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justification for a cowardly, lazy mindset

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Found the extremist sheep

george orwell was a self proclaimed socialist.

Honk honk.



he's further left than any american political party.

this is so funny im putting it in my r/npcmemes youtube video

Oh wow this is so deep #mindblown #likepls

tell me what to think, please

Fake news, hate Trump? Leave.

That still has no relevance.

It's cowardly and lazy to just follow the herd and let others speak for you and decide what values you have.

It's not hard to be a freethinker, you just need to grow some balls and use your brain a little bit, realize that binary A vs B controversies are bullshit and the truth is always complex and in shades of grey. Every "solution" has unexpected side effects. Every societal structure is going to leave some people unhappy. Everyone's got different ideas concerning what they want out of life. Nobody has all the answers. Anyone who claims to know all the answers or have perfect solutions is a liar.

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Faggot trying to distract from the fact that it doesn't matter what he is, but what he wrote is true.

A strawman

of course what he wrote is true. especially the stuff about socialism, which is why it's retarded to quote him to defend centrist shit

2/10, I don’t believe anyone is actually this stupid. You don’t have to be either 100% or 0%.

no one claims perfect solution, the lack of perfect solutions doesn't mean all solutions are equal.

He's a critic of totalitarianism, and has made accurate observations of how they operate.

always trying to put people in camps... You're definitely low IQ. Sadly you losers outnumber the rational folks. Learn to take some criticism, and not throw around assumptions and projections.

I actually feel this way, I'm not super interested in politics beyond voting myself and don't care about talking about them

but man... in the last few years people talk about them all the time and just REEEE at each other hard, and the more interested in politics they are, usually the less reasonable they are and no matter their stance they're just unreasonable and close minded

>Voting age should be raised to 25.
>A high school diploma should be a minimum requirement to register.
>Those under welfare waive their right to vote.
I think this would solve some problems.

I like it

>i'm not a centrist i just think that everyone but me is ruled by mod mentality
sure bud


you're an idiot if you think the majority of society doesn't agree with you

Protip: no one is actually interested in politics.

It can be seen in the shit flinging “debates” everywhere they conduct where facts are dismissed for “he said, she said” propaganda. A prime example is the “Trump is racist” agenda. The man is still President, has never been accused of racism before presidency, and will keep getting accused as President until he leaves office. You can bet there will be threads and posts all over social media every hour making bullshit up though.

That sounds like irony

I'm with these guys. I used to care. I used to study and analyze and worry.....but after this last election, I just can't give any more. The utter disregard for truth, or dignity....the total inability to compromise on the smallest of things...watching the country and the world go to shit while we spin our wheels arguing over everything....Trumpers, Antifa, people screaming, and fighting and killing instead of actually discussing issues...the radicalization and extremism that has taken over both parties...

I'm out. I just can't work up enough emotion to do it anymore. I feel like a zombie most of the time, but it's better than engaging in all that.

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I remember one time in high school
The class was actually American government. The teacher obviously liberal.
One day there was a class vote. Something I didn't give 2 fucks about. Fuck voting.
No one else in the class even know what abstention even was. Teacher had to explain it to them on the spot (remember this is American government class).
I apparently wasnt allowed to abstain. Winner was already up by like 5 or 6 votes MY VOTE HAD NO VALUE
I insisted on abstaining for a bit bit the bitch didn't relent and forced me to vote the A/B anyway.
I literally pulled a fucking quarter out of my pocket to decide my vote.

So that was my liberal as fuck HS American government teacher.
Are you liberal too, because if you aren'


Eh, I've probably read a lot more than you and I lean left. Centrism is generally just a lazy ideology that is grounded in nothing.

I see someone has viewed Richard & Mortimer.


Thank for providing a very clear example of virtue signaling.
Very helpful.

Check'em privilege

>you're lazy unless you're a lamb

Law of Attraction. What you think about and focus on becomes more prevalent in your life. If you get enough people to believe the world is ending, guess what happens.

>you get enough people to believe the world is ending, guess what happens.

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A big lie (German: große Lüge) is a propaganda technique and logical trick (fallacy.). The expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kamf, about the use of a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously". Hitler believed the technique was used by Jews to blame Germany's loss in World War I on German general Erich Ludendorf, who was a prominent nationalist and antisemitic political leader in the Weimar Republic.
Later, Joseph Goebbels put forth a slightly different theory which has come to be more commonly associated with the expression "big lie". Goebbels wrote the following paragraph in an article dated 12 January 1941, 16 years after Hitler's first use of the phrase. The article, titled Aus Churchills Lügenfabrik (English: "From Churchill's Lie Factory") was published in Die Zeit ohne Beispiel.

"The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous."


Watch the darkest hour.

Think I'll pass.
Blocks of text attributed to extremists of any sort, including nazis and commies, makes me very very disinterested. This reply is the limit.

You don't know what that word means, do you?

There's still value in seeing what's being said.

