Why do democrats want open borders?
Why do democrats want open borders?
Because they are gay
Any source or you just like saying fake news bs
we want Jaime to rape your mother... AGAIN
no u
Not sure
Why do republicans want to murder all minorities?
Fuss it's just politics
More votes
Easy, because minorities don’t pull their weight.
Now why do Dems want an open border?
Which Dems are advocating for an open border? Checked with my representative and he definitely doesn't support that.
Nothing but strawman arguments from the right.
>Why do democrats want open borders?
To piss off the Republicans
>lol its all a game and everyone knows nothing will change on the border (except polfags apparently) because the border is just too juicy of an issue for either side to want to change.
Also keeps all you stupid faggots screeching at each other like a bunch of dumb apes
Anyhow. My former congressman (who is literally openly gay and openly jew. I voted for the Republican before you screech some more) never said shit about open borders. Lots of immigration reform talk (which didn't include open fucking borders)
It's just fear mongering and if you can't see it then I genuinely feel sorry for you
For the illegal vote
Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner.
Can anyone just take merkel hostage and not give her back please? Thanks in advance.
Obama made the right completely lose their fucking mind.
I am seriously ashamed I was once registered as Republican. Unaffiliated now. Unaffiliated till I die.
Ilhan Shitskin
the list goes ever onward
THIS. Ameritards can't get their head wrapped around that a black was president. It couldn't be but it happened and so they snapped.
>implying marxists wanna take guns away
Degenerated as usual
Him being black was only like 10% of it even it really did sound like it was significant. Remember, those alt-right white niggers are a minority but make a lot of fucking noise (not unlike how those screeching SJWs on the left are)
Most Americans are far more moderate but the division is so great that even the moderate majority on all sides will now forgive trash so long as the trash is in their political side