Even the planet knows niggers are useless. That's why ebola exists in Africa.
Even the planet knows niggers are useless. That's why ebola exists in Africa
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Haha you are an asshole. But your aren't wrong.
Seems you are the useless one white boi.
They are not useless, but slightly inferior.
no you are slightly inferior
>They are not useless
We don't need them to pick cotton anymore. What other use do niggers have?
how about you go pick cotton white boi.
Shut the fuck up nigger
Ebola is God's wrath
This thread has attracted the attention of PC Laura.
user, please do not use racist language in your opening post! Even if you have to quote it, make sure to change it to something like 'n word' or 'n****r' before posting.
Thank you!
Keep some of the women ones before the purge. They do provide superior sloppy blow jobs.
I honestly have to ask, why do you do this?
ebola exists in africa because everything comes from africa. thats where life started you stupid cock
The nigger is the cancer of the Earth.
Ebola exists there out of pure happenstance, much like the entire universe, in fact.
dont forget AIDS! AIDS! Kills Niggers Dead
Short answer - bored and nothing else to do.
i fucking hate nigger speech "haha bruh white boi" and whatever faggot noise they'll throw in the mix, fuck that
you shut up white boi
I bet you're an inferior being as well
shit posing on a image board for social crippled fad fucks
how about we keep you for superior sloppy blow jobs
you are cancer white boi
how about aids kills you white boi
i hate your racist speech and whatever noise you throw in the mix
you are a meme white boi
op forgot that aids™ is a prevalent "issue" in africa
>slightly inferior
They evolved for the environment they lived in for thousands of years to be superior in that environment. As did we all. Natural selection works in subjective concepts of fit or unfit, instead of objective concepts like superior and inferior
>bashes every single other race
>is a literal play toy to the jews of the world
>we iz superior
>why power
Sounds about white
You Are All of AbbA nothing you do can keep you from love you Are safe you Are you have fun the laughter is the holy spirit you Are All so beautiful i love you