I'm losing the battle, unlike most people here that just want to kill themselves, i've been struggling the past year with trying to get all the suicidal thoughts out of my head, but everything gets darker and I don't see a way out of this fucking depression
I'm losing the battle, unlike most people here that just want to kill themselves...
Just do it already.
A good first step would be to stop coming to Yea Forums.
I highly recommend going to the gym, user. Its a place that has changed my life,
>easy to meet nee friends
>youll feel better mentally and physically when you get fit
>you will be proud of your accomplishments, as you get stronger everyday.
I wish all the best to you, stay strong. God bless.
have you tried medicinal minecraft?
it may sound like a joke but i fucking swear it works.
This is true. I’d be lying if I said I’m happy, but I’m happier since I started working out.
Fuck the gym! That shit gave me an ear infection. Had to have surgery to drain the fluid. Just say No.
Go for a few mile walk. Takes the edge off. Start helping yourself rather than crying on Yea Forums.
i have 5 steps to make you a happier person no matter what when i did these my resting face was actually simileing do want to hear them?
Maybe switch the light bulbs in your room to make it brighter?
Get hobbies that require interaction with people
I'm poor as fuck, but thanks, i'm really looking forward to it user, thank you for stopping by and try to help
Absolutely, why not?
just kill yourself
1. dont stay still go outside as much as posible
2.go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day
3.only use tech for necessary things.
4.set small realistic goals
5.read books or do hobbies when there is nothing to do
Also masturbate less, after a week of non fap your testosterone rises to a normal level and you are likely to be less depressed
yes that is also very true
Get a therapist and stop looking at shitholes like Yea Forums you retard
jesus no wonder you're depressed
Or even better a gf, she doesn't need to be a 9/10 or 11
yeah totally drag yourself into codependence and make her depressed as well
Do you know why your depressed?
Dad took my gay porn away, it cost me $2500
Fuck your dad and make your own gay porn, problem solved
why do you think he took it for fucks sake he got upset I was selling it and not giving him a split and he fucking sued me
his own fucking son
I've lost fucking everything
>i've lost everything
wait a minute
Just clap some cheeks it makes everyone feel better I’ll bet it’ll work