If you consider anything but totalitarianism to be centrist shit, you'll probably fit right in around here

Sure Mr. Strawman

Took weak, how about
>voting age should be raised to 50
>a Ph.D. should be the minimum requirement to register
>those making under $200K/year waive their right to vote

True, but not to me.
I'm quite done with nazis in every sense

What I find entertaining is the news no longer even tries to explain why something is racist, or even what was said. They just attach the "racist" label to something, and call it racist every time it comes up. Aren't they supposed to be an information source, that provides details and context?

Centrism isn't an ideology, it's a rejection of your ideology, while at a same time being a rejection of the ideology you most hate.

Try a dictionary.




Forever X Infinity

welfare or voting rights. I like that idea year by evaluation.

lot of variables might result in eligible voters missing a year


I don't hate conservatives. I just think liberalism is superior when effected correctly.

>when effected correctly.
Found the mistake

you are witnessing the planet gain the ability to publish news stories. it's a temporary bubble as everyone gets a cell phone camera, normalization is coming.

i hope

>it'll work this time, we swear!


>I don't like reading, but my opinion matters

omg my sides are in orbit

underrated post

The Earth is hollow.


they have a small block of time to crunch out information that will keep veiwers, unfortunatly they refuse to write two articles one for indepth and one for soundbits the result is a constant war for journalist to write it short and sweet

Guys, I'm nervous o.o

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based socialism poster.

Is that a Bible quote in BASIC?



My first voting cycle turned into a 3 part tax payer funded recount that kept finding more votes for the incumbent.
After she barely won recount #3 at .25cents a vote... they stopped counting and declared her winner.
So after months of her mudslinging ads blaming some (R)andom for all the problems she's caused, she gets to continue to cause problems and blame them on the (R)andom who lost.

When I was in highschool in my American government class the teacher had us all take some shitty 10-15 question quiz that was basic af to tell us if we were rep or dem. Then had us all get up and move to a side of the classroom depending on what we were. He even smiled when one of the reps called all the dems "commie bastards"

>8 years of liberal arts required to vote
I think you just gave bernie a boner.

While I do agree with the high school diploma (or ged) age has no bearing on wisdom and poverty shouldn't disqualify you from representation.

well said. you should post more often.

shut the fuck up centrist

>implying I didn't read the block of text

The 1% is addicted to power and strangling the Planet.

>thinking liberal arts means liberal politics
>probably thinks classical liberal also means the same

>being this much of a fencetard
Pick a Damn side lazy asshole


I wouldnt have moved.
I would have made my own party and made my normal desk that party's desk.
Fuckin serious.

Hey, isn't fascism a good thing?

I tried but like story the teacher made me choose. Said fuck it and went to dem since I'm a bit left leaning

Filthy communists
Filthy pigs
You deserve to get shot on sight for your treason and tyranny

I would have taken an office trip for it
I am the one who abstained in the class vote, so.
I just kind of hope my little display tough someone that we often have more choices (including the choice not to choose) than we are made aware of.
I had plenty more conflicts with that teacher the rest of the year, no surprise

I fucking love capitalism. That being said I think we need a more complex system. Communism has its merits sure but it's like a glass sculpture, all it takes is one asshole to ruin it for everyone. Maybe we could use a fusion of socialism, communism, and capitalism working under a meritocracy.

That's how school, work, friends, life is
Follow or get the fuck out
Be like them or get the fuck out
That can cost you important things

I used the wrong conjugation

Yeah I've got anxiety. I basically cave under the tiniest bit of pressure.

there should also be a voting age cut off. If you're fucking 80 you're not going to have to live with the fallout of the choices you've made for long.

>how to set up an aristocracy 101

Why else did you have problems with that teacher?
I disagree
Let 'em vote

"nazis" would agree with you more than probably anybody else about how tiresome and counter productive all this blinding irreconcilable screeching is and would crave tangible solutions and defined progress.
Have you ever thought maybe the reason you resign yourself yet still fall into a depressed funk is because you're acting out the same desire expressed by the screechers you have contempt for? To place yourself above others and say "I am better" without actually doing anything?

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you guys are reading pleb tier news outlets

try Reuters, and AP.

So better to just do nothing right? Apathetic lazy fucktard

Truth is Niggers are the worst and whites are better.

I dont like it, must be strawman or a false flag

Right? Way better to be systematically indoctrinated and conditioned to be divided and conquered with your fellow citizens than to see past it.

Blue pill makes things so much easier. Make them look left and right, never up.

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Stop spreading lies. He was accused of racism and sexual assault before his presidency

Ckya blet comrade better move those goalposts

You sound like that one contrarian asshole kid who we beat up in the parking lot after school

Science and reason have no "Side". The truth is all that matters. Science is the ultimate "fuck your feelings"

>Eh, I've probably read a lot more than you and I lean left. Centrism is generally just a lazy ideology that is grounded in nothing.
Maintaining patriotism, allowing free speech and free thought while having civil debates with people who think different than you do, god forbid people actually can articulate different ways of thinking, isn't lazy. Going "reeeee muhhh team" and "muhhh side YoUr NoT mUrIcAn" is fucking lazy and borderline down syndrome retarded.

