Celeb thread
Celeb thread
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No, no real plans today. Just relaxing.
I've definitely taken note of your concern and I appreciate the criticism, but I'm gonna have to decline.
I pretty much never have plans which is why I refrain from asking other people lol
I already went for a midnight jog and it was really really good, that's why I'm in a good mood right now. :]
Fuck off, you cockroach.
is it rly?
Oh that sounds great.
Ya rly.
Any celebs you want me to post?
Who are your favorites?
Would like to see what’s printed on the shirt:)
Please kys yourself at your earliest convenience.
Katy Perry? Taylor Swift?
Idk what shirt I'm gonna get yet but I hope the headliner name brings a shirt I want really bad
Bryce dallas howard or Scarjo if you can
who will u send those kisses to?
I've got
Alexis Ren
Amber Heard
Ariel Winter
Ava Sambora
Bella Thorne
Elizabeth Turner
Elle Fanning
Emma Roberts
Emma Watson
Jessica Nigri
Jordyn Jones
Katherine McNamara
Kiernan Shipka
Kira Kosarin
Peyton List
Sarah Snyder
Taylor Swift
Victoria Justice (Obviously!)
I think we've heard just about enough out of you for one night. Keeping posting Karen though.
thunder strikes the italian face of the alps
Well you know what I really like, so whoever has the most of it wins for me. But just on names I like Alexis Ren, Bella Thorne, JJ, Peyton List and VJ
Crazy hot
Hoping for the best for a qt Sabsbro
>I think
>we've heard
You were right the first time. You don't speak for anyone else, so shove your "we've heard enough" right up your narcissistic ass. As I've already stated, you have continually ruined every one of these threads for months and now expect me to be okay with you because you're "in a good mood". Once again, bd, you absolute wasteman, go and forcefully FUCK yourself, you total, total cunt.
Best ass out of all of them?
Surprised about Bella, not a lot of people like her it seems, JJ is easy mode though. :]
Imagine getting this mad on a celebrity thread on Yea Forums
I really like Elle's big ass myself obviously it's very subjective which is best.
tight skirts keep thighs nice and warm
Yeah JJ is nice and easy. Bjt dunno why not so many like Bella, she's pretty hot.
Great pic, love the leather skirt with nylons
this tbh
Mom and Dad are fighting again :/
Yes dear.
Don't bully her, she just needs to get it all out. Things are obviously not going well at home.
thanks, looks like it'll be good fun I always have a good time and it's nice spending time with friends too
You know God damn well why I'm mad.
Her? Lmao
Anons are sad people and when they see someone is down and hurt they pounce on her to feel better about themselves.
Just so we're clear, boobs aren't gonna be a problem for you are they? ;3
She’s a pawg for sure. I would say Emma W on that list
You're probably right. Bokbs a probelm? Boobs are never a problem.
No need to be so hateful towards me. I've done nothing wrong to you as far as I know. Great makeup on her tho.
I know dear but there's nothing I can do about it right now other than to be here for you.
I have like ZERO ass pics of Emma except for the the obvious ones of course lol
Too true
Spending some quality time with friends is important
Quoted the wrong person, my mistake.
Tay is too hot in the new video. DAMN
My beautiful daughter!
Gooooood gooooooooooood!
Damn! Katy, tay, Emma , Bella and more. Got me diamonds here
Is this part of your wierd rp shit?
Sorry, seems my IQ dropped during that post
time and the weather don't always go hand in hand, as here: sometimes one is slanted sideways, disappears for awhile
Her ass is a hidden gem. All good, you just posted her 2nd best asset
They look great. Wish JJ showed them more tbh
Alright, np
She shows enough to keep us interested! Do you have any favourite pics of hers?
Oh? And what would that be?
Yeah, I do. Here's one of the two. Just... Just don't ask why cuz I don't know. I just find it hot for some reason.
Great face pic.
user you know those legs are top tier. 10/10
>Just don't ask why
JJ all smooth and slippery, it truly is a mystery. ;}
What's wrong?
Who is she?
Josefine Cuervo
Sorry user, that escaped me! Is it okay if I post more?
agreed user.
Yeah, I think that's the biggest reason.
Here's my second pic. I also like some other stuff but I don't think I can post that here.
prime breed slut
Pedo confirmed
>what's wrong
I should ignore it but I can't, given that I've had to put up with his shit in every thread in recent memory. I'm talking about this asshole acting like he's the most nonchalant guy on planet Earth; I'm sorry but I refuse to just act like he's all good and shit is fine because he chose to actually engage in the thread for a change.
