I noticed there was no trap thread, so let's change that!
I noticed there was no trap thread, so let's change that!
Other urls found in this thread:
not bad not bad, do you think I can see more of it?
Sure! I've got plenty of oc to post :P
anyone think I have the ass for it?
oops forgot pic
Oh hell yeah. The rest of you needs a lot of work though
I hate that Ruff came back on CB and I missed it. Any highlights?
I remember her. Chatted on disc with her few times and she's the sexiest nicest.
is that actually you?
Yup! I look and feel like shit rn, so I'm using old pics, but I can do one with a timestamp if you want
just your kik would suffice ;)
Delicious tight boipussi
Willoww77 :3
got hole pics?
Need you bouncing on my cock
>It's a Jes goes on a sexy outdoor midnight adventure and gets seen by a neighbor episode
Nice where from?
fuck yes
Pic isn't me, but her name's Ruby. Sweetest fucking gal. Dyed her hair pink recently, but my favorite is Ruby wrapped in christmas
My brother
I was a trap from 17 - 24.
The amount of mental hell it put me through is impossible to stick into this format. From being a famous camwhore to getting convinced that HRT would help my endeavors of being an online slut, to becoming such a sexual object on and offline that I would go on to have two different people try and rape me in my sleep
Being a femboy, a trap, a cuteboy was an attempt at pleasing others - not myself, and in attempting to please others for so long I forgot what it was like to have thoughts of my own.
Staying in doors in a dark basement prettying myself up just so that a stranger on the internet could tell me how much they want to fuck me
What an aspiration!
HRT almost killed me due to a potassium deficiency. I was hospitalized with acute seizures in my arms and legs.
I would do anything to be cute just so that these strangers would like me. Oh how alone I was.
It's a funny thing, starving for Love and attention for so long and then realizing that the only person capable of filling this hole in my heart was myself all along.
Self Love.
pic related, its me pretending to be happy and seeking validation from the internet
More please
Where are you going Jes?
Not Jes, just reposting her pics.
I stalk these threads like a madman looking for Allana so I'm not exactly the one to point this out... but you are absolutely right.
The amount of mentally disturbed, uglier than sin freaks that come crawling out of the woodwork every time this damn thread gets revived is positively staggering.
I know I'm not the ideal femmyboi body type, but fuck it, I know some people are really into the thicc.
And yet, you stay, cause you find some of them hot.
Absolutely into thicc. Moar plz.
speaking of, she's on now
hope things got or get better
Another one
You got terrible taste but aight lol
Nice. Love Vanessa. Favorite cam show she did was when she had a boy over to her house, her parents hate that she's trans, and they fucked in the living room and on the parents bed.
Nice edit
With an ass that good, nah babe my taste is just the way I want it. Also moar ;)
You are cute
Wow gay
Damm you are looking good
Keep em cumming.
Such a bad shop
Man why can't i look like this
holy shit
is this oc
she looks amazing!
That's hot. Shame Ruff wants to cut her dick off tho. It's a waste of good cock.
is that acc a boy
Any traps interested in trading pics?
No gtfo
dicks are like opinions, everyone's got one.
Because you look like you do, and that's a good thing
Using a faceswap app, generic girl
is there any OC?
Sinners here
Aww you're sweet but i would rather be a cute girl like that than the chubby dude i look like now
Yeah but just look at that and tell you don't wanna see her fuck that one guy she brought on CB that got her shut down.
Poop comes from there
based tafy
Not right now it don't.
Fukin polo i want in
Some more Jes.
Super cute
You did fuck it?
Ruff's live on CB.
Jesus christ the darkside of a fetish, listen to this dude, you may learn from the mistakes of others
This cunt looks like it is on drugs, very hot though
Love her feet
I've seen this pic 12 times already post a different one of the same cunt, please
It's probably not even a trans girl lol
dam she got nice titties
Hell yea they are. She can also lactate which is fucking hot.
Hello! Am I allowed here? ^_^
yes princess, thread is yours
You most certainy are, sweetness ;)
hell yes!!! you have discord?
Yes! More and feet please
Thanks for welcoming me!
No discord sadly, just twitter!
lazy summer bum!
:p jk
tell ruff to change bed sheets.
stripes causing Moire to webcam
Show tongue I want to know that your face is somewhat feminine
Ruff looks like it needs a bath
Aaa yum more sexy feet!
what's your twitter?
