For any straight guys who don’t absolutely hate fags, what would you do if your gay friend told you that you can use him as a cum dump whenever you wanted? NSA and without telling people. Would you think about? Pic related
For any straight guys who don’t absolutely hate fags...
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I did this for my best friend from ages 12-14. He took advantage of the offer two or three times a week.
I used to let this guy blow me
No tiddys tho, so I lost interest
if he's essentially a girl id give it a soft consideration but really probably not
my gf has a gay bestfriend that I`m allowed to do whatever with. It all started when he stayed over one night after we got drunk. they both gave me head and after that it sort of became a regular thing.
My best friend is a fag, and I let him suck me off every now and then.
Started back in high school. It was a god-send back then cause I was horny all the time and didn't have any better outlets for it. So pretty much every weekend I'd go over to his place to hang out, play vidya, smoke weed, and dump a few loads down his throat.
Doesn't happen much now that we're older... basically just when I'm going through a breakup and feeling sexually frustrated lol. Plus he's got a srs boyfriend now, so it's been a while.
He gives great head, but I've got absolutely zero attraction to him, so I usually watch porn while he does his thing. He's never asked me to return the favor or anything... sometimes he'll jerk himself off, but mostly he just seems to be satisfied by sucking dick. I've fucked him up the ass a few times too, but always when I was too drunk to remember much of it.
Would hate fuck both his holes on the regular. Have used a couple fags for this. With CL done, I'm kinda stuck with the ones I have.
>use as a cum dump
If it's not a loving partnership of equals, I'm not interested.
the gay guys i know are either fat bears or gym monsters and i only like femboys and very fem traps so no.
i wouldnt do it, cause im straight and I like vagina
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This is why people hate fags. You can't just be a fag with other fags. You have to try to get straight people to turn into fags, and you deny that a man coming in or on another man is gay. You deny it to others, you deny it to yourself, all you want is more homosex. You're sick. You're a danger to society. You spread aids.
If he got a nice, shaved ass, then yes.
This is why I dislike gay people, especally males, as they feel the need to flaunt it everywhere and tell everyone instead of staying in the closet like they should be doing like any strange/abnormal sexual fetish. Sorry but being gay is abnormal, no matter what anyone trys to tell you, its a mental disorder.
>Sorry but being gay is abnormal, no matter what anyone trys to tell you, its a mental disorder.
lol..and you are a shallow minded retard go chew on your bible while daddy fucks your ass faggot
Everytime I see her I want to break her teeth off with a bat, and then face fuck the bloody hole.
here take my bat..
very edgy
Same here
Do you guys always keep it in the down low? Is there a power dynamic?
Nah. Not interested. Rather have an ugly chick.
Bro it’s a question, all the straight guy has to say is no thank you lol
Depends what he looks like. If he's sissy/trap worthy I'd pound that ass regularly.
>bashes fags
>begs gf to fuck her ass and cries cuz he never gets to
>only watches anal porn
I’m the OP and I can post more photos if you’d like
i had a straight friend that would constantly bitch about his gf
he would let me blow him in his car
he was also very hot
i miss him
How did the convo go that allowed you to suck his dick
What if he’s /fit/
No on asked for that
>32 year old guy has gf and two kids
>says things are "complicated"
>been a couple weeks since hes been laid
>see him on craigslist on the m4m section
>message him
>asks me not to tell gf
>i wouldnt do that since hes a friend
>tell him i can blow him
>he agrees
>give him road head many times
>his cock is fairly large
i could never get him to fuck me tho
All those swear words, is that a picture of you?
No, but I've been in the opposite position, and sucked off plenty of my straight friends when they were single and lonely
Yeah, we keep it behind closed doors. When we were younger he was in the closet... his family is super religious so it would've been bad for him if anyone found out. Nowadays it wouldn't be a huge deal if word got out, just kinda embarrassing for me cause I'd probably have people questioning my sexuality.
We don't really have much of a power dynamic beyond the fact that he's basically just servicing me and I don't really do anything for him in return. If I'm really pent up I sometimes get rough and basically facefuck him, but mostly I just let him do his thing. I think we're both pretty good about not letting the sexual stuff cross into the rest of our friendship.
Let a dude suck my dick once, thought he was sucicidal, it was alright but my dick was way too big for him so it didn't really work that well
I might consider it if it wasnt easy to have sex with ladies
What is this?
How would you like the fag to ask you?
How you like the fag to ask you?
Real talk don't do it unless you're just an absolute Delta chad or something. It could really fuck you up.
I had drunk doggy style sex with one of my best male friends just after highschool.
I don't know what I like or what my preference is any more and its been stressful ever since. I never looked at dudes and felt attraction to them before, but now its like I'm a fucking sex chimera whose attracted to one gender or the other every other week.
How would you like the fag to ask you?
>I had drunk doggy style sex
fucking hot
Any of them take a turn on your ass?
that would be the most action ive ever gotten
I would tell him, "No thanks".
But then I would start thinking that he was only pretending to be my friend because he secretly wants me to fuck him, effectively making our friendship false and, in essence, the friendzone. At that point, I'd start thinking of him as pic related.
Were you the giver or the taker? I think that makes a big difference.
Only one, but it was amazing
I think my friendship with him is really strong, so strong to the point where I’d be fine doing chores and shit for him even if he said “no thanks”. I’d be fine with giving him the keys to my chastity cage. At the very least I just want to be friends with him and not fuck it up my suggesting he use my mouth when he is horny
Yeah, I did this with my uni room mate back in the day. He came out as bi and was thirsty as fuck. I was horny and took advantage of it. If he was ugly, hairy or too manly I probably would have declined. We did it for a couple of years until we finished uni. Would still do it now if I was single.
Even if it was NSA? Like your wife or girlfriend wouldn’t find out?
That isn't a friendship. I'm beginning to suspect you don't know the meaning of the word.
You can be friends with people even if you like them romantically. It’s really not that hard. There’s more than one person for everyone...
My wife and I have a good and active sex life so probably not. It was great when single and going through a drought, but my wife gives good head and does anal, too.
>You can be friends with people even if you like them romantically.
No, you really can't.
I gave. We used a condom too.
He actually isn't even totally gay either. He had a girlfriend at the time (a crazy one) who got him into pegging.
Meant for fuck
You'll grow up one day
Unrequited love is not friendship. You're living in denial. You'd rather pretend to be friends than face rejection.
Stop wasting your time and go get a boyfriend.
used to fuck my faggy little step brother on the reg
not really into guys... but I was a horny teenager, he's "cute" enough that I didn't mind too much, and I didn't have anywhere else to park my dick back then. and he was always happy to take it however I wanted to give it to him, so I pretty much used him as an on-demand cumdump throughout most of our teens. kinda spoiled me a bit caused I got used to having a tight hole to dump my load in without needing a rubber or worrying about pregnancy or anything.
for me, he was basically just a substitute for masturbation. I tried to make that clear to him, but he developed a pretty bad crush on me anyway. led to some drama once I finally got a gf and he got jealous. had a falling out with him for a few years but we eventually patched things up.
nowadays I consider myself mildly bicurious... prefer girls, but cute boys and traps are okay. but he's the only guy I've ever done anything with, and it'll probably stay that way.
god i wish that was me
>At that point, I'd start thinking of him as pic related.
What do you mean by that?
Okay maybe not friendship, but honestly I’d rather be his friend then nothing at all
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