IG/FB 10
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Smoke break, back now
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No can do on the name
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anyone jerking and posting high schoolers?
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About to go to bed so I’ll dump what I can
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the ass was fat
the titties were fat
Attached: 8860567.jpg (1765x1765, 1.41M)
Attached: _46850150 (9).jpg (1080x1080, 111K)
Looking to jerk to high schoolers
bruh if have have discord drop it
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More ex boss? Leaked modeling ?
Attached: 20190727_235929.jpg (1037x1328, 457K)
Rights juicy ass and tits?
Attached: 20190723_012155.jpg (702x1160, 628K)
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oof this would make treating her with respect difficult
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Thoughts on this thot?
Attached: 496CD464-093E-41C6-897C-82CA0F33026A.jpg (600x800, 82K)
Beamerkitten on Snapchat for nudes
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Fuck...any tit shots in the set?
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Fuck..how did you ever look at her at work again
It was hard but I eventually quit and found another job
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Must have been hard not to stare at her tits...
Attached: 20190731_003627.jpg (860x830, 426K)
You must have cum fucking HARD after you found these
Attached: dk1.jpg (2048x1122, 354K)
Oh ya
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What had you wanted to see more, the ass or tits?
MOAR. Any of her in socks?
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I'm sure you spilled plenty of cum to both right?
I'm an ass man so definitely the ass
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Came pretty hard to her tits too I bet
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Yes definitely what do you think? You stroking user?
Attached: Kailey (148).jpg (766x1024, 93K)
hell yeah, amazing body too
Attached: Maddy (91).jpg (480x959, 173K)
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quads wasted on a couple of thots
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Asian girl nudes?
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i'm gonna bust to that ass
The looks you must have given her...
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fuck that's perfect. you couldn't pay me to pull out.
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Attached: Stephanie (90).jpg (640x640, 51K)
i want to spread her cheeks with my hands and slide in
How could you call her boss after you came to her that many times?
I'd fuck the shit out of those tits
Attached: IMG_4940.jpg (1232x1724, 612K)
fuck. i would literally shove my face as deep in those cheeks as I could.
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i want to strip and suck every part of her body. kik?
no kik sorry
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pls continue in new thread
Don't stop man. She got me hard af
Who this?