Just because you're indoctrinated to join a muh side, doesn't mean we all are. We should be debating right and wrong not left and right. You're literally worse than lazy, you're a cancer.

Fuck partisanism, country first, not party.

You are being subdivided even more as a centrist. So divide and conquer is working great

You're unamerican

>fuck your feelings
Better hope I don't find out where you are I'll have you extradited and thrown in jail

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Shouldn't be
Kind of the idea.

I have anxiety too. Wasn't as bad back then.

She was obviously a lefty and I was not. I used my own sense of right and wrong which meant I did support conservative ideas which she did not like even though I supported several liberal ones as well

>implying aristocracy is a bad thing
Aristocracies aren't even a bad thing presuming they are not parasitic and honor their purpose in helping, guiding and teaching those below them in society, but it's not even aristocratic to demand that those who are given the privilege of a vote have some stake in the welfare of the system which are voting to influence. If you have no stake, no honor, no loyalty or no desire otherwise for a positive outcome, then what stops you from voting in such a way as to loot and destroy the system you are influencing?

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>You're being more divided by not falling for the conditioning!!1
lmao ok

>divide and conquer is working great
It's definitely working on the uneducated idiots, but in the end it won't win.

And you're fabricating your reality because reality is too hard for you.

I choose green, being rich is the best thing to be in a capitalistic society. Get that money and le the plebs fight each other like retard lmao

To be totally honest, m8, it's nothing new. That escalating march to revolution has always been the norm. It's the face of human evolution, natural selection, and progress.

Humanism and liberal values since the French Revolution have been desperate to create a narrative of global human cooperation. Of a global network of cogs and wheels and gears and social machinery of people all working together like pieces of one big beautiful puzzle:

That's all objectively total bullshit. Humans, like every other animal on the planet are in life and death competition with each other, whether they are intelligent enough to be aware of it or not. who's children get to grace the Earth a hundred years for now is worth fighting for, and I don't give a shit about some nigger kids in Afirca at all in comparison. I care about them about as much as the poor stray dogs in the next city over.

All the virtue signaling that tells you I'm bad for telling the truth is the lie. It's in my best interest that you sit around and do nothing while I run away with the game. It's in my best interest if you don't compete, so we create the narrative that everything is always fine and in control. Just sit and sleep and take your medicine and go to work and come home.

"Let me win the game while you dream a dream I provide for you with my rules." That's the reality of those in power.

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this, everything he said was 100% american.. putting your party over country or your side over country is actually unamerican af

>humans are just animals bro
lol you're a fucking cancer on humanity. If you died the world would be a better place.

Yeah boi, get mad about it, resent the truth you hate so much. That'll teach those pesky "thoughts" to mess with your ego! yeeeeeeeeeee boi!

Fuck'em. Not even american, but it's the very same shit in every part of the world I managed to visit.

You're not gonna care anymore when you stop being able to fuck, or not having to rush to the toliet when it comes, or to fulfill primary urges. I do well on my own to fullfill those and I have three or four people which make me moderately happy, or rather enough to provide me to kill myself asap.

The rest will flow, ignore everything.

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Oh, on the contrary, I'm actually humored by your ego stroke ranting in what you call truth. You act like humans can never be better than what we were as cavemen, even if we pretend to be, we're still just muh animals. But in reality, you sound like black pilled nihilist ranting from his mom's house. Just because you canceriously could care less about others doesn't mean everyone feels the same way, and if they do, doesn't mean they are just pretending to.

I think you belong in 2000 BC, you don't belong here and now, even though you probably wouldn't live a week. You definitely don't belong anywhere near the future.

The jist.
I was more politically active in the past. Registered republican, voted (mostly) R, etc.
If you watch close enough it's all the same though. Still I hot along with the right more than the left and so that's kind of where I lived.
Then trump, reddit, stormfags, and q.
Not much room left for a moderate right in the new right. Changing back a little at least.

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>pseudo intellectual posturing
>ad hominem
>fails to refute anything
>just an angry loser


>You act like humans can never be better than what we were as cavemen
A caveman probably gave more of a shit about other people than does. Just saying. Don't shit on cavemen because pieces of shit exist in this world.

I've come to realize that only centralists know how to meme

What's funny is that you're really going apeshit over the fact that he said Humans are like other animals, which is objectively true.

You are unironically proving him right that you're reacting with your blind ego at the thought that humans are like other animals (which is an objective scientific fact). That's just your ego having a kneejerk to the truth. Check yourself

Yeah, sure
No one ever beat me up
>probably afraid I would burn their house down in the middle of the night or something.

Meanwhile you kind of remind me of the dumb jocks who use to shoot at each other with the bras nailers in woodahop till the instructor revoked airtool privileges for the entire class. I'm dead serious. Name isn't Steve is it?

