Other urls found in this thread:
Unfortunate that the previous thread reached its image limit before I could reply with an image...
im glad she makes you happy :)
thats good! im glad to hear it
im good, work was alright, and now im just taking it easy
thats okay, i could tell who it was :)
hi! thank you!
yes and yes!
i hope so, too...
no! but my next computer build is planned to have one. then again, my next computer build is also a pipe dream build...
i'm glad to see you, as well!
i'm glad you're doing better, is there anything i can do to help?
i'm alright. chill and normal. nothing big.
hello amigo
hello! youre welcome!
yes and yes!
hope is good! without hope what do we have?
i see! im sure it'll come to fruition.
i heard the top prize for the fortnite tournament was 3 mil. have you considered trying that?
Howdy pardner.
Did that moron just semi-leak his location while laughing at ban just to get banned again few minutes later?
I love this adorable gamer
for Yui
Which are your favourtites? No ¿t counting the OPs and EDs
Were you in a band before?
for Tsugu
Ah do not worry, i still have this week and the next one so I can enjoy them as I want
Why do you want to go to a comiket?
I think she is from Highschool DXD or something....
I would assume you can tell who I was, I just like posting pictures of her.
Good to hear you're not overworking yourself. I hope you enjoy the remaining of your day/evening.
Anything to help?
Outside of keep being yourself and doing what makes you happy, there is not much to help with. Just stay healthy and happy, it's all I want to see.
Good to hear you're okay. Please enjoy the rest of today.
She is. Kind of sad she had to be in an ecchi anime. Almost every image of her I have is in a provocative pose, going against her character.
I love them, no doubt, but I'd also enjoy some images of her behaving the way she does in the show.
Regardless of her being from DxD, I still love her more than everything.
ah, i see! i hope you do enjoy them, quite a lot!
comiket seems cool! merch, all kinds of non-lewd tsugu doujins that will never see the light of the internet, i dunno! it just seems like something that'd be fun.
how about you, where would you go if you could go anywhere?
true enough, i can understand that. i really like posting tsugu too.
thank you, im sure i will, and you yours :)
you are up very early, friend. i hope you can get some more rest
i dont think i'd be able to fall asleep now
maybe a nap later or something..
how're you?
hi! thank you!
yes and yes!
good is good! i don't know... stuff?
i've never played Fortnite and i don't plan on it...
how goes it?
oh man, do i have to choose? i love them all
i was in an orchestra once, for middle school
alright, i'll try. maybe...
i hope i do, too!
hey, Yuu-chan. didn't sleep well?
Yeah I understand that too, my adorable gamer always has some provocative images and, as you said, it does not fit to her personality
What is her name and why do you love her?
Hello there
Who is your waifu?
Thank you!
Ah like those comic cons or anime expos? That sounds cool!
Well I already visited sierra but if I could choose to visit it would be London
Do not worry I love them all too
Did you enjoy that time in the orchestra?
I'm okay. I have a bit of a headache, but it's not too bad. How are you?
heylo friend
how are you tonight?
okay, good!
it wasn't bad, but it wasn't good. neutral
aw, that's a shame. have you drank enough water?
i'm doing alright. chill and a bit bored.
I probably didn't, to be honest. I took something for it and drank some water though, so it should go away. You don't have much to do?
no not really
i think i grinded my teeth in my sleep too, my jaw is sore
how're you
So can any of you articulate what you find so appealing about your waifu.
Ain't night yet for me
Just gotta chill and study this evening
That's admirable. She's cute, user.
I will try.
Sorta maybe perhaps try to, please.
That is quite unfortunate. She appears quite cute.
Her name is Toujou Koneko/Shirone. She is a Nekomata, turned into a Devil. For the better part of the show, I didn't think nothing of her, because her screen time was very little. Much more attention was paid to every other girl and she seemed like she was there as a token loli and nothing more.
Then season 3 of DxD came out, and in the first couple of episodes, her characer got some development. The moment I discovered her inner troubles, the moment they decied to pay more attenton to her and the moment I saw past the stoic expression she always wore ever since the first season, I realized that she was a gentle, kind and cute girl, that has been through rough times. It's also worth mentioning her cat ears made me fall for her even harder.
Her inner troubles were a bit cliché, with her feeling weak and useless, afraid to release her full power as a Yókai. Despite it, I found it incredibly adorable that, albeit strong and independant, inside she was just an average girl that wanted to be cared for and protected.
