Why do democrats want open borders so badly?

Why do democrats want open borders so badly?

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Because they have a lot of money promised to them for destroying this country and watching it burn.

They don't.

The democrats are a pretty moderate/right-of-center party as far as global politics is concerned.

You idiots just need to stop watching Fox News and Info Wars which heightens the drama by saying they're some sort of communist party in order to sell you products and dick pills.

why do they want open borders though?

Hatred for all things white and christian

They don't want open borders. So don't worry, there'll still be concentration camps for brown people.

Why do you keep posting this...it’s tired and you’re not changing anyone’s minds.

That might have been true in the 1990's, but not after 2018, when even Nancy Pelosi is not left enough for a lot of democrats.

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It's not some crazy conspiracy theory, it's capitalism.