>applying artificial liberal social constructs to people who would have killed you to eat your flesh.

so progressive m8, I'm sure every human is just such a loving trans-animal superbeing that deserves all the love and respek in da wurld -except when they evidently disagree with your bullshit


Is that your lazy yawn you were talking about from being complacent with life and sitting in your room at your moms house as an adult?

>giving a shit about people
This is assuming selfish altruism isn't objectively the best policy possible.

News flash user caring is self destructive and.being self destructive helps no one.

Radical faggot detected

I mean, you can be right and still be a cancer to the species. Just saying.

That' me waiting for you to realize your ad hominen monologue doesn't actually even come close to refuting anything I said, and further provides evidence of its validity through your very actions.

I'm honestly pretty entertained so far. You may not realize it, but it's 100% scientifically accurate to observe that humans are also animals.

>I'm weak, and I dear strength, so we'll call it cancer and demonize it
>power to the weak!

who's the cancer, m8? I'm advocating for truth and strength. What are you advocating for? Equality? So everyone can be on the level of the lowest denominator?

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Your cancer because you're viewpoints are of malice, not ignorance. Most people don't care about the people in africa because they are ignorant of it, you don't care because "fuck em m8".

That's what makes you a piece of shit. Just because you know "teh truth" doesn't make you better for announcing it on Yea Forums lol, if anything it makes you more pathetic into thinking you're actually accomplishing something by doing it.

You're far from strong m8.

You're and your fuck

do you ever get a weird kind of bashful or embarrassed feeling when you say things like that?

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>muh projecting
lol, damn never seen a double projection before

Oh please, spare me the virtue signaling, this isn't facebook, you fucking dweeb. If you care so much about some nigger kids in Africa, why are you here doing nothing instead of giving your life for them? Because you're full of shit, and you're just role-playing right now.

You monkey nigger
I don't know about Africa maybe about the "suffering" in a general sense but I don't know
The same way I might hear about the "suffering and crisis" of Venezuela in a general sense, but I don't know

You monkey gook I don't care the same way you claim to but don't
Fuck you
I'm not the op though

And what are you achieving in announcing to everyone you don't give a shit about other humans? I don't see your point, other than being a piece of shit and being proud of it. Which is, again, pathetic.

>malice is requisite of strength
fucking chandala morality. can't help anyone or affect change if you're a weakling. you can only ever be a slave to an other's cause

>no you
ok man

And you're a racist malignant stage 4 cancer on humanity. I hope you watch in horror as the world changes around.

youre not supporting "my guy" so that makes you garbage even though youre not supporting the other guy either

>I'm not the op though
Surrrrrre lol

>I'm strong because I'm evil
lol ok, keep telling yourself that m8

>I hope you watch in horror as the world changes around.
He already is, can't you tell?

I'm calling you out and most people like you as a complete farce, that's what I'm doing. You sit around and act like some kind of a self-righteous god in an ivory tower of morality that you've just patched together out of bullshit you've been fed all your life, that amounts to nothing.

All your virtue signaling and angry rants against the truth are repulsive examples of pure madness. You don't care about anything in Africa anymore than I do, the different between us is that you're brainwashed into a narrative that makes you feel GOOD and when someone speaks the truth it makes you feel BAD so you react with this hate and resentment.

There's way worse problems in the world that need attention than some niggers who can't figure out subsistance farming or how not to shit in their water supply. But why aren't you over there giving your time and energy to build those people plumbing? Because you're full of shit, and yours is a spectacle of lies which has taught you to fear and hate the truth and to demonize those speaking it.

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your problem is that you equate sympathy for weakness with compassion for people, probably because you are scared, you doubt your ability, to face your own weakness and defeat it and so you never want to be held accountable for that, so you advocate for slave morality

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You homo I don't even have enough money for myself
How am I going to care for some African?
I can't
I'm not racist
You think I am simply because I am ignorant of true suffering while only hearing of their "surface" suffering

too easy m8, welcome to Yea Forums

>I'm not racist
>Uses racist terms to make a point

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Seriously can't believe he took the bait that long tbh


I use monkey nigger as an insult
Not as an actual term of racism
Its like saying, you fucking idiot
It's stronger, harsher, and more abrasive
I'm not racist
I've fucked girls of all races
I've loved all of them
If only my heart could give as much love as I wish it could I would've loved them all even more

>I'm not a racist
>I'll stick my dick in anything
>so there


lmao bruh you're retarded go outside... er actually don't. If you talked like that in the real world you'd get your ass beat.

Bro is mad

>lol jk the whole time and I'm a mastermind actually getpwntnublmaoggwpnoree

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I'm surprised it's just as easy as it was 15 years ago. Yea Forums may have died of cancer in 2008, but people are gullible as fuck lmao


No I wouldn't because I'm an alpha male with a sensitive side
You're racist because you wouldn't

He'll never accept he got baited along for roughly 2/3 of the entire time

wow great observation user what a unique and insightful approach to our societies problems. did you learn this untapped knowledge upon reading the wikipedia entry of postmodernism? its not hard to be a freethinker, but its sure difficult to come up with solutions to our problems instead of intellectually masturbating over moral relativism

>totally ass blasted by the truth
>jk bro, ha i got u

they truly do ruin literally everything, even, maybe especially, trolling

> Observing there is a problem.
> Sitting on your ass, not doing anything about it.
> Feeling superior because of it.

