Rate my cock?
Rate my cock?
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Solid 8
Rate mine
I'll give it a 30% on the moist meter. Hand position to simulate girth let you down.
Nice length but too curved. I don't want to feel like you're scooping the shit from the corners of my rectum with your cock. 25% on the moist meter.
Rate: yum
Toothbrush for scale
make sure you jam that brush a couple more inches into your base
Average length, average thickness. Head is too pink and it looks cut. 35% on the moist meter.
Good thickness, horrible curve. see 30% on the moist meter.
Too thick. Anal will be difficult. Not enough length and has a tiny head.
45% on the moist meter.
It's the same penis, dumb fuck
Rate mine?
Thanks for clarifying. Angles are not your forte so stay away from taking pictures in the future. Your rating has been reduced to a 15% on the moist meter.
mmmm... now that's a cock! Lovely colour, perfect length, perfect thickness. Looks inviting for the mouth.
97% on the moist meter. 1% off for the hairy nipples, 1% off for the wolverine beard and another 1% for the dab of mayo in between your fingers.
It doesn't matter. Your retarded ratings don't hold up, fatass.
They hold up better than your wonky cock. 10% on the moist meter.
105% for the low key Hitler salute.
I think the diabetes is starting to affect your eyesight.
Good size. Decent length and good thickness. Head is completely shrouded by the foreskin so bonus points for the extra cheese although you let yourself down with the creeping shaft hair and awkward thumb whilst you pin press your penis.
37.5% on the moist meter.
Third legs do not count. 0% on the moist meter.
Keep eating you bloated cow
You seem to think I'm fat. Is that because you used to be until you roid raged? Still carrying that mental baggage?
1.2% on the moist meter. A 0.1% boost for pity.
cone tip will feel like you're spearing my rectum. 64% on the moist meter.
Ease up on the grip. I don't think Andy is impressed so I'm not either.
1.3% on the moist meter. 0.1% boost over salty roidy above.
ever do tributes?
No, it's because you're clearly an obese, british slampig. 100% on the autism meter. Blimey!
your pubes literally cover both sides of the shaft and you need to vacuum your carpet.
42% on the moist meter for the cuteness alone.
playing cock hero
Stroking is nice but minus points for not leaving the black spot of dirt on your head.
33% on the moist meter
I use KY Touch water based warming lube
Getting this irate over an user clearly having a laugh on a dick rate thread. You need to sort your life out you fucking loser.
Tits or gtfo. I'm sure no one here wants to make you moist
Foreskin looks like an old witches finger.
76% on the moist meter. Would attempt to inflate it like a balloon.
Projecting won't compensate for your ugly cock.
0.7% on the COPE meter.
Another angle
Not my fault your tubby ass can't tell what it's looking at. Nice samefag btw. Confirmed ham planet. Maybe you should stop having a laugh and have another bite to eat. You're not you when you're hungry!
Over 9000% on the lard meter.
26% on the moist meter. 0.1% boost for having your right side ballbag stick to your inner thigh.
Post your disgusting body so we can finally see the mouth-breathing elephant in the room.
Not me you dunderhead but I'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks you need to cope.
1.1% on the moist meter. 0.1% boost for desperately trying to redeem your broken feelings over your shit dick. 0.1% extra boost for that absolute cringe you provided.
Why are you squeezing some other niggers dick?
28% on the moist meter.
Post your pics you pimpled mound of fat. Fucking tubby coward.
Would choke on.
I said third legs don't count. 0% on the moist meter.
lol you came here lookin for compliments on your cock but all you got was user make an idiot out of you.
An hero in shame faggot
0.1 on the moist meter. Minus points for actually calling someone a coward over the internet and the salt that is so strong that your cum would give me sodium poisoning.
Notice how my dick has the highest, unironic "rating" since I posted? LOL I already got my compliment, shithead. I'm just enjoying calling out a fat retard when I come across one.
I wouldn't be able to get hard for you, fatty.
I'll give that a Bart Simpson out of yellow on the moist meter.
more cum
10/10, would suck
what a beast! shame its cut
Are you actually dumb? clearly everyone's rating is ironic you soiboi. Your salt is clearly showing user.
damn thats kind thank you have another
Not sure if that's good or bad lmao
Fuck off, shrimp dick.
90% on the moist meter to anger the salty boy
thanks! i think??