Are you Lexi by any chance?
I would but she just stopped camming. Think she saw your comment lol.
Hehe I swear I’d take more if I could! Between me and my roommate there have been a lot of health problems blocking me T-T
I don’t have many face pics but I hope this suffices :)
Hehe gotta wait before more feet!
Lexicache :)
Yep! That’s me ^_^
Omg I love your stuff, Lexi. Second I saw your hair I couldn't help but think of your Futaba outfit
I'm satisfied, cute lips
You guys are unusually nice tonight! ^_^ Yeah I feel like I need to take more Futaba pics! They’re more liked than I originally realized hehe
Thank you!
Lactating can be a sign of cancer or something
Or just HRT. Nothing that rare about it.
Omg that pic is great! Any other cosplays?
Cute as button
I think it was the first pic of yours I saw, and it's hard to forget a first impression like that especially when you're dressed as best girl. You definitely put the futa back in Futaba ;)
What does your pp look like? You're cute!
Not at all youtube.com
Just the one >.< I’m really picky on cosplays cause it has to be a game or show I’ve played/seen! I thought about doing Velvet from Tales of Berseria, Aqua from Kingdom Hearts, or Lightning from FFXIII
Thank you
Why not show it?
Goddman, Ruff's smile is adorable, hot, and infectous. And Ruff I know you're lurking bc you said you were when I posting caps of you from your stream tonite. Quality may look ass, but I only post the caps of you that look good.
I just don’t feel comfortable exposing myself, which I know is a weird trait for traps :P but also, I made it this far without showing nudity, why start now? :)
Ewwwwww devin
God what'd I give to cuddle you and slide and massage my bulge with yours, Lexi
Okay, that bulge is hot
I might have to grab a deep fake program off of /t/ and run your bulge through it. That's how bad I wanna see and worship it so much ;)
Bulge rubbing is 100% something I’d have to do with my partner, esp if it’s in like a dominating way
Do you have more bulge or pp pics you can share?
show how far you can pull the skin forward
i normally would say your frame is way too big, but i remembered this one guy was buff af with tats and shit and turned into a size 5 hottie. so i dunno, maybe?
I have more bulge yeah :) People kept asking me for more hehe
her laugh is great also.
Please more bulge pics if you have them, Lexi. Also you got a twitter or pornhub where we can see all your pics that I might've missed?
Idk if this counts as bulge but it’s close and I like it :) and yeah! My twitter is @lexicache and I have videos on there too that I couldn’t post on here cause I use an iphone :P
Is it werid that whenever I see a trans flag I get instantly hard? I've just seen so many hotties get lewd next to them. Such a turn on.
Fat ugly man, not a trap
Not as passing or quality ngl.
How tall are you?
You pass just fine to me. Moar?
slid them legs over here.
5'8ish. Probably amazon size. lol
Omg what's it gonna take to get some snu snu outta you?
Hard to see but I think you look great, especially those thighs
What was your lowest point? What made you realize you didn’t want it?
You're quite kind. Also of that pic is you I love it.^^
You should try letting your natural hair out,and let It grow a bit
Also, you could use some stuff to make your skin smooth and better
I'd give your face, a 4/10, i'm sorry
Thats when you should have realized you're a retard, HRT is the hardcore way to be a trap, you're lucky you could even come back from that
dubs for more of this
Np. I'm saving for facial feminization.
Got any with your hands in your panties, the implications of that kind of pic is super hot
Not my best shot. lol
This is what I’m into. Love it.
Cute butt.
Thanks :) it is me hehe
I do but they’re super crappy quality T-T this is from a video
I’m glad you like it! ^_^
Oh well, still cute though
more tylir
>no cute, clean, girly cd/femboy hung like a horse that is okay with all that being treated like a fetish object stuff the red-pilled user above mentioned.
>anyone in az, valley?