I'm moderate too, and I feel both Libtards and Trump posse way overzealous, but at least I try to talk sense to each, if I ever meet them.

Maybe it's tedious. Maybe won't change anything. But I won't be the cunt who sits around while the world eats itself alive.

One must imagine Sisyphus happy.

Firstly, please excuse me if this sounds offensive, but it needs be said so let me say this:

Albert Camus doesn't get to tell me how some mythological dude felt. He probably felt a lot like Prometheus getting eaten alive every day. Do you imagine him happy too? Or the one who was punished by being submerged neck deep in water and shackled, but whenever he leaned down to drink the water lowered so he could never drink, so surrounded almost drowned in water for eternity, but can never drink, was he happy?

I'm just saying, Sisyphus isn't happy, and Camus is full of shit to imagine it. His work is futile and endless because it's the punishment of the gods.

Real work might seem pointless, but if it was truly pointless it wouldn't be getting done. Someone is benefiting somewhere. Someone is orchestrating the movements, etc. There's a point to our actions.

And watching everyone else kill each other while we hid and ate their eggs from under them is probably why we're here now dominating the planet, and not some global anthive of insects.

Sometimes choosing to do nothing is the right choice for a situation for whatever reasons. If you don't care about either side of a war, why pretend you do other than for personal gain? The idea that you have to pick a side and you're either "with or or against us" is some bogus premise.

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oh cool so a religious ideologist infiltrated your school with attempts to spew propaganda. how hypocritical

sure is. you can have the racists out themselves and then shoot them on sight.

hahaha imagine thinking a king with a lineage of trust fund brats is the way to rule over others. borgia much

Centrists that 'don't care' are right wing. You are either with the left or against them. There is no in between.

>Turns out everyone around you is the racist and you just outed yourself as contrarian.

Surprise "comrade"!

Naah the religious one was the sub for earth science class who taught us paleontology then closed the book and spoke about how all she just said were lies by those "atheist scientists" and the devil planted bones to trick us.

>everyone who doesn't actively engage in the never-ending shitstorm of post 2015 politics is a lazy coward!!!
Nope. They are simply more intelligent than you are.

>Voting age should be raised to 25
>An Associate's Degree minimum requirement
>Those with a criminal record of anything above a speeding ticket waive their right to vote.


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>everyone is shitty bc I am shitty therefore everything is shit

you pretend sociopathic ancaps are dumb as fuck. almost every single society besides caucasians have some sort of social type of culture. the community is the family. I think bc white kids grow up on their 5 acres alone they think everyone else is as greedy and selfish as them.

Overpaying for Jack Daniels like a mind-slave fuck

>I think bc white kids grow up on their 5 acres alone they think everyone else is as greedy and selfish as them.
What white kids are you talking about? I've never met a white kid growing up on 5 acres of land by themselves. Your entire argument is based on a false narrative. Good job outing yourself as a dumb shit.

>sociopathic ancaps
>rant against white kids

I thought about making a response, but you're too full of shit. You're on some inconceivable rant that has nothing even to do with the post you reference. so instead I came to laugh at your stupidity and evidently subhuman upbringing.

Countless studies have shown that rates of mental illness increase dramatically the denser the population of humans in an area. So, if I'm reading you correctly, that's you, and you hate people who live on land and have the resources to protect it.

Yeah, I get it, you're weak, and want everyone to be as weak as you. Forget it. Your terms are unacceptable, and you lose.

Hurp derp i think im a god damn genius but never read 1984, the giver, a brave new world, Fahrenheit 451...411? Who fuckin cares.

most likely you're not american, like myself. and I agree. It's fun to watch them burn it all down to the ground. I have friends that told me that was exactly they're hoping for in '16. Now they have to swallow their tears.

OMFG..."freethinker", you dumb cock gobbling waste. You think the language that defines you does not limit your ability to think exponentially, how far into a latin story can your english brain go?

Don't forget Animal Farm and if you're throwing in the Giver, I'd say The Time Machine, too.

In High school my we had to write a paper on The Giver. She told us to explain what we felt happened at the end of the book.

I wrote that he died. That he froze to death and in death's grip found a happy dream to hallucinate as he was finally freed from the shackles of his situation. At the time, I was a kid and had no fucking idea there was a Giver 2. I was adamant that he died and the last paragraphs were a hallucination. I mean, a warm Christmas cottage after he left the only known civilization and is in deadly mountain snow? I was certain the author killed them off and that was his freedom, in death.

No one saved their tears from 2016, stop.

