any mental illness, I lied to my psychologist for a bit and she agreed. Never smiled or joked, never changed tone or if I did not much. I don't know, maybe that helps gauge how much ai hate emotions ha.

What's special about bipolar people? How come all these artists have bipolar?

Prove it. What the fuck is this shit - lhan Omar ~ "9/11 is just some thing that happened that has turned muslim americans into second class citizens"

My brother and sister have been having sex with each other since we were kids and I caught them. What is going on in their heads to still think it's ok and want to even as adults? They are 32 and 28 now

Consider bipolar disorder, it might be it. Also consider Borderline Personality Disorder.

Forgotten about again
who could have guessed

You are never alone. Humans live together, they need each other as they need food. Never forget it, you are important to others. Don't see everything as a competition, it isn't. Nobody "wins" in the end.

Eh, I'm cool with trusting that they are. They aren't prescribing anything just giving their opinions, there's little harm if they aren't legit.

Bipolar graphic designer here. There's some relation between the two. I remember reading about it not sure in which direction it went though.
From my experience it's quite damn hellish.

please don't bring amerimutt politics into this, you have a billion other threads for this stupid shit

I have a disorder that gives me psychosis. It makes me believe that spirits are talking to me and trying to advance me spiritually. How do I bring myself back to reality when I enter my delusional state? What are some techniques to help me realize that I am delusional and not simply gifted with special powers?

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>What's special about bipolar people? How come all these artists have bipolar?
It's rarely actually bipolar. Bipolar was overdiagnosed a lot some time ago. Art is very often the only escape for the suffering; it's what you do when nothing makes sense.

I've done counseling, will the military still take me?

NO benefit? I'm no professional, but in a world of empathy, are you sure psychopathy has NO benefits? Not having to worry about morals unless it affects your bottom line is morbid for others but definitely beneficial.

How do you feel about Ernest Becker’s work. I know he came from an Adlerian background but he seems (to me) to be more of a student of Jung?

Next time then, since I'm about to enter the plane and that by the time I'm back in the West, the thread will be ded.

So drop contact as you can, or farewell and thanks for the help. Screencaped for my personal help.

I like male chastity, crossdressing in sexual settings and being submissive a lot
I practically can't get off by now without some really submissive fantasy or being dominated,
is this just a sexual fetish or might there be underlying issues
Keep in mind that i am neither overly submissive nor overly dominant in my normal life, it really is just a sexual thing

Could use barchive if you really want to continue. Not sure how many would return, though

Are you medicated and care for by a psychiatrist? If not, get thee to one immediately!

>I've done counseling, will the military still take me?
No reason not to. It shows maturity and courage. What was it for?

You can still respond to people on barchive even if the thread dies, I just don't know if people will check it

Do look up psychopaths: they never benefit from it. It may sound like it, but you always get fucked up when you play a game whose rules are based on everything you are disconnected from.

Please explain fast how to use it and I'll return.

By "some time ago" how long do you mean? I've been diagnosed about 8-9 years ago. Since then I'm on monthly - bimonthly counseling and meds. Without meds I fall apart. It's great if I can channel manic high into art but depressions get me into suicidal thoughts terrain.

Alright, I'll check it out. Skeptical though. I kinda see it like asexualuality. The less distractions and restraint, the better.

If you know the rules, how to break them, and have the will, you have an advantage - even if you are disconnected. The disadvantage lies with narcissism, impulsiveness, and other traits that come along for the ride.

>Ernest Becker
Not familiar enough to have a worthy opinion, sorry.

Travel safe!

Google barchive, and use anything you can to search this thread. The jpeg you used to make it, a string of phrases anything. The thread will always be there and is there now

Split between childhood and genetics on behavior? Nature v Nurture. Is nurture overblown in society?

was trying to brute force my way through a college degree I absolutely hated ( engineering ). Felt like even if I managed to graduate it would be pointless, because I've done internships and I hated the kind of work they did. At the same time I didn't want to quit because my parents couldn't think of a universe where I wasn't an engineer. And the icing on the cake was my gf of 7 years, my high school sweetheart, broke up with me. So I decided to seek professional help someone, someone who could help me find who I really was

>I practically can't get off by now without some really submissive fantasy
The actual definition of a fetish, I think.