Please continue. You could never go wrong with them.
It's okay, I think I know why that is lol
But both of those are me, I thought you knew.
I know you're on nofap, but I hope you don't mind me beating mine tho ;)
Oh, ffs
have cum to everyone on that list...
nothing better than hanging out with friends tbh
You're not gonna get mad if I post a picture that isn't very good? :c
Is that what you're doing?! ;3
if shes got clothes on, its bad
Wonderful. I'll take my leave, then. Have your fun, I'm sure you'll be back to being buttblasted because people aren't following your stupid rules, and spamming threads until image limit, evading bans and generally being an annoying cunt before too long.
Around 95% of Emma’s pics are good. No bad ones so far
>cuz Yea Forums is all about posting clothed women non-stop 24/7
Mmmmmmmmmfuck my diamonds
Yeah, sorry user. Also must say great lipstick pic your posted of her
the thing that irks me most is this shattered prison, after all
You think your cock would like being warm and wet covered in her spit, her lipstick streaked across your entire length or am I waaay off base? ;3
Happy you have such great friends to accompany you to fun things like wrestling matches.
Think about shuffling up between her legs here...
Hnggg, no, I think you're hitting it right on the spot. Maybe too good
Slide it in slowly, let her get used to your size, it's so stiff isn't it? Just the way she wants it...
Is this your favorite picture of hers user?
Fuck, user. What are you doing?! This feels way too good.
Quite possibly, but pretty much ANY pic that shows her face is great, her face is so sultry. uwu
yeah it's cool
No touching remember? It's all hers. You can rest you hand on the back of her head and guide her a little if you like but you don't get to touch it at all. Think about her deep throating it all, only to pull her slutty mouth off it, grab it by the base and rub your tip along her lips, making your toes curl...
I'm not going to last very long like this. I'm feeling a load wanting to get out
Anything that shows her thighs is prime Emma for me
oh, im thinkng
eons of evolutions leading to ultimate jizztarget
Well time for me to go vidya some more. Enjoy your day qt
Anything from behind?
It's so sexy to her how quickly you become desperate to cum for her, how she can make you squirm in only a few minutes, it makes her feel sexy and in control despite having your thick cock resting on her pretty face, seeing how good she makes you feel. Work it out for her.
right there with you user
Don't stop... on her face...
Hnggg I'm pumping really good
Soz, I can't keep up. ; n ;
Not him, but it's not too late to start Jerking my cock to JJ is it?
Just like that...
Hell yeah
Too late
I'm starting to get really close user. What should I do?!
Were counting on you for the Emma leg pictures
thats what im gonna make her moan
Smack your balls
I feel like I've seen this one before....
Grip it with your entire hand and pump it up and down at a nice medium pace, don't speed up, just keep pumping for her. Can you describe what it looks like right now?
I'm going to shoot for her, user
she shouldnt be walking around with legs not covered in hot load like this
hello everyone
We're not friends anymore Bootsy. You replied to an user that wasn't me, he's just an asshole that follows me around and posts the same celeb as I do. Sorry.
Thanks user
Oh I'm sorry user, it's so hard to think at this point
slutty little syren
or mermaid
Shoot that big load out for JJ
Hai there
oh, now I'm kinda bummed ... I always seem to miss you :(
I hope we can make it work soon enough and have a proper conversation again
stay safe friend!
Here's a Candice pic to hopefully make it right again so we can be friends again. If you want you can push me over the edge with the thing I really like :)
Best poster
Sorry I'm in a bad mood now, I didn't mean what I said, it's just frustrating cause I was supposed to make you cum and I was so close... :c
It's okay, you can finish to her with the other user assuming he hasn't already left and just did it to be an ass. All is good, I'll be seeing you again. :]
You can always make me cum to JJ, baby
It's not too late user, it shocked me when I found out there was an imposter at work, the cum went back down a bit
she kinda is a cute succubus
hey you user, stay awesome!
oh uhm, I think you must have the wrong user :3
I hope you have a wonderful day
Oh yes there are lots of imposters going around snatching all the sticky cum meant for JJ for themselves. You'd be surprised. ; n ;
spoiled little brat needs to be but in her place
in bedroom 1st and then in the kitchen. Shes got it too easy
I wanna get lewd for Babs
I wanna get lewd for Babsanon
I know secretly inside you're laughing at me... (´ε` )
Icknow for sure this is you now, but was this also you?