Agreed. Both sides are insufferable cunts. String 'em all up for all I care

Great, you wrote a paper once but after that I grew disinterested

Yeah m8, great attention span there

>since you're arent a rich smelly white person you are weak and cant defend stolen property.

I laf at you ancap retards that think the world is some social darwinist post apocalyptic arena in which somehow the weakest race is the strongest race. I mean, do you guys even take baths?

what's hilarious is you say I'm making all these characterizations and you're making the dumbest assumptions you could make from my post. but hey, at least as I call it ephebopholia, i should be good, right. moron

I mean be "mentally ill" but at least I'm not a dumbass like you. there are plenty of studies that show social skills and intelligence crumble when living alone in the country away from others. so that would be you.

>stolen property

Let me start by pointing out that you unilaterally came up with this narrative, and it has nothing to do with anything anyone has been talking about.

Whose stolen property? You mean the stolen property your landlords are letting you live on? Or do you mean all the shit you stole from others around you? Or that your parents stole? Or that your whole community stole from the next community? Or maybe you're talking about the property your state or country stole from its neighboring states or countries, or pre-existing cultures?

Dude, you don't' have a leg to stand on. And who is ancap? is that your special bad word of the day? I haven't seen a single post here on this thread that could be described as anarcho-capitalist. That's just your silly little strawman in your mind that you project onto random people, apparently, while you're busy hating white people because you're not successful in your life.

I'm not offended at all.

> Albert Camus doesn't get to tell me how some mythological dude felt.

He gets to tell you whatever he chooses to tell you. You get to disagree, but not to shut him up. The entire "western" (Greek really) ideology (or philosophy, should you choose to call it that) is rooted in this "right".

> Do you imagine him happy too?

Are you asking me if someone who willingly sacrificed himself for others feels happy?

If you transcend the physical pain of the punishment he's suffering, and ask the question whether Prometheus feels "happy" for sacrificing his life for Humans, then yes. I absolutely do think he's happy. He's not comfortable. He's in pain. But he's happy.

> There's a point to our actions.
> Sometimes choosing to do nothing is the right choice for a situation for whatever reasons.
> why pretend you do other than for personal gain?

You're right. It's an absolutely selfish motive. Two actually. I hate watching people suffer. That's one. And I understand that if the world is on fire, the fire will spread if nobody puts it out.

You don't get to "eat other's eggs" in a forest fire.

> The idea that you have to pick a side and you're either "with or or against us" is some bogus premise.

This I agree with. My point is not about choosing the team with can of gas, or the team with the lit match. My point is about talking them down.

You may not be able to prevent the fire, but let me tell you one thing, just like I imagine Prometheus happy for his sacrifice, you will hate yourself less, should the fire you ignored overcome you.

>nothing is stolen bc everything is stolen.

HAHAHA jfc dude. that's hilarious. apparently we have no morals, so everything lie and cheat and steal bc everyone else lies and cheats and steals.

yes I do have a leg to stand on. I actually have to legs to stand on. the only thing you can stand on is a pile of shit with your worthless metaphors and bad faith "what abouts". the world is how it is bc of narcissistic sociopaths making it so. most people are terrible and ever fewer would do crimes if they had everything they needed to succeed. but hey, let's all suffer for wads of Jean paper bc a bunch of elitist dipshits say so. what a bootlicking idiot.

That's false, dude, I'm an anthropologist, which should hint at my political affiliation, and I'm no humanist. The science of it is clear on the relation between human population density and mental health.

As a matter of fact, those people living in smaller communities have a stronger sense of community than some salad mix of cultures all competing with each other.

You imagine a literal strawman that you can attack: Some kind of bourgeois "white kid" living "alone on a farm" which is impossible and laughable. Rural communities still have communities. These people still have families. They just don't have to pretend to love everyone, like you liars. You sit there full of hate for white kids with more land than you, but what are you doing about it? Are you working hard to get your own? No, you just bitch like probably your whole retarded family.

I don't even know what race you are, which should tell you more than anything how inferior your viewpoint is that my comments are based on your character and what you wrote and not on some preconception of your race like you've done about "white kids on 5 acres" you nonce.

1. He gets to give me his opinion if I choose to read his work, which I have because I'm not illiterate, but his pompous conclusion strikes me as absurdity. It's like changing the story of little red riding hood into a story about a heroic wolf giving his life to fight human encroachment in his lands through wit and wile.

2. You may indeed imagine Sisyphus happy and any manner of things, but you're just adding seasoning to the story. The story is one of pain and punishment as presented originally. See my example about Red riding Hood's wolf. In other words friend, it's Fan Fiction to imagine Prometheus is happy.

3. I hate to see anyone suffer as well, but I'm not foolish enough to imagine that I can relieve all their suffering through some personal action of mine. Their problems are deep and stem from an infinitude of dimensions which have nothing to do with me in literally almost any of anyone's problems: Anything from genetic to environmental to cultural problems on massive scales. At that point it's self-serving virtue signaling to act like you can fix the world somehow. You can only affect what you can control. The rest is your imagination.

