What are you gonna do when Trump wins the next election?

What are you gonna do when Trump wins the next election?

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Have a small party to celebrate

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He won't win. Mommy will.

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oooooooooooow mommy, I'm cumming

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Why is she sooo preeeeeetty

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Party at a truth rally

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Look into her eyes, she’s fuckin nuts. She’s gone. She’s totally check out. You can just see it in her eyes that she isn’t playing with a full deck, hell, she isn’t even playing the same game.


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>has to hold rallies every month even though he won 3 years ago and is a sitting president
Someone explain why he still does this shit?


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1: ego - he does it because it affirms his delusion that "everyone" loves him.

2: fundraising. he registered for the next election within 4 hours of swearing-in in january 2017 - just one of the many unprecedented things he's done. Doing so confers certain protections in the press - as they cant do certain articles on a "candidate", compared to a sitting president. So it was an attempt to gag the press.

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Get drunk and celebrate 4 more years of fun and happiness.

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Laugh at all the liberals

It's actually not a bad idea for a sitting President to make the rounds to rally up the voting base. Trump was especially active in the midterms, which bolstered other republican candidates.


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Kill all mutts.

I'm gonna party

Same thing I will do if a Democrat wins. Same thing I do now. Whoever wins the election my life will not change much and neither will anyone else’s

Just cry and cry and cry...
I CAN'T take another loss!

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>waaahhh i dont like donald trump waaahh

Wake up from my nightmare.

go back to /pol

That is a bold assumption that he will win.

Well, if he does I will likely wake up, go to work. Work all day. Then go home, have dinner, and go on with my life. In the longer term I may acquire some arms for when 2024 when he refuses to leave office and people start going nuts. Not because I intend to do anyone any harm, but his supporters contain an uncomfortably high # of people who seem to think violence is the right answer to every problem.

he wont win a second term, he has been too much of an asshole & douchebag to win a second term,

i love you mommy

Piss off Vald

That is a bold assumption that he would not win.
then when trump Republican replaces him in 2024

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hows the weather in china

he has more support then when when won the 1st time

We got trump in response to Obama. I shudder to think what moron the republicans would dredge up in response to her.

kek, no

Get ready for more socialism

go to Disneyland and fuck a dude

It's unbelievable because that's a lie. Unless by conservative they mean racist.

nothing, i'm not american
but he will win that's for sure

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Get some dubs

Watch something other than faux news

>Having hissy fits since 2016 and needs to do it through 2024

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>What are you gonna do when Trump wins the next election?
Deal with it.
Glad I'm not that poor though. $5 for a loaf of fucking white bread is unnerving

I am going to rape you op and I'm not even gay.

We're both gonna be gay for Trump then. You can get a rainbow patch for your MAGAhat

Trumpfags are already gay for trump though?


You know... someone's looks is really much more important than figuring out what they're saying or doing.

joe biden is the best chance the dems have since he is one of the few candidates that is not an extremist. and that said, his charisma and wit is so low compared to trump that he will obviously be trampled like a housefly in the debates. though in my opinion the debates shouldn't matter as much as they do, rand paul came across as a lot more reasonable in the debates but he lost because also low charisma/lacking wit. would like to see paul run again

Murder him

I stole this...

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Celebrate by smoking a brisket and drink whiskey.

>"Preussens Gloria" almost drowns out the crowd screaming "Sieg Heil!"
>Men in SS uniforms goosestep in an awesome display
>Then there he is: the Führer himself
>President Trump casually raises his arm to the gladiator salute
>"Today America, tomorrow the whole world!"
>People in the background destroy the last none-white retail shops under the smiles of present cops

I'm a german and can't think of anything possibly going wrong.

masturbate. I've been storing all my energy since the exact day he took office, hoping it somehow influences the next election in his favor. Obviously its not necessary as he is a shoe-in, but I'm just doing my part. Cannot wait to finally blow the load just as his term carries over into the fifth year, it will be the sweetest ejaculation imaginable

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Remember when Obama won and all those people in the crowds and on tv were crying tears of joy and all the Republicans laughed at how dumb all those lefties were for being so invested in Obamas victory?
I remember.
>and Pepperidge farm remembers, too you stupid political dipshits

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what are you going to do after that? he don't get a lifetime appointment.

