

Attached: 7.jpg (1000x900, 450K)

anime nigger


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Attached: pepo.jpg (320x320, 10K)

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Hello ms Akari
Its good ro see you again

Attached: 4L_gg2g4wfZ.png (261x329, 58K)

Good thread

Attached: Seven.jpg (711x989, 123K)

Ms Akari threads are always good

Attached: Konata5.jpg (728x697, 89K)

hello user
hey nice number

Attached: 7.jpg (752x1062, 153K)

Good things are good. Where you been?
Off by one.
Thanks but I never seem to roll it

Attached: 46902373_p0.png (1200x900, 200K)

will you play this game with us?

Attached: 42.jpg (2070x2939, 463K)

I been in sleep state
i have the boredom

Attached: Konata27.gif (500x281, 932K)


Attached: 35675.gif (200x200, 61K)

Ms akari*

Attached: Konata4.jpg (400x400, 29K)

do you want to play hunger games with me?

Attached: 200.png (682x1101, 553K)

I dont have premiun minecrafr
Sorry ms akari

Attached: Konata37.jpg (224x224, 9K)

i mean here

Attached: 211.png (800x520, 283K)

Yes, im Kileer Queen

I forget to put konata pic sorry

Attached: Konata10.jpg (243x208, 13K)


Attached: 232.png (860x884, 474K)

Attached: 306.jpg (623x528, 37K)

I'm in too
Hmm what do you do for fun?

Attached: doremy_sweet_touhou_drawn_by_kuroki_horse__92af671403f9ba4a01cef15c209d4bd5.png (1240x1754, 966K)

Haha, sushi Akari

Attached: Konata33.gif (500x255, 230K)

hi in too
haha, cute poster

Attached: 168.jpg (1024x1154, 219K)

Watch movies, anime, gampleys and be pro gamer

Attached: Konata24.gif (480x270, 103K)

dint expect to find your here, good luck with your daughter

Kids don't make dad jokes.
Can you show me a pro gamer move?

Attached: 1520132694326.png (975x972, 1.09M)

adults dont play silly games of chance on Mongolian basket weaving forums

Attached: 241.png (1280x720, 767K)

I dont hav daughter, youre probably thinking of someone else

Ms akari alredy maked the pro gamer move

Attached: Konata15.png (256x199, 61K)