4. I can plan seeds in the ash, which I have saved when everyone was eating theirs. And defended while everyone was killing and eating each others.

5.Sometimes all we can do is replant after the fire, and you can bet I'm ready for it. But I'm not going to get in the way of the match or the can of gas. Are you? The match exists for a reason, as does the can of gas. We wouldn't have built them if we didn't intend to use them, and use them we will, so be ready friend.


6. Thanks for the chat, m8. And I'll add that Prometheus is probably thinking "To hell with those fucking mortals" every-time his eyes get plucked out at the end of the day. But sure dude, they must be SOOOO happy, punished for all eternity, because that story makes you feel better.

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3rd option rise up

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fucking centrist

Not even sure what your point is dude, you rant about white kids and stolen land, and ancaps like you're responding to someone, but it's more like a personal monologue of yours. I guess your still working on sorting out your worldview.

All the land on the plant has been lived on before, that's my point to your absurd "white kids on 5 acres stolen property ancap" rant. If any of it can be said to be stolen, it's all stolen.

But I get it now, you don't have a point, you're just mad about your strawman "white kid on 5 acres" Stay mad for all I care.

>I have the attention spam of a 4 year old
Actually, yeah. Makes perfect sense

The welfare criteria are a horrendous idea. It can easily be abused and turned into a silencing tool. The same goes for the required studies.

That being said, age cutoff as suggested by someone else is a great idea. Here old people refuse to pass any long term project but vote anything that promises more retirement money. Then they'll have a cool retirement on other people's money and die leaving them with a shithole of a country. Fuck I hate old people.

White men how do you not kill yourselves being that it's impossible for you to get sex without paying for it since Jews convinced everyone you have tiny dicks and are submissive faggots who are inferior to blacks?

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> He gets to give me his opinion
Yes, that's what telling you what he thinks generally means.

> his pompous conclusion strikes me as absurdity.
Well, that's one reason to disagree.

So far we're pretty much in agreement.

> It's like changing the story
I mean, sure, but you're not really giving any counter-argument why you disagree with his opinion.

> it's Fan Fiction
No, I get it. Making up stories is fine, but making up stories about stories (you can call it interpretation) is filthy malpractice and should be avoided.

If that was the case, writing down a description of reality is fan-fiction.

> relieve all their suffering
So you won't even try. It's rather comfortable.

> self-serving virtue signaling to act like you can fix the world somehow
I'm not claiming I can save the world. I am claiming I will try my best.

I'm not scorning you for failing to save the world. I'm scorning you for both that you do no try, and at the same time for considering the "not trying" a virtue.

You sound like a smart fella. Try to talk down one person. See what I did there? I didn't tell you you are a failure if you fail to talk down one person. I asked you to give it an honest try.

> I can plan seeds in the ash
Not if you perish in the fire along with those who doused the forest in gasoline, and those those who lit the match to spite them.

> The match exists for a reason, as does the can of gas. We wouldn't have built them if we didn't intend to use them
Majority of weapons forged never get to kill anyone. Just because something exists, doesn't mean there is need to use it. More often than not, people talk things out.

> Thanks for the chat
Remember, you're here forever!

>Fuck I hate old people.
Let me ask you this:
Why hate old people? For voting to advance their personal interests, like everyone is supposed to do? Since when is anyone supposed to vote for something just because it helps everyone else but themselves? Why would you or I or any reasonable person do that? Virtue Signaling? lol

I believe that one should own land in a city/state/country to be able to vote in any of its elections. Why? Because land is a tangible asset tied permanently and geographically to an area. And the property owners of the city/state/country should be able to implement their will on their own land, even if they are subleasing it to a bunch of peasant workers. How about that?

Even better, a merit based system in addition to that, further restricting who is able to vote based on some measurable physiological capacity.

Clearly at the end of the day, we want more restrictions, but as long as they don't apply to us personally, right?

"property owners of the city/state/country should be able to implement their will on their own land"

"The land" and "ownership" is a man made construct. "ownership" is your ability to drive out people you don't want on "your land". Ownership is backed by threat of violence, and promise of not using violence.

"Ownership" in modern society is are two promises:

The promise that your neighbor will not try to drive you out of "your land", as long as you don't try to drive anyone else out of "their land".

The promise that your neighbors will help you drive other people from "your land", as long as you help them drive other people from "their land" as well, should the need ever arise.

Have you ever asked yourself why your neighbor does not just waltz in your living room, grabs beer from your fridge and plops his ass on your couch? Because there is a threat of violence associated with that.

So, now that we've established that society is based about (refraining to inflict) violence, then it makes much more sense that people capable of violence get to vote. Not those who promise to use violence to drive others out of "their land".

>No, I get it. Making up stories is fine, but making up stories about stories (you can call it interpretation) is filthy malpractice and should be avoided.