>that was some depressing stuff though
who is she ?
girl you kill me. i lurk every thread waiting for you and its always the same pics and not even any commentary lol
At least your ass is 8/10, thats good enough
not much to talk about tbh, its late here but i like lurking
absolutely not, there is not a single feminine thing about you, please never post in a trap thread again
I’m always afraid of the implication
yeah i can call that a woman
i wanna get to know your illusive self
>I’m always afraid of the implication
I suspect you might say "no", and yet I feel like...you wouldn't dare...
so tight and those programmer panties
top tier tummy
nope im a ghost
Kinda look like Catherine Wayne.
the perfect girl. a self-hating tower
So hot. Want to play with it
fucking killing me
Dumb fucking larper, can’t believe people fall for it still
My queen
cuz you only appear at the night?
that's what happens when you have a bad sleep schedule
self-hating is my middle name
There is a trap thread because this is Yea Forums.
If you don't like to see traps, then don't cum here.
But you did cum here, didn't you?
oddly, I would like for her to spit in my mouth
I would love to eat sin chans asshole. Make my whole week
bro i need to know you
God damn she's so qt. Moar pls
ftm trender detected
who is this chink?
lucky for her i like tomboys too
A CD from twitter.
this is a low tier youngwoozzz
Wow, more
> A CD from twitter
be more especific, retard
Who is this?
A DVD from twitter*
that cute cock shape in the bubbles
thot filterers can fuck off
nice try Jes
Check the filename, retard.
It's in the filename
what is this 12 year old doing here?
thanks, faggot for taking your time? apreciated
I'm gonna marry sin chan. Bless u user
Devin ewwwwwwww
Tits or GTFO!
come back
Haha fat chance. I will be the one making an honest woman of Sin-chan. Race me to the alter. Protip: You can't.
Because it's obviously not her retard
Her plz n thx ?
idgaf i need more pics
Why do I feel like there was one person ever who hated Sin but just for shits and giggles Sin just kept it going like that but it's her posting fake hate replies? Girl knows how to advertise.
It’s not her dipshit, never was
They’re all from her Facebook, I have the same 6 pics he posts saved from years ago. He throws in a vague nude every once in a while and says it’s “her” but doesn’t timestamp
Fuuuck she's God damn cute. I love her. Probably if you live in America bro.
But when she wants something on the side and I come down for businesses ur getting cucked my Yea Forumsrother
womenly figure and face? can't tell if bait or top tier?
looks too fucking ugly in that pic
whats the facebook
thats a pretty fucking ugly dude lol
I use to like traps, but every trans/bending type I know is a huge cunt.
tri-force tat?
trap markings
the bast majority are cunts, only a few are chill
Well then good luck user, because you most certainly need, I look forward to denying you your desire of my future wife Sin once I turn her into a cum drunk nymph he craves nothing but her daddy. May the best man win.
I don’t know, it’s from years ago, I think she made it private because of retarded Yea Forums stalkers
I don't mind. Her latino sass more than makes up for it.
stop messing with Leaf traps and or Washington/Oregon traps.
"teheehee, I'm totally just a feminine boi! give me attention!"
on the forearm? tbh I didn't know what that was many a birth mark or something.
If that's a trap then holy shit someone post more before we 404 in this bitch
Am I having a stroke or what the fuck does this mean?
I mean theyre all batshit insane sjw radical commie feminists who think males are a biological accident.
I’ve never even held hands with a male, but I’d suck your dick
This pic is pretty old. Excuse the shitty filters. lol
if you have low standards, yeah sure
looking good jean
Wish I had my own emoboi cock slave
Too fat chin to even pass.
Gl brother.
She's easily the best trap tbh
Cute af as Jinx, but I this is a cis woman
She defintely on my top ten fav regulars from these threads.
don't post anymore, wait until the next thread.
My pp wants to see how this develops
Very cute cock. Snapchat?
I only have three more pics of her anyhow. I fell out of touch with her while ago and wish I hadn't.
he is probably lurking right now
this looks like a decade old
Ugh why would he even bother? He was a just glorifed placeholder till Ruff came back.
only makes it hotter tbh
Youre not going to want one when you realize that theyre really shitty people.
I have no empathy for trans types. In a better world, itd be well and good for everyone to get along, but the past 5 years of associating with a large trans community has taught me some things:
1. A holier than thou attitude
2. A belief that they are in possession of secret knowledge
3. That you need to treat them like gods, because theyve ascended to the next level.
I still love femmy bois but fuck Id never be friends with those cunts.
New thread:
As a trans girl myself I cannot blame you at all, I refuse to associate with most other trans girls because of just those points.
That is fookin uuuuuuuuuuuguhleeeeeeee
Swap one ugly boy for an even uglier boy
Ahhhh b, never change