Let's just say that this clicked with me, for soe reason. To this day, I still love her for who she is and for what makes her, her.
What about you? Who is your waifu?
Okay then
I see then, will you make a band in the future?
She actually cured my depression in hard times and she is so adorable so there
What about you?
you can't expect a tranny to be the most intelligent
The fuck?
Mabey they thought you were advertising for the music you posted?
i see. well i just hope youre getting enough rest
im good, work was alright, and now im just taking it easy
do you know what youre gonna do tonight?
hello! youre welcome!
yes and yes!
it is! i dont know either!
certainly :)
i see. how about the lottery?
comiket is the biggest doujin market in japan, where fan creators can sell their fan works! its huge.
i see! why do you want to go there?
i love my waifu because she is so authentic. it feels like all of her videos are made just for me.
oh, thank you! i think she's very cute as well
i hope it comes with little effort :)
so he's tired of ban evading?
hi there!
Ah it seems that you are a man of culture as well
Her name is Nanami Chiaki, she is the ultimate gamer is Danganronpa, a videogamer
I love her because she is like a model to me, someone you can relate to in the future and someone you can trust with. Her confidence, consideration, intelligence and cuteness made me fall in love with her, besides she cured my depression so I reallly love her
Ah so that happens in Japan, that makes sense!
Well I really wanted to go but, just as you, I do not have enough money to visit it. I realy want to visit Big Ben and some historical places
That is a cute waifu
Free Shiro Poster and Yuji Sakai
oh, alright. i hope it does go away!
not really, no...
aw, that's a shame. i wish i could help
do you need a friend to watch and make sure you don't grind your teeth in your sleep?
i'm alright. chill and a bit bored.
articulate? no
fair enough
i hope you enjoy and maximize chilling and studying.
i will sorta maybe perhaps try to!
i don't know.. i always wanted to make an acapella doo-wop revival group
hi! thank you!
yes and yes!
yes! we can not know together!
nicely (:
i don't know. i hear a lot of them are scams
Seras is very relatable to me, I think it speaks more of me, that I though of her as a much more complex character than she was meant to be. I think it mostly had to do with her depiction from the early 2000s anime, you could tell she was very conflicted with herself, and she was always contemplating the new world she found herself in.
I always felt there was more to her character, that was being implied. It seemed that her comedic, awkward behaviour was a facade over deep uncertainty, resentment, and fear. I think her tragic backstory was eluding to that.
it helps she is English I find the accent comforting because it reminds me of my childhood.
Also I find taller women attractive, I find it uncomfortable towering over people.
yes, twice a year, summer and winter comikets.
i see! i bet its a pretty nice place, that'd be a pretty high choice of mine as well i think. i hope you'll be able to go one day!
hello! youre welcome!
yes and yes!
yes! for sure!
youre too nicely :)
yeah they basically are
hello hello, I love you all
Hey how are you doing?
hello! how are you doing today?
im good! work was alright and now im just taking it easy
how about yourself?
hello tsugu! I am doing my best today. are you well?
Hello cute
Thank you
I mean seriously
U must free the Shiro Poster and get the -s4s- interface
I'm glad we're on the same boat, then.
Thank you, I hope so too!
She sounds like a very nice waifu, user.
I'm glad she had such a positive impact on your life!
Good, that's the spirit!
Just waiting to get paid man shits longggg have to walk to my dealers at midnight. How was work?
Something like Smooth Mcgroove?
Hey those are outstanding taste you have there!
Now I undesrstand your love towards her
Guess I have to save money to go there too
It sure is! I am looking forward to visit it at some moment
Thanks, you are so kind
hello friend
hello spaceship friend! are you well today?
hi! thank you!
yes and yes!
you're too nicelyer (:
yeah! i don't like scams!
woo! i think
hm, i guess...
i was thinking something a lot more traditional.
my inspiration is the doo-wop revival group, "The Roomates"
... if you don't like music from the 60's, you probably won't like them..
Gotta study for a big test, but I'm doing fine
Futaba claimed
hello yui! are you well, friend?
I see. what sort of test is it, friend?
best girl incoming
I'm doing pretty good, how about you?
hello kao! are you well today?
