How is Ben Shapiro so fucking dumb and yet treated like an intellectual?

How is Ben Shapiro so fucking dumb and yet treated like an intellectual?

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they only pay attention to the shit that sticks

His family is rich and connected. Duh.

survival of the fittest pussy.

Because most people are fucking dumb.

hive mind


He has media training and talks really fast.

Fucking hobgoblin who only appears intelligent in a room filled with naive children, reiterating the same fucking talking points since 2015

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But there's no cure for lupus.....

Because his followers are even dumber. They’re teenage boys no one can stand, so they for a bubble and just regurgitate the same easy bullshit over and over and drown critical thought out. Seen it all 20x before. Same shit, different charlitan.

That's the point, you moron. Autoimmune disorders (like many other health problems) aren't analogous with buying furniture from Ikea.


when did Yea Forums become full of pussy liberal faggots who don't understand economics?

if you can't afford it, you can't get it. everything has a price.

and your solution is let the government control all healthcare, when they can't even regulate it properly. the government is the worst solution for everything.

Kek imagine how hard /pol/ would such his dick if he wasnt jewish.

some services shouldn't be private. police, firefighters, military, courts... healthcare is one of those; nobody should not have access for lack of money, and it's in the best interest of the country for it to be paid for by taxes

unless you want to argue the US is stupider and less capable than every other first world country? because they all seem to be able to manage it.

Don't bother arguing with these people, he's probably on Obamacare and doesn't know it. Probably living on food stamps but screeches sOCIaliSm BaD

i definitely argue that the US is stupider and less capable yes. Germany for example has a good system. Germany also doesn't have huge problems with obesity, diabetes, widespread mental health issues, etc. America is a fat stupid cunt and I'm ever going to vote to give more money to a retard congress to pass more laws, destroy several industries, and it won't even be good in the end, just like the roads and the trains and the education system and fema and literally everything besides the military.

The US federal government is a fuckin joke and so are the democrat administrations in the major cities. total corruption everywhere.

They aren't talking about buying a cure, they are talking about buying treatment. Pay attention you fucking moron.

Its retards like you that cant tell the difference between 'handing out free tvs' and doing shit that keeps things running smoothly, like making sure shit isnt allways burning down, homeless drug addicts everywhere and people arnt wasting away from disease.

All those things are more expensive to deal with in the long run if you understood even the simple economic concept of 'investing in the future' youd get that.

>retarded response in 321


It's all over people

since we're (rightfully) unwilling to just let people die in the streets in an emergency, you do understand that it's actually more expensive to refuse all care until someone gets bad enough to show up in the ER right?

so you're saying I'm on food stamps and stupid, and so I don't like socialism. but poor stupid people love socialism. that is a core tenet of their poorness and stupidity.

US policy is the worst in the world at ensuring we have the most amount of homeless drug addicts.

our aggressive prohibition tactics maximize the number of addicts and the harm to 3rd parties that drugs cause

This is why in UK private healthcare is sky rocketing right now. Cause free healthcare sucks basically.

In theory yes I think everyone should get free healthcare. But I think it will be abused because people suck. I make money to help my own family. If you drink/abuse drugs and want free healthcare my answer is no. You a fat fuck who doesnt exercise, then want free healthcase and disablity also go suck a dick.

Its why in Canada/UK they have huge wait times and care is rather not good. If you get a serious illness you go to the US.

Also don't forget almost all major medical breakthroughs all come from the US. I am not saying its good now. Quality its pretty awesome. Cost is insane. I think regulations should be removed completely and let the free market compete.

yes, Obamacare is the foodstamp program.

ffs, fucking idiots you conservatards

Exactly, spend a some money on cleaning them up and thats one less huge expensive problem to deal with later.

>This is why in UK private healthcare is sky rocketing right now. Cause free healthcare sucks basically.
I support allowing private insurance as long as there's a public option

>Its why in Canada/UK they have huge wait times and care is rather not good. If you get a serious illness you go to the US.
If you're rich.
And why is it, despite these wait times you're so paranoid about (and buy into the misrepresentation of those), those countries are better on every single metric of healthcare? they have better health outcomes all around, period. just because some tiny percentage of extremely wealthy people can access some cutting edge care in the US doesn't mean that applies to the general population.
whatever metric you want, we're not the best, despite spending more

>Also don't forget almost all major medical breakthroughs all come from the US. I am not saying its good now. Quality its pretty awesome. Cost is insane. I think regulations should be removed completely and let the free market compete.

Quality is awesome for the top income brackets. Everyone else, not so much.
And cost would still be way too high even if there were less regulations, there's just no way to make healthcare cheap enough for most people to be able to pay when something serious happens

yeah exactly.


Capitalism / Conservatism = competition

Socialism = teamwork

Germans are on a team with each other, so they embrace socialism. Americans are not on a team at all. We are a clusterfuck of mismatched people. And the pro-socialists don't want teamwork - they want to stop losing by ending the game. The capitalists are winners, they want to keep winning and not have to carry the lazy poor stupid socialists.

I say, nature is survival of the fittest.

forced rehab doesn't work. failure is way above 90%

you said foodstamps you dumb motherfucker. typical fucking libtard spouting off shit so ignorant you don't even realize you said it.

cause the joos love lying almost as much as they love shekels.

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Been Shapiro helped me realize suicide is rational, so instead of hoping fo healthcare I'm gonna kill myself, which is kinda an panacea of you think about it

Reasonable points completely understand. Just want to make sure people think its wonderfull in these countries and they have their own problems.

In the end I think we need to go back to healthcare like 30 years ago before all the regulation and let the free market compete for healthcare. If there needs to be a baseline standard healthcare for everyone, there may need to be some limit. Or it will get insanely abused.

since the "socialism" in question is what every first world country besides the US has for their healthcare, and they have better outcomes, you're even more of an idiot than dude who apparently missed half a sentence

Because conservatives think in terms of tribalism. Right and wrong are secondary to whose team is winning.

every other first world country has a mostly homogeneous culture. America does not. America has major issues with inner city violence and drug addiction and mental health disorders that other countries do not. In other countries, one size fits all. In America, it couldn't happen like that.

for anything more than routine checkups and the cheapest drugs, there's just no way any free market system will result in the average person being able to cover the cost. they couldn't 30 years ago and they couldn't now.
you're either living in a fantasy world, or are fine with any reasonable level of healthcare being something for only a small percentage of the population for any health problem worse than a cold.

so would you support universal healthcare that didn't cover mental health and drug addiction? (violence would be a rounding error)

no, you wouldn't, because even if your bullshit was true (it's not), you're not arguing in good faith

Those whom call him an intellectual, are barely functioning themselves.

it was so funny when he actually tried to debate with that real-deal british dude and had a complete meltdown.

Would you two idiots shut up?

The only reason other countries have anything close to adequate health care is because they steal our pharmaceutical patents and make generic drugs.

We're paying for our health care and theirs by footing the bill for all pharmaceutical research.

we shouldn't be subsidizing the planet on drugs anyway.

Well, we need drugs and they steal everything we create and call it their own, so what do you want to do about it?

well it's not stealing, that's the 3rd world, it's just we don't have price limits on sales like government-run healthcare so they charge out the ass for drugs here

we should adopt price controls, and fund more research, and reduce the cost to get FDA approval