There is a girl i like how do i tell i am so shy cant even talk makes me cry

there is a girl i like how do i tell i am so shy cant even talk makes me cry

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So, first of all, just be yourself

beat her

smoke heroin

i don't know and i don't really care

whip out your benis

but my two irl fren say i need to act cool and chill : / but its like wtf how

smack her gotdamn head and show her who's boss

pretend you're in one of those jojo mangas

Can confirm this workes

give up she doesn't like you

Just do it man.
I once had a big crush on a girl in middle school and she was super cute but not the type of 10/10 thots, she was watching anime, playing vydia and overall a nerd with glasses and stuff. Exactly the type of girls I like.
I never told and really regret it.
So just do it there's nothing you can lose either you get a gf or not which sucks for awhile but what can ya do such is life just shoot some Heroin and you'll be fine after a week

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It's a IV drug for ffs sake by smoking or railing you're wasting so fucking much you moron don't talk about things you have no idea about.
smoking ba is like 60% while IV is 100 and hit's in like 10sec

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this newfig blogposting tard makes t*blerum look good lole

based junkie

kek I don't think thats a good thing but whatever lole

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peepee poopoo that's what you sound like

Lole lole again another Yukiiii Sekaiiii fun post gets called out for his shit and this is the best response you have

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Yukiiii!!!! Gasaiiii!!!!

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based and redpilled

I'm not a shy person. I can only guess how to help you, but I do think I have a few things that could help you.
1) realize that doing nothing is worse than being rejected
2)create yourself a signal with your hands or a word to draw strength from. whenever you need to draw courage do the gesture or say the words.
3) give yourself a time limit. give yourself a single second when you think about no consequences. go in as if it's a game or as if it's homework.
4)Look at what is happening from a camera angle, away from yourself, think of it as if you are looking at an anime or a movie, you don't want your anime to look like a weird awkwerd kid, you want it to look like a man full of confidence is approaching the maiden.

Don't forget to both clean yourself up properly and keep a positive mental image of how you look and act.

You have till Saturday
don't fail

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There are 1 bajillion girls on the planet. The chances this is the ONE girl for you are retardedly small.



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worry not
four horsemen

and captain planet!

Yuki Sekai?
More like you are gay guy!!!
