when it OK to RAPE a WOMAN ?
When it OK to RAPE a WOMAN ?
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when isnt it okay
in self defense.
I would say if they were a child molester the child when all grown up should be allowed one rape on that person. Eye for an eye. Just not exactly since I think the originalm victim should get to plan it, you know really think on how they might feel better knowing what they had to go through. Other than that nah no real reason rape would be ok.
When she's breathing.
lmao what
Oh my... that's very low standards you are a scary user...
When it is pretend with her consent.
When the outcome of not raping her is worse.
>rape this woman or I'll C4 this maternity ward.
Lol like they try to rape you so you rape them?
Ey! That's a pretty good answer!
Oh... who the fuck would ever say that... that's the ultimate cuck move. "Look ima kill everyone if you don't fuck that girl while I watch."
That's fucking retarded. Why would I give them that? Sounds like a dream to the molester to me. I'd rather torture them and kill them before raping them
I have a few less than consensual encounters under my belt. Usually on cruise ships. Strangely the easiest place to get away with it.
Because they don't have to have sex with them. They get to rape them. You can be raped with an item such as a chipped baseball bat. Or worse, again that's be up to the person or persons molested.
When you colonize their country.
... well shit I was planning on going on one of those but not now
>The implication
Unless shes asks for it, in which case, it's not rape.
Because of the implications ?
Thursday evening around 530 to 6pm the fit white ones who have jobs have either just got done exercising at the local gym and had already showered, or are on their way home to shower from the gym. They're already exhausted, all they need is a light to mild beating into submission and their ass is yours.
when they're breathing. Otherwise it's just wrong
Pls stare deebly into muh bawls
The time when it becomes ok to rape is when society has broken down enough to necessitate it for the continuation of the species.
Only when she says "no".
Otherwise it isn't rape.
When she is a nigger.
different race then yourself.
Also total breakdown of society and she doesnt behave(that means she acctually does stuff that is bad for your group or the 2 of you, its a very drastic measure but it might be justified)
Ask yourself whether you want to be the kind of person who spends their life making posts like this. With a little work, you could be someone worth being. Right now, you aren't.
Do something else with your life, I stopped being this cringy sort of edgy at fourteen
If the country was invaded by the Chinese or such, I would rape female enemy soldiers.
it's not rape, it's booty.
sauce on the gif pls
when she isn't resisting
when shes got no penis
Damn shun!
It's never OK to rape a woman you faggot, you just thinking about that stuff, cause you're dick is to small. Get a life faggot, look at me I m successful, I have money and a lot of girl to fuck. Why are you a loser?
if you are successful what are you doing here?
kill yourself retard
# just to check up what new faggs thinking, I'm old-school I was here before you guys born..
U guys ever yank scrot?
A properly stretched scrot is winning in life.
Tight ass, loose balls, two keys to seducing EVERY woman. 10 out of 3 necrophiliac women agree, tight butts and saggy scrots make our puppies juice out like angel falls, sprayin' majesticly, bcuz testisticly.
Yeah totaly now go spam the living shit out of the wow forums why the new expansion is shit
Never. End of discussion.