Come on now, that's a bit of a hyperbole of what I said, isn't it m8? I believe the story should be presented as it originally is for our interpretation. Camus wants to change the fundamental premise of the story to fit his personal narrative, which is fine, but he doesn't get to change the story for everyone else. It's just his opinion, which I see as, frankly, silly and bogus.

>It's rather comfortable
I relieve suffering all the time, but I don't pretend I'm helping the world, like some mad ideologue. The world goes on with or without us.

The very fact that you entertain this idea of "saving the world" is rather suspect, friend. Last I checked, the world doesn't need saving. It's individuals who need help. The planet will keep running once we're all gone, and once all our kids are gone, too. We can affect what we can affect, and like I said before the rest is pure imagination and wishful thinking.

>Not if you perish in the fire
Well, neither can you, with all your grand (And I dare say more than a little selfish) imagination of saving the world. Because it's actually quite impossible for you to affect more than what you can affect. What you're doing is called virtue signaling. "Like, yeah, I'd run into the fire to save the pregnant woman!!!!! I'll DO IT" yeah, sure you will, my friend, sure you will. Godspeed

> then it makes much more sense that people capable of violence get to vote.
>Not those who promise to use violence to drive others out of "their land".

you wot, m8?

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> which I see as, frankly, silly and bogus.
That is entirely your right. I do not. Half of human history is about re-interpreting stories, to extract their "true meaning". The stories we make about ourselves make us.

> The world doesn't need saving. It's individuals who need help.
That is entirely the reason why I asked you talk down an angry person. The world we're talking about here is made up entirely of people.

> The planet will keep running once we're all gone, and once all our kids are gone, too.
I never mentioned I'm trying to save the planet. I'm trying to save our world. My world. We've already established that this little endeavor is entirely selfish.

> We can affect what we can affect
> Because it's actually quite impossible for you to affect more than what you can affect.
I agree with that entirely.
I never claimed I am capable of saving the world.
I never claimed you are capable of saving the world.
I belittled you for not trying, and calling it a virtue.


>I belittled you for not trying, and calling it a virtue.

Yeah, I get that. And one of the points I was making is that, on my part, I denounce you for trying because it's impossible. But hey, if you "must imagine Sisyphus happy", then you can imagine yourself happy in your endless, thankless, and fruitless endeavor, right? Like I said Godspeed. It's your life, and if you want to go through it imagining Sisiphus happy and that you're saving the world, that's your choice, but just like Camus, you don't get to decide for me or anyone else what the right choice is, and all your virtue signaling doesn't change the world or my mind, or "the world", and from my perspective"the world" you're trying to save, will see you as simply another source of free fuel when its convenient.

But thanks, I'll just imagine you as happy in your tasks, whatever those are, and that's all it takes to turn the frowns upside down. Why stop there, though? Why not imagine EVERYONE right now, as happy in their tasks? Why, it wouldn't be right to intervene, would it?

That's just propaganda. If you have half a brain, you never believe propaganda

This is not about choosing what to do, because it will lead to happiness.

This is about accepting what you have to do, and being at peace about it. That is what is meant by imagining Sysiphos happy.

I'm not virtue signalling to you. You're he one I'm trying to talk down. You're the world I'm trying to save.

How prediction of the future was pretty spot-on though

>You're the world I'm trying to save.
Thank you, I'm flattered, but Oh for fuck's sakes man, Are you going to invite me to dinner next? Let's be clear: We're both committed to saving "My World" but my "My World" is evidently different from you "My world" And that's the fundamental issue here. You're imagining your world is quite a lot bigger than it really is and including all these people you don't know and have never met. Fair enough, it's your "My World" to perceive as you please, and you're clearly no fool and can reason intelligently so I sincerely wish you well. But I make no claim that I'm trying to save you, as you claim to be trying to save me. I'm talking to another intelligent person to temper the steel of my mind and my ideologies against their opposing worldview. The contrast helps to find irregularities and mistakes that I may have made in my reason, which happens as I am not perfect, but I think my logic is sound in embracing what some might call an isolationist approach, but rest assured, I'm probably just as interested in saving "My World" as you are.

I get the part about being at peace with our lot, but come on, man, specifically on Sisyphus and Prometheus, they're stories about crime and punishment of the gods. It's like going back and writing about Judaic Hell as a place full of people happy with their lot BECAUSE they cannot escape it. Is that not absurd to you?

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So op just admitted to being an omega? Lmao

Awww it’s hard thinking for yourself isn’t it!


anyone thinks this site will last

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are you guys really taking this seriously? who are you impressing?

Personally, I'm here enjoying talking with someone who is clearly not retarded for a change, even if their view is different. Dunno why you're here

Kek just suck his dick already u fag

I’m here for bbc

Black dick.

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oh Yea Forums always different, yet always the same.

anyway, it was fun m8, but I g2g good luck saving your world. Don't forget to call your mom while you're at it.

Take care of yourself and your family, friend.

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You have been visited by Laura the Riveter.

Come on anons, you c-can do it! D-don't let the thread die now!

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