Were your parents especially dominant with you?

That's the archived thread you should be able to respond anytime, just don't know how many will check back.

Ok, thanks. Yeah, I could work more on that. I am not totally antipathic, but I think there's a gap in that deparment on my mind.

I don't think so, bro. Already got tested. I got Obssessive-Compulsive Disorder, though.

I meant decades ago. I still hear wrong diagnoses nowadays though.

Are your cycles triggered by events?

Tomorrow, 8pm GMT.



>The less distractions and restraint, the better.
Sex is no more a distraction than food is. You need it to function well.

>other people
Based. as a person who is very misanthropic I can tell you that the reason to go on is experiences and ideas that you share with good friends and family.

Maybe starting a new thread would be better cause I'm still new to barchive, but it's completely up to you. Do both if you want.

nope, quite lenient actually
they were never really harsh, and whenever i misbehaved in school for example they wouldn't punish me, but embrace me and be nice

This is no longer debated. The answer: everything influences everything. Genes influence environment, which then literally changes genes and on and on. Half half, otherwise, but it's more complicated than anons generally imagine.

Nurture is typically underestimated, a LOT. See Romanian Orphans.

stereotypes aside, are there any personality traits that are more common in gay/bi people than straights?

On the other hand women find serious, unemotional men more attractive, I’ve experienced this. They are attracted to me but maybe feel I’m intimidating? My father is a “nice guy” pretty much good at dinner parties but unavailable on any deep emotional level, women love him but he’s a complete asshole.

>they were never really harsh, and whenever i misbehaved in school for example they wouldn't punish me, but embrace me and be nice
Do you think you sorely lacked a more framing (yet benevolent) presence? Someone to take control so you'd worry less and not feel in charge? This could be a source of your fetish.

No and now I remember that this is the same question I've been asked by my psychologist in the beginning. They seem cyclical but the intensivity varies. I wish it was something like female period so I could follow it more closely but It comes and goes and lasts differnt time periods. The most l can do is going through self-analysis:: how do I feel now? How does it relates to yesterday? Did anything happened to cause it? Etc.

Not to my knowledge, but I am not expert on that.

>On the other hand women find serious, unemotional men more attractive, I’ve experienced this.
It really depends on how you expression your emotions. Manly tears or crying like a bitch aren't the same.

Also, you attract people with opposite dysfunctions, usually, (or the same ones, it depends). Dysfunction attracts dysfunction.

no, i'm quite happy with how they raised me, they were present and reasonably strict, but never draconian and always overflowing with love
i actually hate not being in charge during normal life, just not during sex
i really can't make out how that fetish got created lol

Maybe it's more natural, genetic. As long as it doesn't cause you worry and trouble, there's no reason to worry or feel bad about it.

Not the guy you were replying to but, I get my confidence from the fact that I’m in constant suffering. I feel like an animal that just needs to survive, and I’d like to be a stern successful person. My confidence is not in being personable or relatable, but just being able to survive, I believe I’m extremely damaged and don’t know how I could create a personality.

maybe it is specifically because i like being in charge in normal life? there is this cliche that really dominant guys who have lots of power, like managers for example, are often really submissive in bed
is there some truth to that?

>I get my confidence from the fact that I’m in constant suffering.
I think this is highly dysfunctional and bound for catastrophe. Stop the crazy train and undo everything.

You need to give yourself a break. The whole "be tough" shtick was given to a generation who had it way easier than anyone born after 1980.

>is there some truth to that?
It doesn't work in my case at all, but I have heard it, including from people who know BDSM clubs, so maybe.

Unfortunately I am very alone. You can’t just say “well others are going through the same thing” or whatever. I’m literally alone, nobody talk with, no human touch. Not for lack of trying. Things is there are plenty of humans around, everybody already has people, some are bound to slip through the cracks at a certain age, nobody “needs” me.

