Is time travel possible?

Is time travel possible?

Attached: time-travel.jpg (1000x675, 857K)

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you can slow the aging of your body and travel through time in that your mind less time has past then what has

>time is relative

You are "traveling" through time right now. Ask the correct question - Can you leave the current flow of time and reenter it either in the past or future?
Cue; Paradox!!1! discussion.

only forward time travel is possible

You're always travelling forward in time, second by second

Only forward, also further away from here or around stronger sources of gravity. But we'll still likely never figure it out since we'll either nuke ourselves into oblivion or die from scorched earth. Thanks, global warming.

I don't buy that, space travel is becoming more and more readily available, to the common people man even.
I'd bet that in 15-20 years, space travel will be as mundane as flying on an airplane today.
Not long after that, we'll be designing colonization plans for mars or even other solar systems.

So no, we won't all die from nuclear winter or global warming, just most of us.

Sort of. Time can dialate due to relativistic effects. However it may be possible that the concept of time is an illusion, and what we perceive as going forward in time is an emergency effect if the nature if the chemistry that makes up our biology, and the idea of going back in time may be as meaningless as going north of the North Pole.



only forward, my man. only forward.

we are but 4th dimensional beings passing through the 3rd dimension

According to physics, it's not impossible. There has been no mathematical formula shown/found that says time only goes forward.

We already can travel through time, but on a limited scale (1956-2034).
If you had open eyes, you would see many evidences of that.
Maybe it'll become more obvious next year.

I answered you a week from now.

In reality you can only move forward, though the perceived speed is variable. With language; with records, you have some ability to interact with what you call the past. One day record keeping technology and the ability to access it will peak, and when it does you will be able to visit the past. You will be able to meet someone in a record 15 years in the past, overwriting that record in your mind and theirs; they will remember your face, greet you as an old friend for the first time. One day we will finally escape the fantasy that we call past and present, but not in this place.

First time travel was on the 16 march 1998, the pioneer went back to 1997, 17 august. In 2003, limits were found : 1956, october 18th, and 2034, november 12th.
Dozens of time travels were done, but it seems we're not getting in the past but on a parallel world.
Check your agendas, 2020, April 19th, you shall then see. If I'm not getting killed for talking here, see you there

A fun trick:

Take an old diary and write something new at the beginning. Now, when was the book written? Does it matter? Will the person that finds it know what you did, or assume it to be one straight line through time.

You've just traveled from the present to both the past and the future through one action.

Of course I'm traveling through time right now.

Time is shifting.
Sometimes slower sometimes faster.

I've done it. All you have to do is put your head through a car windshield and BOOM, 2 months pass


Attached: attractor.jpg (2560x1920, 1.39M)

We perceive the movement of time in a certain way, so no, as it stands there is no time travel. But things change...

It's okay to be wrong. Chamon.

We were able to make a rock think
So there's a chance
Maybe we need some mineral that's not found on earth