Why didn't you save her Yea Forumsros?
Why didn't you save her Yea Forumsros?
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whoa is this recent
Whoa. That is quite the pooper.
July 29th 2019
Source: Her Twitter
She should kill herself. She looks like chucky
cause she was doomed from the start like all the other porn whores
Tbh I always found her demonic looking, but this is just.. holy hell, way worse than I ever could’ve imagined
Yeah, it's on her IG too. She's definitely gotten a lot of work done.
>One of the most popular pornstars on the planet
>Thinks she needs a ton of surgery to look good
Fucking women.
I'd still let that chunky monkey smother me to death with that ass, tho
Never had the best face.
But, those tits.
The tits have always made up for it.
saw her other recent pics on her twitter. she did gain some weight but you just picked the worst pic possible. she doesn't look that bad in other pics.
>you picked the most accurate pic possible
sure incel
Dude, she's fat.
Look at the crease behind her left knee.
>her face
>no definition between ass & thigh
Is it even surgery? It seems like a bad haircut mixed with some age and no makeup.
Lose some weight Dillion.
...or is there something with her chin and nose? That straight hair do tho...
Looks like she hit that peak of beauty where it turns to shit. How old is she now?
b. 27th Sept. 1991
They hit the wall fast these sluts.
butter face wow
Her hands look like pigs trotters
Fuck her and her uni boob
3 beers and I'd finish on her
ohh fuck, your a degenerate
I can’t breathe
I could still smash
Anyone got the onlyfan vids and pics from right before she left porn?
She got really fucking thicc and her tits grew like 3 sizes
once you see it
>left porn
Huh? So she’s only doing the strip club tours now?
Those bitches must be so rekt mentally and physically. I can’t imagine how mani Xanax they need a day to keep from killing themselves.
Thom Yorke and Miss Alice might be even closer.
Strip clubs & cam shows
strip clubs arent porn
And she hasent done a cam show since 2015
coke bloat
Her face was always trash, but now she looks like a bloated Blackie Lawless
mIght be a bad pic, here she is from last year:
facebook com everythingisskrt photos a.1267241863297594 1965621200126320 ?type=3&theater
I don't now
The only time she ever turned me on was in one porn video where she was playing a milf.
Holy Moly
I legit thought that was her in the thumbnail
Alice looks nothing like that dude though
Glad I fucked her before she got trailer trash
It's Lexi Belle all over again
I loved her because she looks like Roman Atwood's wife in some of her old videos but this is no bueno
You will figure it our one day
You can't fight time, man.
I've known and fapped to alice since she was 18 8 years ago.
At not point did she ever look like that guy
Lexi only got a fat gut she kept her face
Show me more ruined porn stars, OP
eh give her a break, shes a used up dried up old cunt as it is, half the reason they ruin their bodies with the injections and plastic surgeons is because of spastics like yourself nitpicking them on the internet. not defending this whore but they have the most fragile egos to begin with...hence why they take dick on camera for a living. plus you cant tell me you honestly wouldnt put a finger in there just for nostalgias sake
cause i don't like Seth or his endless stream of referencing things he didn't make.
Def resembles a backpage ad pic
damn. nice
her tit.
Wish me luck, guys!
Fantastic ass, but she has a midget face.