Would anyone ever fall for this? Do you think they actually make money?
Would anyone ever fall for this? Do you think they actually make money?
of course they do, some poor old husband and good father sent his dick, because he got super turned on that after 25 years "chicks still dig him" and then some slut blackmails him and says something about his wife.
sad tbqh. No wonder male suicide rates are so high.
yes and hell yes
Yes when you're a retard and take full body pictures.
>dick pic
>"I'll make it viral"
unless it is Chris Hemsworth's dick, it ain't going fucking viral, bitch
yeah, blame poor old dude who had his last handjob during Bush's presidency that he got horny
it's not justified and it's not smart, but it takes little empathy to understand why someone will go nuts for such obvious scam
>threatening free publicity of your cock that you want more people to see
Bush senior or junior?
Who is this referring to?