I'm no psychologist, psychiatrist or whatever, but my parents denied my control of literally anything while I was growing up. Turns out I became a control freak, specially in bed. It was so bad I wouldn't even allow my ex to ride me. I always wanted her beneath me, I wanted to control every second of sex, downright to the moment I would allow her to cum. And in my professional life I'm also somewhat controlling, but not as badly as in my sexual

Even here, someone could need you. Offer your help and see what happens.

I did it in this thread and look at how many people showed up. People need way more help than they can tell you.

I had controlling parents too, and while I'm not that extreme in bed, I really resent being controlled.

And what am I supposed to replace it with? It actually allows me to take failure and embarrassment better than I have before. I don’t have really any personality to speak of, and I don’t like people very much. I think they’re shallow organisms vying for social dominance and attention in every interaction, they’re only interested in what they can gain to increase their social standing. It’s the shallow animal nature that clings to humanity, and I’m disgusted by it.

>I don’t like people very much. I think they’re shallow organisms vying for social dominance and attention in every interaction, they’re only interested in what they can gain to increase their social standing. It’s the shallow animal nature that clings to humanity, and I’m disgusted by it.
This may be more projection than fact. Consider it. Most people just want to be happy and avoid suffering.

just want to say thank you for the thread OP

Is it common or at the very least possible for someone to have violent urges or tendencies towards animals or people without being a sociopath?

Very welcome. Truly my honor to help.

Yes. It could also be indicative that you’re a psychopath or a homosexual.

>Is it common or at the very least possible for someone to have violent urges or tendencies towards animals or people without being a sociopath?
It is. I'm one of the most empathic people I know and I felt that as a younger person too.

Probably displaced anger, look into it. Ask yourself who you REALLY want to attack.

Dude no joke it probably is misplaced anger but also sometimes I just have ideas and wanna see how they play out and there's no videos online (at least that I can find) of people doing it

Yeah, you do both.

If you haven't created a new thread on B by 8 p. m GMT by tomorrow, I'll respond on the archive. Good night if it's a deal.

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How do I stop from being a homosexual?
What cause homosexuality?
Why can the scientific community not admit that there is a gay agenda?

Do you ever imagine being the animals you'd attack?

i am a calm person to everybody i know because i do not tell people what i want and always give in. i thought i do not care, but recently i realized i just swallow the things i dont`t like or just supress my wishes. how long will it take till i kill somebody or get cancer?

>How do I stop from being a homosexual?
You can't. Some things aren't up for grabs.

>What cause homosexuality?
For all we know, it's mostly genetics. A lot of people are somewhat homo, and the environment generally influences on whether or not they act on the gayness, but you're born that way.

>Why can the scientific community not admit that there is a gay agenda?
Because it's not a secret and it's a more general agenda, that of the left, usually. The idea is just to make homosexuals normal, which they are.

is there anything wrong with sleeping 10-12 hrs a day?

It’s mostly from what I’ve read and observed. Psych is one of my main interests, and at the root of every human interaction it seems are those same animal instincts.

Specifically ‘How to win friends and influence people’ is a highly lauded book, and reading it filled me with despair. Just the authors take on the driving forces of other people, and how much it made sense.

It could indicate some issues. It could also just be you. Not necessarily wrong if you feel good when you wake up.

I refute all of that
You're liberal training definitely worked
I need a cure for homosexuality, not an acceptance

I understand, but don't reduce it all to that. Truly. There's more to all this.

ill never ask my psyc this so i will ask you
sometimes after i cry intensely,i precum. is this common or atleast heard of?

>I refute all of that
You can't refute any of it without some evidence. Accusing me of being brainwashed, and, worse, a liberal, means absolutely nothing in a serious conversation. Homosexuality isn't a matter of political opinion. Scientific research does not lead to any other conclusion so far. You want it to be something it isn't because of your own ideas. This isn't right.

A cure may still happen some day. Until then, accept yourself.