The way his presidency is going, he probably will.

>what are you going to do after that?
It's not even going to matter who it is or how great they may be. Dems got 2024 (assuming there is a year 2024)

Look at any trump rally....... And that's just the people who are vocal. Think about all the people who will vote for him and not say anything because they have more going on in life besides discussing/ranting about politics

>mfw he switches parties again. Runs as a democrat. Wins. Walks the dinosaur

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Party harder than I have been for the past 3 years

That would be actually funny as hell.

Why bother with a Trump campaign?

His mind is so far gone that you could put him in a nice hotel and tell him he's running the country and he'd believe it.

If only this was reality. I always hoped he was secretly Hitler but unfortunately it just isnt so

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lul only republicunts and Trumptards who are already voting for the orange man think like this.

Meanwhile, the "extremists" on the left are only spouting ideas that the majority of Americans support.

>unironically believing this
It's crazy how retarded you'd have to be to hold on to such a blatantly nonsensical narrative. The absolute number done on these people you're larping as
You are larping, right user?

Trump is clearly retarded, sorry to break it to you, user.

He's full of shit.
Most of the people I know who votes trump thinks he's just another pile of shit like the rest of the politicians. I'm sure some will still vote for him but that's no surprise since their actual vote in 2016 was "not hilary". Many tell me they give up and aren't voting anymore since it's all the same.
Regardless, trump will win 2020. I mean bush and Obama both got 2 terms so why not this idiot too

Go on a shitskin killing spree because he will legalize white supremacy!

Your ass is going to be real sore for another 5 years

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>no source

I'm a bit confused who of us didn't get the sarcasm from the other.

I thought he largely was ""running"" the country from nice hotels (lol his hotels).
Or was that his golf course?

But to answer your question.
There is no need for a trump campaign. His "army" of loyal fools will campaign for him. For free.
It's a sweet deal

Not really, I think Trump is hilarious and honestly believe it doesn't matter much. Doesn't change the fact that he's a clown and his supporters average in the double-digit IQ range.

Constantly remind the progs of this meme that was getting around after Obama got a second term.

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Source for and first, faggot

This entire post sums up modern American politics beautifully.

It's literally 2 children
>I win!
>no, I win!
>no I win times a hundred! !
>no i win times a million!
>well I win times a redardillion!!!
>time infinity. No take backs. Hah!!

If he wins again,im winning 500$ and a slave for one month who has to obey my every wish.
Im probably gonna carry on with my life like always

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98% russian, iranian, and chinese bots

2% real people taking the bait like stupidasses

Hahaha this old chestnut.
You'll be the first to cry faggot

Calm down, friendo.

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Other side is stupid. wah wah wah.

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>be a liberal crybaby
>trump announced winner of 2020 elections
>mass an hero ensues
>day of the rake has come
>sit back and fap

My exact prediction for 2020

His supporters? Trump supporters have been assaulted more and more recently.
Andy Ngo for one, theres no such thing as tolerant left

If his goal was to polarize the while country, he won and he won hard.

>Andy Ngo
And yet you claim the left isn't tolerant. Okay.
Both sides are officially as retarded as each other. Congrats, republicans. You actually managed to lower yourself enough to look the Dems square in the eye


Cheer, be happy that America hasnt gone completely to hell, like europe. // European for trump

>he thinks it hasnt

Maybe blacks should fix their own issues before blaming another community. And maybe you should go back to being a nigger ??? XDD Enjoy getting shot by your brothers, niggerscum


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Thats the entirety of america you fucking absolute DOLT. The average IQ of america is something like 95.... Lmao, im european so I can do nothing but laugh at how fucking stupid you leftist americans are.

You sound angry
Did a nigger touch you when you were still a little girl or something?

be 100% not surprised

celebrate and laugh at the tears of these regressive leftist pieces of shit taking over the democratic party.