46% on the most meter for the length but you lost points for also trying to simulate girth as user above. You can't fool me yo.
tits or gtfo
100% on the moist meter. The one and only unironic rating. Would bounce on my boys dick.
You're welcome
You lie. I know all the tricks in the book. like i said, you can't fool me yo.
Thanks user
-0.1% on the moist meter for actually thinking you've called me out and got the upper hand over me.
You're losing dude but I get it. Your penis is your pride and joy. Such a shame it's shit though but that's not your fault! There's nothing you can do about it :')
Posted a dif image than I though, lmao, this one was actually the first one I ever posted, shortly after turning 18 a few months back
67% on the moist meter. Minus points for the botched shave job. Did you slip in the shower or something?
Fine, now that I've finally hit below 0% I'll have to retreat. You win for now, fatty.
Jfc whats with these 2 autist.
Bart Simpson confuses me
Those are some ugly undies
just being honest user, it´s a very pretty cock, shape, thickness, length, aesthetics, just like a dick should be.
Not a size queen.
Yea I tossed them around that time, they fell apart after a while
looks kinda nasty
78% on the moist meter. Those angles can't hide the small cuteness user.
89% on the moist meter. Front view not good, side view redeemed.
Salty smol boi
0.1% on the moist meter. a 0.1% boost for taking a false sense of moral highground in a losing argument and 0.1% boost for finally gtfo
-0.1% for not posting your tits when requested. You should be banned from this site.
Eat my ass you fat cunt
Rate mine
Thanks, I'll work on the front view just for you~
Homer Simpson out of yellow on the moist meter. A boost in points for the better angle and extra points for the bit of tape stuck to the end. Would rip off with my arse cheeks.
Kinda hard to post tits when I'm a guy...
was somebody moist in here
Is my dick good enough?
-100% on the moist meter for getting excited over your own trips like it actually means something.
You really are a sad fuck user.
Yeah, you're fat. Post your fucking tits you smelly twat.
LOL I'm goofing off on here before work. Go hang yourself.
it's a nice dick but you're fat and that's a huge turn off
51% on the moist meter. Lost points for missing head.
I'll give that carrot a 101% on the moist meter.
29% on the moist meter. Pencil peen.
Try posting something from this decade/10
84% on the moist meter for the cute turtle neck sweater looking foreskin. It looks so warm and snug.
"Hey guys guess what, I was on Yea Forums earlier today before work and I got roasted by some guy about my penis and I just couldn't hide my salt and let it go. I sure showed him lol!"
9% on the moist meter. Blurry doesn't hide the cuteness and minus points for feet.
Rate it
Yeah I’m fat. But I’ve also lost 20 pounds so far.
Poor didums. It's okay user, no one at work will know why you're so depressed and salty today.
47% on the moist meter. Baseball bat with a tiny head.
not even the guy you were replying to. get some help
76% on the moist meter. Bonus points for losing that weight user. Go you :)
Your circumcision scar is startlingly deep, 2/10
Well then no one at work will know why you're so depressed and salty too either user.
R8 me
>arse cheeks
fucking muslim, gtfo
63% on the moist meter for the penis bindy spot on your pelvis
Rate me
Mudslimes don't have arses or penis's to rate I'm afraid.
No rating on the moist meter for not pressing your penis against the mirror. I am ashamed user.
ugly and disproportionally thick
dont u guys have sites of ur own? why do foreigners still rely on us
ITT: guys get salty at user for not rating their dicks seriously in a dick r8 bread on an autism board.
U killing me man
Haha what do you mean bindy spot?
Do you not have oil of your own? why do foreigners still rely on us?
How about this one
I rate this a banana on the moist meter.
Rate this uk dick
Reply with male or female when rating
This is a dick rate thread. No vegana's allowed!
73% on the moist meter for the pencil peen. Would glide through my nostrils just perfect.
34% on the moist meter. Vitiligo hand.
Any self sucking faggots
-0.1% on the moist meter for the ugly furniture.
Regular freckles my g..
Not the best shot but
You keep telling yourself that user.
i wanna post dick pic but i dont have a phone and no camera. I tried once to take a dick pic but it was with my moms fone and she found it...
Fuck my gf/10
@.@ really hung are we
Did you fuck her
73% on the moist meter for the angle making your left leg look like a pin compared to your right
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Damn you choking that chicken