>sometimes after i cry intensely,i precum. is this common or atleast heard of?
I havent, do you mean precum comes out of your penis or that you have a small orgasm?

it is said einstein slept 10-12 hours a day. doubt you're anywhere close to einstein though, in any way

comes out of penis. it has only happend when someone saw me crying / was comforting me

>doubt you're anywhere close to einstein though, in any way
No reasonable way of knowing. It's pretty certain several Einsteins existed but never studied physics and used their potential on more mundane things. Nobody likes to think about it, but it's certain that it happened. Maybe thousands of times.

i have a panic attack at the same time every day for no reason. i wake up and feel great for about 3 hrs then midday it hits me for about an hour, then subsides. went to my go and he just threw some lorazepam at me. any ideas? i also loose my appetite afterwards for about 6 hours

Was there any arousal?


Do you consume coffee? Coffee easily triggers anxiety attacks in me if I am not doing well.

I had a internet friend for over a decade that started calling me his best friend couple years ago. I drove for a day straight to suprise him on his birthday. He avoids me all week knowing that its costing me money I can't afford. He comment later that " someone driving so far to see you: yuck". What is he?

>Can't refute without evidence
I didn't know that
>Homosexuality isn't a matter of political opinion
Yes it is
>Scientific research doesn't lead to any other conclusion so until then accept yourself
>You want it to be something it isn't because of your own ideas
I want it to be something it possibly will/could be
>This isn't right
Homosexuality is wrong

no. no erection and not in thought

>What is he?
An asshole or a seriously disturbed person. Maybe both.

Here's my analysis:

>dislikes you IRL
>fakes a reason "I'm disgusted by you driving so far for someone"
>it's bullshit, solely done to blame you, as if you did anything wrong

Typical manipulative bullshit. ABsolute hate.

not an obscene amount but it could be. thanks user i’ll look into it

doesn't matter how smart you are ( or think you are ). unless you can put that into creating something tangible, we might as well be discussing how many angels fit on a pin's head. Einstein might have been the smartest, or the dumbest person ever, but he managed to create something of immense value, most people don't. that's what counts at the end of the day

i answered honestly.. am i fucked up?

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You're trying to sublime a personal problem into a political one. You should suspect this behaviour of hiding something.

The problem is with you and your own homosexuality, not homosexuality itself, not politics, not other people.

way to miss my point, since you don't know what this user may have done already or might do in the future

I've met geniuses here.

Nope but sometimes I tell myself "Omg but what if I get reincarnated as the hypothetical animal if I do it"
It's more curiosity I think and a touch of sadism but idk why I have this curiosity
I haven't felt that way in a while thank God but yeah I do wonder why

imagine being the animal, and realise that it is real. that anima's suffering is happening

and my point is intelligence is subjective and the only true way to measure a man is by his deeds. any one of these faggots here could have an IQ of 1 billion, but most of them sit a home masturbating to lolis and REEEEEing against the machine. While some average joe, with an IQ of 75 is doing his work in his community, actually impacting people's lives. That is WAY more valuable

about to 404

No you fucking gook
It is a political one as much as it is a can be personal one
Why is gay marriage legal? Who pushed for it? Why was it a topic in politics if it isn't or couldn't possibly be a political problem

Homosexuality is wrong as a whole which in turn causes internal conflict as I do wrong and have a sense of wrongdoing after having done it, independent of whether I am told that it is a good thing

What do this mean?

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I don't disagree with that. Was just saying you didn't know the user you were talking to.

I thought he bordelined worshipped me, and that is be making his life by showing up. He admitted this behavior is a shitty defensive mechanism, but persists. Says we were just (internet) best friends. I have at least 10 quotes saying otherwise. I was actually fine with keeping it internet only, but figured that was being abusively withholding. Meeting IRL was kinda my way for making up for it. Now he is offering to work closely together IRL, I'm just so angry he thinks I can.let him off the hook for how he acted. That his bitch brained dog psychology has any place with his best friend ( of any variety )

What is wrong with traps and crossdressers?