I am doing my best
im glad to hear it!
yes im doing well, taking it easy after a day at work
how are you today?
i see... kinda. sounds like an annoying inconvenience though, im sorry to hear it
work was good. a bit slow but i guess id rather that than get worked to the bone, right?
only if you really want to, of course!
im sure you will some day!
hello! you're welcome!
yes and yes!
you're too niceliest :)
yeah me either, i dont really like gambling at all, but i guess i get the appeal
hi there
i hope so too... sleep just seems difficult at the moment
i'm glad to hear it
not really, hopefully something. i'm not feeling too well
it's okay
i don't think it's an issue i commonly have, i've never really noticed it before at least. and i don't think there's any way to stop it besides being woken up which i wouldn't like i think
well that's not too bad i suppose, glad to hear it
Good to hear
that is good
hello and welcome back and hi!
i'm okay... i guess
best claimer incoming!
hi! thank you!
yes and yes!
you're too niceliester (:
i've always wanted to learn poker, actually. it seems like a fun party game
okay, i hope
well, what if i just stick around and make sure nothing bad happens in your sleep anyway?
yeah, it's alright. i'm glad you're glad
Yes, after the nap I feel better now, thanks for being so considerate with all of us!
Hey I kind of like 60's music!
Do you have something of those to share?
I will, someday when I get a job...but I will make sure to get it to travel with my family!
She is beautiful indeed
That is a cute waifu
I am not sure what you guess means. are you well?
I see
Go back and save shiro
oh, cool!
uhh, well... there's this youtube.com
yeah, i think i am.
i don't browse esfores, friend.
I see
w-well, thats alright, whatever you feel comfortable with.
im glad youre glad :)
i see, im sorry. would you like to talk about something nice?
like that new chapter of bloom into you?
the intro sequence was the most realistic dream ive seen depicted in media. dreams really do feel absurd in that way, but while youre in them things just kind of move along smoothly. i really enjoyed that
how are you today?
yeah, it was a little slow but thats okay, better than the alternative
hello! youre welcome!
yes and yes!
youre too niceliestiest
i dunno, seems like the same kind of deal
i see! thats very kind of you, im sure they'll appreciate that :)
So is yours
i hope i am, too
hi! thank you!
yes and yes!
you're too niceliestester
yeah, but poker is fun because you don't need to actually invest to play it unless you want
how has your day been?
This is my favourite image I have of her, she looks so tired, and fearful. The mask slips
she is the reason I like Hellsing so much, so many characters are overpowered badasses, yet she is vulnerable, emotionally and physically. she can kick ass on her own in the right situation, but it brings her own resentment, and anger out of her which she fears will overtake her.
Her relationehip with Bernadotte, helps her accept her morally gray situation, which allowed her to make peace with her past, and embrace the darker side of herself.
I think it is mirroring the sleeping beauty archetype where a woman, must embrace the more masculine side of herself to bring herself to true consciousness.
Tell me about your waifu?
Particle physics
You do now.
Thank you!
Hey that is a pretty nice song! It kind of bring back some memories
Thank you, you are kind as well!
Why do you love her?
that sounds very scary. I hope that you do well
Pretty good so far, kind a lazy day today
A lot of reasons, but mostly because I can kinda relate to her
Also, sorry if replies are a little slow
hello! youre welcome!
yes and yes!
you're too niceliestestest
i guess thats true, as a fun card game it can be nice, but ive also heard that the difference between playing for money (even very small amounts) and just for fun is huge, it completely changes the feeling of the game
oh, thats very nice of you to say, thank you :)
thats good im glad to hear it. i hope your day remains good and comfy :)
i don't know who Shrio is
yeah! and the cool thing is that the song was made in 2012!
yeah, ditto.
hi! thank you!
yes and yes!
you're too niceliestestester
yes, i figured... well, either way, i guess i can find another way to get my gambling fix...
Ah so you could say it is a bidimensional character or tridimensional character?
By reading what yout typed it seems that she is like a human being
That is something my waifu lacks, that she is too perfect that you cannot find any conflict with Nanami
Ah do not worry, it happens sometimes
Why di you say you relate to her?
