Would you eat 50 hamburgers in one day for one million dollars

would you eat 50 hamburgers in one day for one million dollars.

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make it 60 and we'll talk

Maybe that one, but How are you supposed to eat more than 1 or 2 after you start feeling full?

Depends what type of hamburgers are we talking about and who's making it. Regardless, I will still do it


I'd fuckin try.

Man's gotta eat

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If I'm allowed to throw up then yes. Otherwise I would fail because my body stomach is probably physically incapable of keeping 50 hamburgers at once

2burgs an hour, grow a set

I’d never pay 20.000$ for a Hamburger!

I can't imagine how gluttonous you'd have to be to pull this off. But I would try.

i'd fuck my mother in the eye socket for a million usd

You're a retarded europoor who can't even put the dollar symbol on the correct side, so no one gives a fuck what you think, bitch.

I would eat 50 hamburgers in one Day for the price of 50 Hamburgers

I think 50 in a 24 hour period is doable, although would depend on the burgers size/contents. If it's like a wimpy little basic McD's hamburger with nothing on it, no problem. But if it's some Red Robin deluxe half pound thing, then going to be a struggle.

that's still 20 dollars no matter how many zeros you put after the decimal btw

American here. Make it 100 so im not starving that day.

Allah willing

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that would be 48 fucking faggot

never change, Yea Forums

double or nothing

Kill yourself and your family you fucking newfag reddit queer-ass nigger bitch mother fucker.

just getting warmed up

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So unfair that young and healthy people get cancer because of life's randomness and these obese fuck get to live for decades

I think I could do it.

Are you still technically eating pancakes at this point

I would definitely try it. 50 in one day is a lot though


in a day? Sure

1000000 burgers for a 50$/day

lol i want to do that for free already

I'd do it for free

I'll do anything for money

I wouldn't wear a funny hat for a 100, or dance around in the streets for 1000, but I would def try to eat them burgers for the chance of one flippin million dollars!

Burger in OP pic might be a little tough. 50 of McDonald's smallest burgers I would crush for fun.

For 1 million dollars?

I'd stuff 50 hamburgers up my ass


By not being a little bitch.

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I don't think you are from America
Or smoke weeds

given the size of most Americans today probably not even that hard

Not sure if I could eat another 50 burgers a day, but I'l give it a go.

What’s a hamburger

I’d try, that’s for certain.

Then eat them

The hamburger, a ground meat patty between two slices of bread, was first created in America in 1900 by Louis Lassen, a Danish immigrant, owner of Louis' Lunch in New Haven.

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Spot the dickhead that can't do basic maths

we're not even close to the highscore anymore


No, because I'm a pansexual aromantic polygender vegan and my parents are rich.

I would do literally anything for a million dollars. It's a million fucking dollars.

By girlfriend just bought me back a Burger King as I’m typing this haha


Eat 2 burgers every hour