>oh uhm, I think you must have the wrong user :3
Nope, I don't. You're the best, and it's not even close.
babs is for gentle loving and outdoor adventures, not for being put in her place
that's what daddario is for
I wanna get lewd for candice, we can't have everything we want any time we want it.
More seriously, I'm not in the mood to lood
oof, with dubs like that it's hard to resist, qt :3
shut up, I don't. I may have snapped at you every once in a while, but I genuinely like you.
Why else would I try to engage you in normal conversation all the time.
Stop trying to talk that bullshit and fish for more of where that came from, but know I really like you and I'd never laugh about you.
the kingfisher's respite is not cause to either forgive or forget the storms of her father. aside, a statue crumbles and begs the winds to flow firm from each side and hold its fragments together
shed deserve pity and care if she was downtrodden, not famous and living in luxury
You naughty boy
Sorry. Goodnight.
Bootsy agrees with this my friend
Forgot my pic
I'm sorry user. Goodnight :(
Goodnight pumpkin
Stop trying to take me on as a charity case, it always feels like you're condescending, plus it always feels like you're halfway out the door whenever you're here so I just don't bother with you at all. You're nice but we just don't mix. Bye.
please post less lewd candices
I never saw you as a charity case
always liked you, but if it's gonna be like this
fuck you, beady
I'm sorry user, I can't help it.
Fuck, nice boots
i didnt say u r handing out pity, but project all u want
she deserves hard pounding and being tied to the bed
OMFG, yummy... who? Moar?
Second time I forgot my pic. Fuck!
Bad person
God you're such a fucking asshole dude. babsfriend is one of the few that puts up with you, and you still have the gall to say stuff like that to him. It's such a fucking mystery why you have no friends or gf.
ever wish you were sand?
you can be sisyphus or the boulder, but nothing more....
you know you're going to get yourself into trouble if you keep posting candice like that ;)
checked, still keep it down low
I don't need anyone to fight my fights, beady said he wasn't interested in my friendship and I accept that even if it hurts a bit
I know I sometimes sound condescending, but that might just be due to my personality and background
literally insane.
I don't mind the trouble
alright, with beady serving me a poopoo platter like this I think I'm gonna head out
my mood is properly ruined for today
What’s your sweet innocent self doing amidst all this chaos?
Sorry to hear that Babsanon. I'm sorrynif I didn't get your name right
tis young Anna Kendrick
Sorry friend :(
that's ok, call me whatever you want
enjoy the rest of your day
Okay, you too Babsanon.
if you come to me as anything but a stranger, I think you have mistaken me, user....
Holy schnikes.
Cringelord fakefuck suits you
GoT was more descriptive and concise
fuck off faggot
fuck off faggot
I'll be heading out too. Cya anons.
- Bootsy
Later user.
Bye bby
you told him you were leaving lol
Fun thread.
the answer you will be begging for in 20 years' time
who's that?
Ashley. Only oldfags know about her. She's in the same league as Eliza-Chan only 5/13th better.
I keked
try another city baby, another town....
fuck off, sperg
She cute
I still don't understand why people don't like him
probably sarcasm
no need for such venom, user
one of the cutest....
It isn't. a bunch of people hate him now and Im really confused about it
Always judge a person by your own experience.
There a bad people genuinely loved and holy people genuinely hated.
A person can treat you like shit and be the best friend to another for lifetime.
Treating someone differently because of those all too human emotions is unnecessary as long as you trust him.
If you do not, think twice.
Needs smooches
Audrina Patridge
Thanks for your words of wisdom mystery user
Contemplate hygiene
Im done for anons today I dropped and broke my phone my whole life was on it alongside Taylor pics and Ill never be able to post her again except when I burrow a phone like I did now whats the most painless way to end it all?
Choose the most painful and stream it
user, just know that your life is not over. You can always have a new shot at life tomorrow. In other words: DO. NOT. DESPAIR.
Anyone on kik? love thicc celebs. add 20190416
Goodnight anons, enjoy your day.
who the hell are you?
a homo
Eeeeep! Smooch guinea pigs!!!!
Night Kateanon
suck my feminine peen while I watch markiplier then
fuck ur life nigger but losing tay pics is unacceptable
oooooooooooooooow yes please baby
It's still soft though, cuz of the paranoia of watching markiplier's spoopy clips hahaha
No thanks!
That‘s accurate for basicly every celeb poster.
I know i completely agree