You are welcome!
hey, howre you
i hope so too
i'd be alright with that
sorry im not in a more playful mood or something
i could teach you but i think i'd be a bad teacher
im not really sure if i'm comfortable
thank you
sorry im kind of being a downer, right
yea it definitely was pretty accurate. i loved the chapter, was really cute. next chapter should be interesting
I am doing my best
I hope yours is comfy too
Feels good tbh
Well she plays a lot of video games, and she has poor social skills. Those are the two I can think of off the top of my head
i hope so three
i would, too
it's okay, no worries
good things are good
teach me!!!
well, i'm glad. i hope you feel good and/or great
hello! youre welcome!
yes and yes!
you're too niceliestestestest
hmmm... i hear your average AAA video game is a gambling simulator these days, maybe try one of those?
then i hope you can find a way to be less not sure if youre comfortable
you're very welcome :)
its okay to feel down, and if thats what 'being a downer' is then its just fine :)
yeah, it was pretty good. im sure it will be! i hope they get through their embarrassment to enjoy each other's... company :)
thank you, im sure it will be :)
Ah you....!
But it was acctually pretty good, it might like it to other people I know
It kind of reminds me of my waify but anyway, all waifus are queens
Who is your waifu?
good afternoon
how's the weather?
hi! thank you!
yes and yes!
you're too niceliestestestester
yeah, sounds good! did you hear the TF2 economy is in shambles?
it's true!
i'm sure many like myself would like it, at least!
good evening.
humid but i didn't have to go outside too much
hello! youre welcome!
yes and yes!
youre too niceliestestestestest
yes, exactly as i predicted when i first heard about the bug
how are you today?
You too
Well then I am sure they would at least like it!
Why do you love her?
humidity sucks. it seems like it's going to rain soon, maybe tomorrow or tonight, here, too.
hi! thank you!
yes and yes!
you're too niceliestestestestester
i honestly didn't hear about anything until it was already over, which is a shame. i would've loved to exploit it.
hopefully, yes!
are you up to anything fun right now?
Me too trust me.
A character overcoming their flaws makes them admirable
Also its funny that she is a more human character than yours considering she isnt a human.
I think Skyler will be in the inverse situation in the first ark of my graphic novel.
pretty tired..
i didn't get much rest this weekend
she's the best in my eyes
same here
hello! youre welcome!
yes and yes!
you're too niceliestestestestestestest
i heard it from a waifu poster, i cant remember who exactly... sorry to whoever that was.
i would've loved to sell my crates (although im sure i didnt have the right kind)
i see, im sorry to hear that. i hope you can get some rest soon then!
Okay then
How was your day?
I may play Batman Arkham City, I have heard it is really good!
Nice dubs
I know right? That shows more development and drama to them, making them a great character
Pretty good, how about you?
do you enjoy the rain?
hi! thank you!
yes and yes!
you're too niceliestestestesetestestester
yeah! and i would've loved to unbox them!
oh, yeah, i think it is good! i hope you enjoy it a lot!
nice 47!
U want to hear about the character I'm developing?
man hentai is weird
Glad to hear it
Mine is fine, the trip I went was fantastic and right now I am enjoying some vidya
Anything else?
yeah later
i think it's pretty nice.
aquaplaning is a little bit less nice
no, it's already everything
Isako claimed.
How are you all doing tonight?
Cool, glad to hear your trip went well
Forgot image
hello! youre welcome!
yes and yes!
youre too niceliestestestestestestestestest?
fair enough,
i once unboxed two unusuals like three crates apart from each other.
sold one for like $100 in steam bux
dont ask me what it was
i see. have you got anything planned for the meantime?
im doing well, just taking it easy tonight
how about yourself?
glad to hear it
i could be better
i dont know, i dont want it to seem like i'm just not playing along or something.. im not feeling too well, sorry
im not sure if i'd be able to teach you well..
thank you, me too.. i am starting to feel pretty sleepy, but i kind of have something weighing quite heavily on my mind, that's why i don't really think i'd be able to sleep. i did try to go back to sleep earlier but it didnt work, although i guess i didnt try for too long
is it really okay though? im worried
y-yea, company... i hope it's very sweet and wholesome too, i'm sure it will be though
Where is she from?
An anime, manga, vidya?
Pretty fine and comfy
Thank you!
Why do you like Persona?
I am very glad to hear that. I am also well, and having a good night myself. Why? That's a secret. That aside, the humidity is bothering me. Cannot do much about that.
All things are well. I am comfy, too.
