Rave/festival slut thread

Rave/festival slut thread

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Dude, that is the second grossest group of girls out there at this time. The only lower-ranked type of girl out there is this:


EDM and Hip-Hop WOMEN are the worst. Remember, they are only "girls" under 18. Anything other than that and they are FULL GROWN WOMEN. Bunch of diseased whores is what they are.

When a woman is willing to use a porta-potty at an EDM "festival" or a bathroom at a Music Arena playing Lil Wayne or Cardi B, that right there tells you that their standards for hygiene are piss-poor. Literally. Audrey Hepburn and the likes of her wouldn't be caught dead in these whore's natural habitat.

Both EDM and Hip-Hop are top of the Charts...because it is the most popular. And a Pyramid is widest at the bottom.

This isn't the 90's anymore, faggot. EDM "chicks" are no longer juveniles rolling on ecstasy and hoping for a glamorous life. They are STD ridden women who over-use pigtails, make-up, the word "cool" or "awesome" and who have the intellectual capacity of a mentally retarded 15 year old while also being willing to be face-fucked and slapped after infecting you with your favorite brand of STD.

Quit fishing these low-lives. All the cool-kids stopped listening to EDM and going to rave DECADES ago. These are FULLY GROWN ADULTS living out juvenile fantasies while rejoicing in their mental retardation and associating themselves with sex, shit, condoms, piss, STDs, and sprinkling "cool" and "awesome" all over that. There's very little exaggeration here. You've been warned. Faggot.

She did DP for a fact

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While I can't speak for raves, EDM folks are definitely still like they were in the 90's, just a lot less ecstasy. Recently went to an EDM concert and there was a group of people rolling on Molly tho.

you seem sane

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holy shit what a slut.
do you think she justifies this type of behavior under the guise of "personal freedom" or some bullshit?

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This is really hot

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It says on her ass she’s only had 12 cocks tho not bad

at a time! that tattoo commemorates how many d's at once.

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More right?

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dont have

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obviously the slut is wearing purple

Anything that shows off her body?

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EDM festivals etc -is that where one can catch ED and other STDs? If so, best avoid.

more of her?

Wow excellent legs

Damn I'd kill to sniff some of that hot, sweaty, after-festival snatch

more pls

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>catch ED
Yes. Because erectile dysfunction is highly communicable and you can catch it from a woman.

i want to dress up like a festival slut at an outdoor music fest -_-

Real cutie. Does she have revealing outfits?

damn... they dummy thicc

not really

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music fests are fun. I’ve gone to a few with my gf and it always amazes me how slutty some of the women dress- wearing full on lingerie & shit, ass and/or titties hanging out, nothing but mesh on for a top. A lot of nip. and all this for a festival where they’re playing fucking indie rock and pop. blows my mind. my gf goes for the music so I’ll usually just tag along for the sight seeing

Found the incel.

spotted the faggot

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best rave slut ever!

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Hot as fuck for sure

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dykes trigger me so bad

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Which one do you guys think sucked the most cock that night?

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More ass

nice tight bitch. too bad she's probably crawling with diseases.

I just wanna know how sticky those things are to be doing whatever weirdo dance they do and stay on.. like a sticky trap for a mouse or what


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Serious question, as someone whos never been to a rave, how easy are rave girls? Ive heard that theyr sluts and whatnot but are they really dtf or is that just a stereotype

big truth but you need to give them the drugs to like you


This... I hit up a couple raves a year, but literally each time I make sure to bring my bud. If a rave girl even sees you sparking up and she doesn't currently have her own weed, she will come over and be as easy as she needs to be with you to supply her over the next couple days (or however long the event is).

I've gotten laid due to my weed so many times. Also been involved in one threesome because of it.

Getting girls is so much harder being a solo guy at a rave with no drugs.. They'll just ignore you or stick with their clicks unless they're already fucked up.

good old shaela

op if you know them i got some pics you might like..

Is there more of this??

Lets see them

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you know her or just seen them here?

I know them

guessing you got the nsfw then? or amys topless?

No nudes sadly

any other btown nudes? i got some of them

no sorry. i would like to see what you have though

she’s like 2 generations from evolving into an ocean going mammal

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i second this

borderline innocent

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I got this bitch from hamilton tho

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Jesus.. what a disappointing thread.

Do girls at parties (festivals lol) really look this shit nowadays?

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Cool story

you mean her?

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yeah she's been posted a good amount already

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got a kik?

Seriously. Like, put your giant fat ass away, retard.


nope, you in the vola?


yet she still wouldn't sleep with you, weird stuff

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I'm not an incel, nor am I cynical towards women, but gee am I glad rave sluts have a high kidnapping rate. Mum and dad pay for her college tuition and this is how she repays them.

Enjoy bros

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