HEY ANONS, i need ways of killing myself without much pain. Please helpe me!

HEY ANONS, i need ways of killing myself without much pain. Please helpe me!

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Use my cock

jump from the top of a tower

drink shitload of alochol (its yummy no pain, pick your fav)
Shoot a GIANT dose of heroin (you know how to fix it)
practice with small doses first so you hit it right in the end. you might end up getting addicted and decide to keep living tho

Who is that girl and why am i in love

If you're not committed enough to take the pain, you're not committed enough to kill yourself.

me again.
that's how i would do it

Because you're attracted to mental illness. It's fine. I am too.

if you cant get your hands on cocain you can use ibuprofen, mash it and mix it into the last glass. use about 1 whole pack (50-100 pills)

Send nudes first

Not being mean but run out in traffic going 55mph or higher. You won’t feel shit, be over in a blink of a eye. I would just feel bad for the poor sucker that hit you might fuck there mind up

Dont kill yourself, some days I'm like maybe I will. I have multiple reasons to, but dont. Think about all the people that will look at the open casket and wonder what a young soul taken too soon, dont over think. Dont tempt yourself to doing harm.

FFS just take an ounce of lead to the brainstem if you're worried about pain

Few grams of KCN mixed in with a glass of water.

Alternatively, travel to South America for an Ayahuasca experience and return renewed with a fantastical experience, and a renewed life.


It would fuck up your liver and cocaine would lead to a heart attack which would be terryfing for a moment full of fear. Opiates are removing anxiety and all the physical pain. You would just simply fall asleep forever. with alochol you will be able to take this decision easier without overthinking it

post nudes before you off yourself

its the easier way, since in most countries cocain and other opiates are hard to get a hold off

Doubt this is you... but her life is over. Might as well be a NEET whore for guys who like garbage.

SWIM have heard about bitcoins and darknet


holy hell, i really need help. I dont know what to do, im suffering, got no money, mom is a whore, rest of the family dint care, manlet, dicklet. nobody helps knowing im suffering.

i need to die but without much pain, cain i die drinking alcohol?

After you post some nudes of your mom and maybe you .

i am male, isnt me in the pic.

Dont you love this? Why get rid of it?

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Still want nudes of your mom
Or a normal pic

ig g.rshmn.tattoo

>Anonymous 07/29/1 because i never had it all