I find the game play interesting, and the story is neat, but it can be a little confusing at times. Especially when you look at Persona 2
nothing much.
doing dailies
im sorry to hear all that. i hope you feel better soon. i dont want to blindly throw out platitudes when im not sure what it might be.... i just hope it gets better.
its really okay. please dont feel bad for feeling bad
hehe... yes, very likely. whatever happens, im glad theyve found happiness.
thats great! secret or otherwise, im glad youre doing well :)
ah, yeah thats too bad. i hope you can find a way to be comfy despite it.
i see. dailies? like daily quests in an mmo?
any bets on how long it will take citardnella to figure out who sono is posting now?
cute open mouth
It's me isn't it? I knew I was acting funny.
I have 20 NEET bucks to spare. I say 2 weeks?
Glad to hear it
Who is your waifu and why do you love her?
Ah so it is like Danganronpa
I may try it if I have money
And the anime name is.....
I dont watch anime. Whats a waifu?
mhm but it's a gacha game
akame ga kill
You should. They're pretty good.
oh god. he's taking over claimers bodies now. will his tyranny ever be stopped.
i want to know who sono's boyfriend is
a waifu is your favorite female character from anything
basically sort of i guess
oh i see. well good luck and have fun!
I think to explain her character it is best to know her situation.
So indeed to explain what she is.
The Raven Born are the origins of the old myths of Vampires, and lycanthropes in the setting. They have a physiological need to feed upon creatures with substantial amounts of Chaotic power( which mostly consists of Humans, but other rare creatures are like this as well).
Basically they live their lives at the expense of other people. If they do not feed their mind will force them into a hunger maddened state, that is uncontrollable and extremely violent.
The need to do this begins in early adulthood.
I understand how cliche this is, yet the way I see this affecting the characters and the world is rather unique.
Heh. Yeah. I have no trouble getting comfy, it's just a minor inconvenience.
My waifu is Amasawa Yuko, also known as Isako. She is independent, brave, and would do anything for someone she loves.
no it's alright, thank you.. i'm sorry i'm being vague, i'm just not sure if it's something i want to say or talk about in thread
thank you...
i'm also very glad. seeing them happy together is really great, and i'm glad yuu has realized her feelings and everything worked out well for the both of them. i hope sayaka can find happiness too.. i care about the characters so much ;-;
ask either of them, they won't deny it.
Why awe you angwy user?
I just got thinking. What if citronella was sono all along?
I'm watching you
fiwename wetawd
wait until shitronella hears about this
i do
sometimes it's comfy. sometimes it's not.
well, you just have to go slow!
alright, chill. nothing big
how about yourself?
hi! thank you!
yes and yes!
you're too niceliestestestestestestestestester
whoa, that sounds really cool!
i'm so glad you got $100!!
okay, i won't
you're welcome
it's okay, i understand. i care for your health
well, how bad can it be?
good afternoon
Since you all asked so politely.
It came off less as angry and more of saying Sono is under your nose, but you haven't realized it yet. You should try to be less salty sometimes.
i just think he is cute
thank you
it's less comfy if it's really cold i guess.
he's angry again lol
have fun manually spamming
He's dodging the question.
are you sono's boyfriend?
thank you.. i'll be fine, just need to get over something
well it's not like it's terribly complicated, i just think i'd be terrible at explaining it, because i am really bad at explaining things in general
Fuck off
Who are you. I need to know. Every single time I come onto here I find you. Even if someone is saying absolute gibberish or nonsense, you'll still respond in good faith. I just need to know at least a name, even a fake one. I just want to know you.i just want a friend.
Things are wonderful, thanks
I can appreciate a chill night. It feels nice to be able to take things at your own pace. Hope you appreciate chill too.
well thats good then :)
i hope you have a nice comfy night
you're very welcome! and its something id never ask you to talk about in thread or elsewhere, its okay :)
youre welcome
im glad youre glad. im not quite as invested as you are, but im glad you can enjoy it so much :)
hello! youre welcome!
yes and yes!
youre too niceliestestestestestestestestesterest
it was very lucky
yeah me too, i wasted it on steam games
i wouldnt be able to tell you even if you did
youre very welcome :)
you can call me tsugu-poster if you want, since i post tsugu.
and im always willing to chat with anyone, so if you want to chat here, thats okay with me
imagine being so angry you start manually spamming
shitronella is pathetic.
What does C.O.P.E. stand for?
I'm on to you
Nigger faggot tfu
i see. Why'd you decide to use tsugu? Where do you find all these images of her
because i love her
i find them almost entirely on pixiv or twitter, the ones i post are all from twitter but ive got another... very large number from pixiv.
i dont like to post without an image though, sorry, so any future responses will be done in the new thread